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"So... it's for sure okay if I go, right?" David asked for maybe the fifth time, this time right before he left for Natalie's.

"Yes," I smiled. "Have fun and be safe, okay?"

"Okay. Just making sure. Bye. I love you!"

"I love you too," I replied, and only when he shut my bedroom door did I finally let out the eye roll I had been holding in.

It wasn't that I was mad. I wasn't mad at David for wanting to hang out with his friend of many years. It just... irritated me. It irritated me that he would hang out with his old fuck buddy alone multiple times a week and that she never bothered to invite me. David would always invite me himself, telling me she wouldn't mind if I came, but who was I to intrude on their best friend bonding time?

Being mad about something like that made me seem like a crazy girlfriend who was way too controlling, so instead, I said nothing. They were friends, I reminded myself every time he left. She's my friend. Nothing is going to happen.

It never eased my mind though. Nothing could. I'd sit in my room, picking at my nails and trying my hardest to focus on whatever movie I was using to distract myself, but all I could think about was how much prettier and funnier and hotter Natalie was.

Luckily, this night, Zane, Jeff, Todd and Corinna were home to distract me. They were all drinking and when they noticed I was curled up alone in my room with sad music about never being good enough playing, they invited me out to join them.

I felt like an idiot in my 3X Goodwill Sweatshirt and fuzzy Eeyore pants sitting down next to Corinna, who always seemed to be dressed to the nines even with nowhere to go.

"Are you feeling okay?" she asked me, and for once, I needed her. I needed a girl to tell me I wasn't being crazy and that it was suspicious that he kept going and that I was never invited. No one was listening to us, too invested in some type of game show on TV, so I talked to her in the living room.

"He goes to Natalie's to smoke, like, at least four times a week now," I explained. "He didn't even do that before we were together. And it really bothers me because she's the one who doesn't invite me to come, and she should know what it's like... no offense."

"None taken," Corinna sadly smiled at me. "It's definitely a little ridiculous, and I know you don't want to hear this, but I would be worried about that. About the invite thing. Because that's exactly what I did with Todd, and she knows that."

"You think they're doing something?" I asked, chewing on the inside of my cheek in an attempt to distract my eyeballs from making tears.

"That's hard to say. He's literally obsessed with you, but we're all human, you know? Everyone gets weak at some point," she said. "Plus, if she really is trying to win him back, she'd probably be doing it slowly. Implanting ideas in his mind, and yes, I know that sounds fucking insane, but that's how it works."

"So... what do I do? I feel like I just look like a controlling girlfriend if I start picking apart who he hangs out with."

"Babe, they literally had sex for months on end before you moved here," she placed a hand on my thigh. "I'm sorry, maybe I'm a crazy girlfriend too, but you have every right to pick that apart. If Todd was hanging out with someone like that, I would've put him in his place right now."

"It's not really David's fault. He always invites me to come along," I tried my hardest to make David seem like the person I wanted him to be.

"He also sees Natalie's not inviting you, or any of her other best friends for that matter, and literally doesn't care. There's something shady about that. I don't know if you want to bring the boys into this, but they'd all agree with me."

one of the boys » david dobrik auWhere stories live. Discover now