Unexpected Visit

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Arlo was sitting on his bed, leaning up against the wall, thinking.

There's a spy... here?

Who could it be?

My friends are out of the question... I think...

I refuse to believe that.

He leaned back on his wall.

It can't be any of the commanders...

...or am I wrong?

Arlo's brows furrowed as he put his hands over his head.

He looked around the room, his eyes setting on a large bag that Sara had given him after her return from the tunnels in the morning.

"I thought you would like it." she had said.

He walked over to it and picked it up. It was heavy, but not too heavy to handle.

He opened the bag.

He saw a glimpse of something white.

"What's... this?" he asked himself as he pulled it out.

He held in front of him a battle shield. A scaly battle shield.


He looked inside the bag in case there were any notes she had left behind.

There were none.

He slid it back into the bag and put it down by his desk, leaning against the wall.

It was late.

Arlo wasn't able to sleep. Knowing there was a spy near him made him uncomfortable.




Huh? Who could that be at this hour?

He opened the door to find Pierce, shivering in the cold, his clothes being swept back by the wind.

"Pierce? What are you doing here? It's almost two in the morning!" Arlo asked, "You want to come in?"

Pierce nodded and walked in as Arlo stepped aside.

Arlo pulled out his chair from under his desk to sit on as Pierce sat on his bed.

They sat in silence, listening to roaring of the wind outside.

"Arlo, I haven't been completely honest with you this whole time." Pierce finally spoke.

"Honest? We haven't really talked much," Arlo chuckled, putting his hand on the back of his head.

"Well... I didn't come here just to come with Sara."

"Well... I imagined that wasn't the case. Are you here to avenge someone?"

Pierce looked him in the eye, surprised by this.

"What...? No. I..." Pierce stopped.

"It's okay if you are. You can tell me if you want."

"Arlo, I'm a Vaequilian."

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