|Oliver| Far Apart

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Requested By: Awafolluwu

Genre: Canon, Blood, Gore, SPOILERS! (Like A LOT OF IT)

(Y/N): Your First Name

(Y/N)'s POV

When I opened my eyes, I was greeted with a village that looked like it came from a fairytale. There were colorful banners and happy-looking clown decorations everywhere you look.

"Where... am I...?" I asked myself, looking around. I tried walking around, but no one seemed home.

As I continued to wander around, I saw a boy around my age.

He had messy white hair and a red streak on his left that matches the color of his eyes.

"Hey! You there!" I called out, running up to him. He turned quickly to me, stepping away a bit.

"Do you know where we are...?" I asked, a little breathless.

"N-No... Sorry..." he shook his head, looking down. I frowned at his response but shook it off.

"Oh, well! Two heads are better than one, right?" I smiled, trying to be positive. I reached out my hand to the boy.

"My name's (Y/N)! You?" he slowly shook my hand with a smile.

"I'm Oliver..."


"That was a close one..." I sighed in relief, keeping an eye out for the demons.

"Think that was the last one?" Oliver asked in a whisper. I looked over around the streets and saw no sign of them.

"We're in the clear," I smiled confidently, earning a nod from Zack.

"You two better make sure the other children are safe, I'll tend those who are wounded," we nodded in response as we went out of our hiding place.

"I can't believe it's been years since we arrived in this hellhole," I remarked, kicking a rock off the street.

"Well... I'm just glad we're still alive... You're not giving up, are you?" Oliver asked, raising a brow at me with a smile.

"Of course not," I grinned, bloodlust radiating off of me, "They'll regret the day they made us their little toys... I'll make sure of it," I balled my fists as I gritted my teeth.

"The violent-lover as ever," Oliver sighed, making me nudge his side.

"And you're still the worry-wart as always," I stuck out my tongue before running off.

"Hey!" Oliver called out, sprinting after me. I let out a giggle as I quickened my pace.

'Well... I guess there are some good times too...'


"What...?" I breathed out, unable to process the scene before me.

There was blood all around the walls. Corpses of children and sprawled all over the floor. The stench was worst of it all.

I felt like I was about to hurl, but I tried to keep it all in.

In the corner, there was the sound of bones crushing and flesh tearing. A stray man-eater was munching on a six-year old's leg. Its head quickly turned to me, running at me.

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