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Arlo had returned from the border and was now talking to the commanders again.

He was still thinking about the spells that Claire could perform.

There's no way that's normal, right?

"As you all know, the border was recently attacked by the Vaequilians. We are losing a lot of land. The king entrusted us to this war, so we must win." Gale showed no signs of slowing down.

"Claire, could you tell us where the strategists you worked with are located?"

Claire had been brought to the meeting as she had been very helpful to the wounded. She had healed the ones who were severely injured and had been called to the meeting.

"Oh, yeah. I found them in Faegris."

"I see. Alice, could you take Claire to Faegris the next morning to bring them back?"


Arlo leaned back in his chair.

I need to unite the two kingdoms, but how?

The Vaequilians are keeping us from doing anything.

We can't take down the current ruler, and we have no way of trying to communicate to the Vaequilians.

"As long as we work together to meet the same goal, we should be able to destroy Vaequiles once and for all. We will find a way." Gale spoke again.

"Gale, what about bringing the two kingdoms together like Arlo sai-"

Eunice tried to bring up Arlo's vision again.

Before a word left her mouth, Gale cut her off.

"No. Regardless of how many times you try, I will not allow you to try that. It could lead to hundreds getting injured, or worse, killed."

Eunice bit her lip as she sulked.

At this rate, I'll have to do something against Gale's orders to do this.

I have to do something to at least have the public know of this idea.

Arlo put his face in his hands.

If I'm not able to pull this off properly, I'll ruin everything we've worked for.

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