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Tagged by: OwO_Berries.

1. Book, definitely a book. Looking at you Percy Jackson.

2. Night. There are stars, it's easier to fall asleep and people leave you alone.

3. I'm not sure. From one side I'm always cold so I like summer but from the other... allergies.

I think I'll go with winter.

4. I don't know what Divergent is so... Hunger Games.

5. Who are those people?

6. Fantasy. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna ride a dragon.

7. I don't watch anime or read manga so... 🤷‍♀️

8. Look at one above.

9. I heard Death Note is good but I haven't watched it.

10. Ummm.... look at number 7.

11. I draw traditionally but I'd like to try out digital art.

12. I don't- eh whatever.

13. No but I'll most likely check it out later.

Idk how many people I'm supposed to tag but I'll just choose random 3.





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