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"Shit!" Colt yelled as he realized he just broke his fucking key. He checked his gun and groaned as he held it up and just flat-out shot the shit out of the lock. He watched as it exploded and his heart just crashed. This was it. He was getting them out and that was final. If his own family would willingly go after him with a smile on their faces... He was done playing their games. He wanted this all to end. "ALEX?!" Colt froze stiff seeing Alex standing there a knife to his throat as a guard held him tight. He couldn't even hide the growl that escaped his lips. "Let him go."

"No. I don't think I will." 

"I don't have time for this..." Colt held his gun up only to tense as the knife pressed closer to Alex's neck. "LET HIM GO!"

"I just don't understand how you... The prodigy of the great Graberson family... defected... a traitor... trash. How is that even possible?" Colt snarled, rage burning in his blood as he cocked the hammer back. Alex's eyes set, turning black as he read the room. The overbearing fear that flooded out of Colt was suffocating. The guard laughed as he pulled the knife back with an evil grin. "Let's see how quick a shot..." The guard grunted as Alex sent his elbow into his gut. He spun around, grabbing the man's head, and slammed it into his knee, before shoving him hard with his foot into the coffee table. Colt didn't waste a second firing at the guy startling Alex who jumped back, not actually thinking he would shoot.

"Colt?" Alex was just stunned. Colt just ran over and pulled him in basically breaking down into him as he clutched him tightly. Alex's eyes went wide before he found himself relaxing into the embrace and smiling a bit. His arms wrapped around him loosely as he felt the fear coming off of the man. "It's ok. I'm ok."

"He was going to kill you." Alex nodded as Colt struggled to breathe. "He was going to... I didn't know if... Alex."

"I'm ok." Colt tensed as he held him even tighter. "Are you ok?"

"N-No." Alex's eyes went black again as he forced Colt back to look at him. Colt just crashed as he shook his head. "They... They know." Colt gulped down his rising panic as Alex held him firmly. "Damien... Celine... Father... No." Colt growled as he shook his head. "He's not my father. Not anymore. We have to go, Alex. They will kill us."

"But they..."

"They don't give a damn about family." Colt took his hands in his with this desperate look in his eyes. "Alex, please. We have to go." Alex smiled softly as he nodded and Colt gasped in relief, his emotions plummeting him into icy depth.

"What do we do?"

"We need to..." Colt froze as he heard the soft haunting hum of his sisters lullaby and he crashed. "Run. We need to run." Alex jumped as Colt gripped his hand and took off not sparing a single second when he heard his sister laugh.

"Oh, Sugarpea?" Colt cringed as he hid in this small alcove. Alex's eyes narrowed in confusion as Colt shook his head. "Come on, Sugarpea. You know mama never liked her kids fighting." Colt had to cover his own mouth as his anger burned through him. 

"Always thought you were better than that, didn't she?" Damien lulled from where ever he was and Colt couldn't stop the tears in his eyes, making Alex start to panic a bit. "You always were her... favorite."

"Momma's little baby sugarpea." Colt crashed, his hands falling to his side as Alex literally saw the man break. "You're so much like her."

"And you know where that led her." Alex grabbed Colt's shoulders forcing him to look at him as Colt just smiled brokenly. "You both are weak."

"They aren't wrong." He whispered as Alex just glared at him. "She's dead... and I'm next."

"Don't let them win. They're playing on your fear." Colt frowned as Alex gently placed his hand to Colt's cheek. "Focus on me ok? Not them." Alex smiled as he leaned his forehead against the other. "You... You aren't like them. You aren't one of them. You... are NOT a part of any of this. The man that texted me... The man who gave up everything to help save my life... my gods life... that's who you are. That's not weak in the slightest. That's... so incredibly brave." There was a loud bang making Alex flinch and cower, and all Colt could think of in that moment was...

"Hey, look at me." Alex tensed as he looked up meeting the other's gaze as Colt just smiled. "I know I'm week, but that isn't going to stop me. I made my choice." Alex's eyes widened as Colt held his hand close. "I'm going to save the man I love."

"The man you... Wait?!" Colt just laughed as he took off again leading him down these hallways and through rooms. "Colt?"

"Here!" Colt jumped into a room, slamming the door shut as he ran over to the box and just shot it making the light practically explode. It sparked creating a very crappy light but a light none the less. Colt wasted no time in turning around and shooting right at the chains making Virgil fall to his knees as Alex jumped.

"DAD!" Alex rushed over as Colt grabbed the cuff and grimaced. 

"I'm sorry about this." Virgil flinched badly as Colt pressed the gun right to the cuff link and fired, breaking the cuff and also burning the god a bit in the process. Colt gave the eldest an apologetic look as he swiftly did the same to the other before Alex jumped in, hugging Virgil tightly who just weakly laughed into the demi. 

"Virgil. Are you ok? Holy shit... You're shivering."

"Bright... Bright light." Virgil groaned as he leaned into the demi more. "They kept it on. Was on for... h-hours. I..." Virgil sighed as Colt took his jacket off and held it over the god. "Th-thank you."

"We can't stay for long, Virgil. Can you walk?" Virgil frowned as he looked up it a short nod. "Good. Its just until we get somewhere safe, but we have to go."

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