Chapter twenty-three

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Third person's Pov

After Wendy and Seulgi bid their goodbyes,Seulgi stepped inside their mansion being assisted by their buttler.When Seulgi was already in their living room,She didn't notice her brother busy typing on his laptop which made her startled when he speak.

"What time is it already?."

"It's time for you to look at the wall clock hanging on the wall."-Seulgi answered and headed her way straightly to their dining area looking for something to eat.

Her brother followed her and stared at her intensely crossing his arms.

"Your Lecturers was looking for you the whole time.You were absent...Where the hell did you go Kang Seulgi!?."-Seulgi rolled her eyes after closing the fridge holding a can of pringles and a coke in can.

"My headache strikes again.I was in the library and I fell asleep."-She lied.

Kang Daniel's mad face turn into a worried one which made Seulgi smirk.

Gottcha! - Seulgi cheered from inside.Its not that hard to convince her brother tho.

"Wait,did you drink your meds already? Have you eaten? How are you feeling now? Are you---."-Kang Daniel was cut off when Seulgi turn her back against him and  walk upstairs.

"Yah! Kang Seulgi! Answer me!."-She just raised her hand and continued walking into her room.

She open the drawer beside her study table and pick up the necklace inside the box.She stared at it and smiled.

"I hope to recognize you someday."-it was the same necklace as Bae Joohyun has.

Maybe she's still alive.I hope so...As long as you're still alive,I won't love anybody else aside from you.

A sad smile formed in Seulgi's lips and a tears escape from her eyes.

Someone's Pov

"Boss,I haven't seen the two of them today."-I death glared at him and gritted my teeth in anger.

"Damn you! I told you to keep an eye on them! Do your job properly...Bring them  to me as soon as possible do you understand!?."- I shouted at him which made him bow his head afraid of making eyecontact with me.

*Sound of a broken glass*

"Get the hell out if you don't want to be killed."-I calm myself but I just couldn't.

He exited the room after bowing his head.

I want her in my life.I badly need her!!!!

You will soon to be my wife................

Kang Seulgi.

I smiled before rubbing her face in the photo.


Irene's Pov

I was like an idiot staring into the ceiling in my room while smiling reminiscing about what happened earlier.I touched my lips and covered my face with a pillow.

"Kyaahh!!."- I scream out of happiness.

I suddenly stopped when my phone ring.I pick it above the table and look who it was.

"Unknown caller?."-my eyebrow raised when I saw the caller's name but I answered it anyway.

"Hello?."-I didn't hear any response so I check it.

"Hello? Who's this?."-I heard nothing.So I checked it one last time.My forehead crampled.I got pissed.

"Stop joking at this hour!! Its not funny!."-I shouted madly and was about to hang up the call when someone spoke.

"It's been a long time Hyunnie."-A deep voice spoke from the other line.

"Who are you?."-the person just laugh at me which made my blood boil.What's so funny?

"Poor you.You don't remember me?."-he laughed again after asking such stupid question.

"Am I going to ask you if I know who you are already?."-I answered irritatedly.

"Stay away from my girl."- His voice became serious when he said that.I wasn't being able to ask him because he ended the call already.

' Stay away from my girl.'- his last words keep on repeating in my mind.

"Strange."- I mumbled before going back to bed...

Annyeong! I just want to say...Thank you again for those who appreciate my story💛.Thank you for giving me a possitive comments😘...Thank you once again💛Love Yah!💛

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