Chapter nineteen

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Seulgi's Pov

It's been two days had passed but Irene didn't came by.I've been wondering what happened to her or if something's wrong or maybe....she's afraid to interact herself against me because of what I did to her last friday night.

And now,it's Monday, the most hated Day in the whole wide world specially me.I lazily stood up from my bed and stepped inside in the bathroom and did all my morning routines.

I went downstairs and went straightly to the dining area.I saw my brother eating peacefully.

"Woah! Is that you? What kind of miracle happened today that make you wake up ear----."

"Shut up and just eat."-before he continued talking,I quickly put the whole bacon inside his mouth.He's really annoying!

He death glared at me but I didn't pay too much attention to him.I quickly finish my foods and get my things.I pick up the car key from the center table and stepped inside the car.Starting today,I will be the one to drive this car.

"Be careful Seul!!."-I heard my brother shouted,I just wave my hand and started driving fastly.


"Goodmorn---."-I look at the school guard when he stop greeting at me.I saw how he scan me from head to toe.He look at me after and I raise my right eyebrow.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you?."-I asked annoyingly.

"U-uhm...You c-can't enter,Maam.You're not wearing the prescribed uniform."-I crossed my arms and furrowed my eyebrows.Damn!

"Why do you f*cking care!? Just let me in or else you will be losing your job today!."-I shouted angrily.I didn't have a good sleep yesterday night and I'm not in the mood right now.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry Ma'am."-he was trembling in fear while giving the way.


I look at my wrist watch and...I'm so very early.Damn! Why do I f*cking came to school in this so f*cking early!?


Wendy's Pov

It was already 8:30 when I  came to school.I dialed Seulgi's number when I haven't seen her inside our classroom but she didn't answered my call.

I decided to call Daniel oppa and luckily,he answered it.

"Hey Wen."

"Oppa,Does Seulgi have a plan to go to school?."

"Ofcourse,she woke up so early and went to her school.Why? What's wrong?."- I crampled my forehead when I heard his response.How come Seulgi was already here when I didn't actually see her?

"Ah nothing.Thanks by the way.Bye."-I already ended the call before he could react.

Don't you dare show up yourself Kang,or else you'll die.

"Let me go!."

"Come on Joy,just this once."

As I was walking in the hallway,I heard someone screaming.I turn my back where it was and there....I saw Bae Joohyun's tall friend being cornered by a maniac.She was trying to escape from the guy's grip but it feels like,she can't get out from it so I decide to approach them,crossing my arms.

"Hey dude.Let her go."-the guy stop and directed his gaze on me.He let go Joy and walk towards me.

"Oh,look whos here.The badass Son Seungwan.Wanna play with me instead?."-he whispered through my ear and swear! It gives me chills in my spine but I remained cool.

I smirk at him and held his face seductively.

"Surething.But just let her go."-he nodded.I saw the shock in Joy's face.Let me show you something.

I move my hands through his ears seductively which make him tickle.I smirk and...

"Ouch! F*ck!."

"Don't you dare touch her or else you will be a dead meat."- I warned him.He screamed in pain when I grab his left ear and twist it hardly.

"W-why!?."-he ask while shoving my hand away from his ears.

"Because."-I paused for a while and look at Joy who was still in shock."She's my girlfriend...Now,I will let you escape this time and run for your life.Make sure to not show yourself from me or you will regret doing that."-he nodded so many times and I let go of him.

I saw him run as fast as he could.Tsk! Weakling!
I smell my hand and yuck!

"Do you have an alcohol?."-I turn my gaze at Joy and I saw her flinched a little.

"A-ah,yes.Here."-she lend me her alcohol and  I wash my hand on it.

"Why did you that?...and what was that? I'm your girlfriend?."-she asked in disbelief.

"Why? Don't you like it?."- I ask and smirk.I saw how her face became red and it's cute.

"I-I..."-I wanna laugh because she stuttered.I turn my back and walk away from her.She was screaming my name but I just wave my hand on her.

I don't have time for this.I didn't even remember that I've been looking for stupid Kang Seulgi.I sigh and went back to the classroom.

Hi guys! Who among you here ship Wenjoy? They're my second ship! Aren't they cute? Lol😁 the way,thanks for voting.I will be making another story,hope y'all support me with my stories! Love yah!😘

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