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"Should we, like, set some ground rules?" I asked the group towards the end of our first-day-as-roommates bonding session. "I don't know. I'm not really particular about anything, but I feel like people usually make rules when they live with each other."

"Sock on the door handle if you're hooking up with someone," was Zane's first suggestion. It didn't really surprise me that his first thought was about sex. "And do it quietly if it's a school night."

I nodded in agreement, as did the other boys. David said, "no random parties. We need to discuss before we invite a shit ton of people over."

"I think my only big thing is to, like, clean up after yourself. Like don't just leave shit laying around," I explained. "I don't care about your rooms because I can't keep my room clean to save my life, but this area."

"We can do that," Jeff nodded. "I have a big one. None of us can hook up with you."

"What?" the shocked question left both David and Zane's mouth at the same time.

I looked at them with raised eyebrows and asked, "Is that a problem for you guys?"

"No, I'm just surprised Jeff is the one that made that rule," Zane laughed. "What's your thought process behind that one, Wittek?"

"I'm just thinking if she hooks up with all of us, we're gonna turn on each other," he said like it was a fact and not some crazy ass reasoning.

"I wouldn't hook up with any of you anyway," I made it a point to say that. "Definitely not all of you. Jesus, who do you think I am? Do I really come across like that?"

"You don't," David reassured me, and I nodded appreciatively. "It's just better that we say it now and get it out in the air."

"Well, that rule is fine with me," I shrugged. "Knock before you go in someone's room?"

We made a few more rules, some of them only applying to the boys, who would be sharing a bathroom. We did a little more talking, they taught me how to play a video game (sort of... I would need practice), and then I finally left around midnight to shower and go to bed.

My first impression of the boys I was going to be living with for the next year? They were pretty normal. As I said before, I really didn't find it hard to get along with boys. Guys liked hanging out with chill girls, and I was pretty much the definition of that. They were pretty easy to be friends with.

That's not to say that I wasn't prepared for disaster. I was prepared for the wall of beer boxes and the empty liquor bottles on top of the cabinets as decoration. I was ready for the long weekends (just from the way they carried themselves, I knew they were boys with many friends) and the busy nights. I knew there were going to be days when they weren't easy to live with, but I could also be pretty annoying. It'd probably be a challenge for all of us.

We spent the next day grocery shopping together. At first, just Zane and I were going to go, but Jeff protested that it wasn't fair, then David said he wasn't going to stay in the house alone. The boys had only moved in a day or two ahead of me, but David was already convincing me that the house was haunted in the backseat of Jeff's car.

"No, I'm serious. My closet door just opened on its own," he raised his eyebrows at me as if that made him sound more believable.

"Were you drunk?" I suspiciously asked, and he rolled his eyes.

"No, I wasn't drunk. My room is fucking haunted. Someone probably overdosed on crack in there, and now they're coming back to haunt me."

"Are you sure?"

"No one fucking believes me!" his head fell back, exasperated with all of us. "I swear on my life my room is haunted. Switch with me if you aren't scared."

"I'm not switching with you. I like being on the bottom floor!" I smiled. "And having my own bathroom. That bathroom upstairs is going to be disgusting in two weeks."

"Not true," Zane frowned. "It'll be disgusting in, like, three more days."

"Exactly," I nodded, glad Zane was brutally honest and had my back. "Make one of them switch with you, if they don't believe you. Jeff isn't scared, are you, Jeff?"

He glared at me through the rear view mirror and said, "My stuff's already unpacked. That'd be a huge waste of time."

David and I shared a look like we didn't quite believe that excuse. I giggled and said, "Well, sorry. Guess you're stuck with the ghost. It might be a girl. Maybe she can be your girlfriend."

"I don't want a ghost girlfriend."

"You don't?" Zane whipped around in his seat, face contorted in shock. "You're kidding. Who wouldn't want a ghost girlfriend?"

"Who would? You can't even talk to them."

"Yes, you can! They'd leave you cute notes on the mirror in the steam after a shower," Zane argued, but the rest of us just seemed confused. I couldn't speak for the other two, but I would prefer not talking to my girlfriend through a mirror after a shower. "It'd be nice."

"Are you gonna fuck a ghost?" Jeff asked the question we had all been thinking.

Zane thought for a moment, then finally gave in, "Okay, you're right. Sorry, David. Guess you can't make the ghost your girlfriend."

"The ghost is a dude. I get the vibe."

"Wow, there you go, Cammy! A new boyfriend," Jeff suggested, amused eyes staring at me through the mirror.

"Better than my old one, to be honest," I sighed. "Do you guys eat really healthy? Because I don't know how this grocery shopping is going to work if you do. I eat like shit."

"Look at me, baby," Zane turned to stare at me with a playful smile. "Do I look like I eat healthy?"

"I don't either," David said. "I ate McDonald's once a day last year."

"It's me you've gotta worry about. You look like you eat healthy, though. You go to the gym?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, every day, pretty much. It was the only place I had to myself."

"Gym bros," Jeff nodded, and I laughed. At least I had a partner. It was going to be a good year with these boys... it had to be.

Hi all, im sorry i havent uploaded in forever.

To be honest, all of the things going on in america right now has made me super anxious. I live in georgia, a pretty rural area that manyyy racist people call home, and its scary. I am scared for my friends who look different than me. I am scared for the people i dont know who are targeted by the police because of their skin color. I am scared for the people protesting across the country because those cops are getting very violent. Im also proud of everyone showing support for the black community and risking their safety and lives in hopes to enact change!!

We must change!!! The racism as it is now cannot exist anymore!!! Sign all the petitions you see, and if you have any extra money lying around, donate to those in need. Donate to freedom funds around america, which pay for bail for protestors arrested. There are plenty of links on twitter and across the internet.

Most importantly, speak up and use your voice for good!!! We have to love one another. We have to use our privilege to help those in need. Do all that you can to help. Don't be silent when the world needs your voice

Black lives matter ! Now and forever!!!!

xoxo abby

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