Dreamberry~ Pay the consequence.

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(Suggested/Requested by: WeepingAngel200. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be a request or suggestion, since they just said they wanted angst and something with Shattered Dream. So I'll do just that.)

Shattered's POV:

I walked through the wasteland of what used to be an AU not long to ago. Everything was destroyed, everyone was dead, all because of me. A wicked smile made it's way on my lips, 'Good.' was all I thought.

''D-dream?'' I heard a shaky voice ask from behind me. 'Huh I guess not everyone was dead. Hahaha Good  thing it won't stay like that for long.'
''Wrong name.~'' I purr, stabbing them with one of my tentacles without looking back at them.

''S-swettie pie?'' I heard them whisper. My eye whined in shock only one person used to call me that, back when I was still 'Dream'. I slowly turned to see my {his} one and only love, Blue.

His chest was pierced with one of my tentacles, tears steamed down his face as he started to dust. I {He, he, he, he, he!} let out a loud cry. 'What have I done?!' I {He, not me.} thought.

''It's okay. I know you didn't mean it Sweetie pie.'' Blue rasped out before he dusted. 'Nonononono-.' I {he he he he} started panicking, tears fell from my {his} eye.

I {not me, not me} slowly raised the tentacles to my chest. {Give me back the control! It's my body now! Not yours.}
''I- no... You shouldn't have killed him. Now you'll pay the consequence.'' Dream said.

The tentacles pirced through my {his? our?} chest. I {we} shrieked in pain, slowly dusting away. That was the end of my {his?} tale.

(Sorry it took me so long to publish this but my cat got his paw injured and I was so worried about him I couldn't focus enough to write anything, luckily he's okay now. Hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster of an story. Bye~)

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