Chapter fifteen

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Someone's Pov

"How was it?."-I asked him before drinking a wine.

"I already convince her."-He answered while leaning into the sofa.

"That's good.I hope that this would become successful."

"I'm certain of it."-he smiled and raise the glass of wine. "Cheers."-he said and we cheered.

This is for your own good.

I mumbled and drink the glass of wine.


Irene's Pov

"You!!?/You!!?."-we shouted in chorus.

"I'll be leaving."-before we could react,Daniel oppa smiled evily after closing the door.

' what was that smile mean?.'

Both Seulgi and I are really clueless right now.I'm so damn stupid! Why I didn't realize it from the first place?? She's Kang Seulgi,she's KANG.

"You're my tutor?."-I look at her when she ask that stupid question.Why did she keep on asking such an obvious questions?

"Isn't it obvious?."-I arched my eyebrows and crossed my arms while looking at her.

She lay on her bed and stare at me.

"Isn't it Destiny?."-she said emphasizing the word 'destiny' and wink at me and Ghawd! she's cute when she did that. Wait...what?

"Destiny my foot."-I said and rolled my eyes.I went straight into her study table and pull out the swivel chair and sat comfortably.
"I don't want to waste so much time...can we start now?."-I ask her,but when I turn my gaze on her bed.She's not there anymore.

Where is she? I didn't even realize that she got up from her bed.

"Seulgi?."-I called her name but no response.I got up from my sit and walk towards her bed.I know this sounds funny but...I kneeled down and look under her bed.Maybe,she's just playing on me.


Seulgi's Pov

I saw how her cheeks blush when she realized what I've just said.

"Destiny my foot."-I wanted to laugh by her statement but I decided not to.She turn her back on me and walk through to my study table and pull out the swivel chair and sit comfortably.Wow,feel at home.

An evil smile formed in my lips when an idea popped up in my head.Let's see if you'll survive.

I slowly got up from my bed trying not to make a single  noise...

"I don't want to waste so much time...can we start now?."-I heard her say that.She turn to face my bed where I was before.

"Seulgi?."-she called my name and got up from her sit.She walk straightly into the bed. I covered my mouth to avoid from laughing.She kneeled down and look under my bed...


"Peek a boo!!."

"Aaaahhh!!!."-she shouted while holding her chest.

"Hahahahahahaha...."-I get out under my bed while laughing so hard...Her face was so priceless.

Gosh!!! I kenat (cannot).

"Damn you Kang Seulgiiiii!!!!!."-pfft..I almost cried laughing.Damn! My stomach hurts from laughing so hard.

"Pfft..bwahahahahaha."-I laugh while holding my tummy.Tears was now visible from my eyes.

"Gosh! Why did you do that!?."-She ask while glaring at me.I can't still move on from her reaction.

"I...pfft...I'm...hahaha...s-sorry.Gosh,my stomach!."-I said between laugh.

"Can you please shut up!?."-she looks like she wanted to scold me.She put her hands in her waist side by side.

Joohyun ahjumma.Hahaha.

"Ok,sorry."-I zippered my mouth and tried not to laugh,but when I remembered her epic face.Damn! Bwahahaha...

"I will let you slide this time Kang,but I will stop as soon as I can't handle you anymore."-she said while pointing at me.That's good then.


Irene's Pov

I almost died because of what she did,but I will let her slide this time.I saw her smile and nodded.

"Kol."-she answered and I just rolled my eyes.I went to her bookshelf and look for a chemistry book.She has a lot of book in her room but I think she didn't touch any of it.

"You have a lot of books.Why don't you read some of them?."-I ask facing her.She frowned and answer.

"I'm not fond of books...girls maybe?."

' I'm not fond of books...girls maybe?.'- what she answered echoed in my ears.What the hell?

Womanizer Kang Seulgi!

"Tsk!."-that's what all I can say and continued looking for a book.

She excused herself and I just let her.

One of her book caught my attention.I pick it up and open the pages.A falling object drop beside my feet.I kneeled down to pick it up and I notice that it was

I look at the photo that was taken...I think this taken a long time ago.This photo look so old already.

There was a two kids holding each others hand while facing each other but their back was facing the camera.I can't take a proper look into their faces because it was just a side view pic.

I quickly put it inside my pocket when I heard the opening of the door.I saw Seulgi entered holding a two cans of pringles and sit beside her bed.

She look at me and said...

"Sorry I can't share it with you,It's my favorite.If you want something to eat....."-she paused for a while and smiled..."you can go home."-I walk towards her and gave her a smack in her head.

"Aww,what was that for!?."-she asked glaring at me while rubbing her head.

"I'm not hungry!.Tss."-I answered before picking up my things and walk through the door.I left her and closed the door madly making a loud sound.

"Where are you going!!??."-I heard her shouting from the inside but I didn't bothered to answer...


Seulgi's Pov

After I excused myself,I ran downstairs and pick up my pringles inside the fridge.After that,I went back upstairs.I open the door of my room and I saw her putting something in her pocket,but I just shrugged it off.
I sat beside my bed and look at her.

"Sorry I can't share it with you,It's my favorite.If you want something to eat...."-I paused for a while and smiled..."you can go home."-after I said that,she walk towards my direction and gave me a smack in my head.

What the f*ck!?

"Aww,what was that for!?."-I asked glaring at her while rubbing my head.

"I'm not hungry!.tss."-she answered and pick up her things before leaving me.I heard a loud bang of a door...hahaha she's cute when she's mad.

"Where are you going!!??."-I shouted but no response.I quickly open the door and smiled.

"Baechu,you left something."-she raise her right eyebrow giving me a what-was-that look.

I acted like I was picking something in my pocket.

"This."-I gave her a finger heart and I saw how her face became red."hahaha,kidding.You can go now."-I teased and close the door while laughing.

"Yah!Kang Seulgiiiiiiii !!!!.

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