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Arlo was so tired he could barely keep his head up. He felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of his face.

"We've finally arrived!"

Arlo looked up to see several villagers rushing out of the gates.

"Oh gods... I thought I would never see water again!" Troy gasped as he chugged down a bucket of water, most of it going past his mouth onto his face and armor.

Without warning, the temperature had gotten extremely hot the day before, and the soldiers had unknowingly used up all their water.

At the beginning of their travel to Faegris, they had spent every night reminiscing old memories they shared.

It was fun.

They all settled down along the street, under the cool shade of the trees, even though the sun was setting.

Children and women had begun rushing out of their homes, giving them food and water.

Arlo sat down with the others.

"So, we're leaving tomorrow morning. How many people do you think will join us?" asked Sara.

"Not much, maybe twelve?" replied Troy.

Keith was chewing on his fingernails.

"What's wrong, Keith?"

He looked over at Troy with a blank face.

"Uh... Keith?"

"Oh, sorry. What?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You seem awfully nervous."

"I've just been having... terrible dreams."

"Oh... what kind of dreams?"

Keith wouldn't answer, he just looked back with a blank face.

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