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"You aren't ready yet?" Zane peeked his head into my room (without knocking), dramatically sighing when he saw me blending my eyeshadow. "You take fucking forever. You look exactly the same with and without makeup."

"You said we were leaving at nine thirty," I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of the pregame drink he made me. "It's barely nine o'clock, dude. Chill the fuck out."

"It's nine twenty six, but okay," he responded, equally as sassy. "You're lucky it's our first night out. This shit won't fly in a couple of weeks."

"Can you stop harassing poor, innocent Camilla?" David made his way into my room, beer in hand. "We're bored."

"You're well aware that now you're harassing me too?" I turned to stare at him, hoping to make him feel bad enough to leave me alone.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "He was being mean. I came in here to be nice to you. There's a difference."

"Where's Jeff?" I ignored his statement entirely, realizing quickly that there was no point in fighting the man. I had to focus on getting ready since I knew they would all be yelling at me to leave soon.

"He's flirting with Carly," Zane raised his eyebrows suggestively a few times at me in the mirror. "His little Tinder girl. I think she's meeting us at the bar."

"Beautiful romances always start on Tinder," I laughed. "He's too pretty to be using a dating app. He could so easily find a girl at the bar."

"Tinder's fun. You should get one," David told me. "You don't even have to meet up with anyone. I'm sure you'd have a million dudes giving you attention."

"I don't really like that. Compliments kind of gross me out," I turned my nose up. I get so uncomfortable when people compliment me, I usually just blush and have no clue what to say. The idea of men flirting with me relentlessly, which I knew from my best friend Liza's tinder was something that happened often, deeply disturbed me.

"You don't like being called pretty?" he stared at me like I was insane, and I shook my head. "You are not a girl."

"I think we established that when she chose to live with us even after meeting us," Jeff commented as he joined the group in my bed. I just hoped they weren't looking around at the dirty clothes already littering my floor after just a few days of living in the apartment. "Millie's a bro for life."

"Can someone get me another drink while you're all bothering me?" I requested with a big smile, hoping to dazzle someone into helping me. "All I have is lashes, then I'll basically be ready."

"Why do you need another drink if you're just putting on eyelashes?"

"Just fucking do it."

"Okay, jeez! Pushy ass..."

The Blue Boar Bar (better called triple B, by the boys I ubered with) was your typical college town bar. It was dirty and loud and overcrowded and way too easy to get into. My fake ID was not very good quality; I paid one of Brandon's friends 35 dollars for a copy of her license once she turned 21. That meant it was technically real, but she also didn't look much like me. We were sort of similar when I had dark hair, but since I had gone for a lighter brown, almost blonde color after the breakup, we looked nothing alike.

The bouncer barely even glanced at it before he creepily smiled at me and let me in. He was much more critical of the boys' IDs, and I was ninety nine percent sure those were real. Girls had it so easy.

I waited until they all made it in since this was their turf and not mine. They lead me to the bar, where Jeff bought me my first drink in celebration of my first night out at my new school. Once we all had our drinks, David said, "Todd's in the back corner. Let's go. Don't get lost."

That last sentence was obviously directed at me, and I didn't appreciate his slightly snarky tone. The bar wasn't even that big, the crowd on the dance floor was just ginormous.

I followed closely behind him so I wouldn't prove his point about being lost, and we ended up in a quieter, but still crowded corner. A pretty tall, cute man stood with his arm draped over a girl who just had to be a model. She was pretty short compared to him, with wavy blonde hair and a face with so little makeup that her natural beauty made me genuinely a little angry. Here I was taking forty minutes to perfect my makeup and another thirty to make my hair pin straight and shiny, but she looked as if she easily could've just rolled out of bed and showed up looking good. It was insulting, but I still smiled at her because she was the only other girl in the group and I was feeling intimidated.

"Guys, this is our new roommate Camilla," Jeff put his hand on my back as he pushed me forward so the two could get a good look at me. "Milla, this is Todd and his girlfriend Corinna."

"Hi," I smiled, hoping they could hear me over the music. "Nice to meet you guys."

"God, you really got the shit end of the stick with these boys," Corinna laughed. "I can't believe you agreed to live with them."

"To be fair, I didn't exactly know I was going to be living with them. I signed the lease before I met them," I explained. "But they haven't been too bad so far."

"Just wait," Todd warned me. "I got out of there while I could."

"You got out of there so you could have sex with your girlfriend twice a day," Jeff countered. "Don't fucking disrespect us in front of Camilla ever again."

"That's a win in my book," Todd shrugged unapologetically. "Who else is coming tonight?"

"Natalie'll be here later," David spoke, and I raised my eyebrows at that. From the few stories I've heard, Corinna and Natalie do not get along very well. I was an awkward person, and I really didn't want to be caught in the middle of the drama.

I also noted that Natalie was David's little girlyfriend, and I couldn't wait to see how he acted around her. While Jeff and Zane openly were flirty, David was just nice. He'd crack a few jokes sometimes, but nothing too far. I was interested to see if he'd get awkward or not around her.

"And Jeff's Tinder girl," I added to fill the silence left by Natalie's name. "Cara?"

"Carly, but she won't be with us for long," Jeff smirked a little too confidently. "One drink, and I'm sure we'll be heading back to the house."

Me and Zane made eye contact, disgusted looks on our faces. He told Jeff, "At least buy her two, bro. It's the least she deserves for catching whatever diseases you have waiting for her."

"Oh, so Zane, the man who got chlamydia after hooking up with a cam girl, wants to talk to me about diseases," Jeff scoffed in return. "Fuck you."

My jaw dropped, and I laughed, "Zane hooked up with a cam girl? And got chlamydia?"

"Not the time, Cammy. Not the time. I'm trying to find a girl for the night," Zane patted me on the arm.

"So you're leaving me?" I pouted. "Everyone has someone but me."

"Then get your ass to the bar and attract someone, stupid," David told me. "They aren't going to approach you if you're surrounded by men."

"You're right," I nodded, then saluted the group. "I'll be back, maybe."

"Good luck!" Corinna called after me with a wave. I was pretty sure I liked her.

Hi i cant sleeeeeeep i slept all day bc i was hungover and now i dont know what to do

Someone recommend me your favorite shows and movies to watch!!!! I have all streaming services i think

Xoxo abby

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