75- I Miss You Guys

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When we finally got home, it was just after one fifteen, we'd stayed out a little later than expected but we had fun. It was nice seeing Dallas again, and meeting Gabriela. Plus Co and I had an amazing time like usual. It was nice to get away from my brothers and just be together.

Dallas was surprised to find that we'd told my brothers, he wasn't so surprised to hear of their reaction.

"You have fun?" Co grins as we pull up into my drive

"A lot, thank you for taking me out tonight,"

"Anytime princess, you know I live for this corny shit," he just grins before leaning over and giving me a quick kiss

I'd noticed the light was still on in my house and was praying that it was my dad or Cheri still up.

"Love you stupid," I look back at him.

"Love you too idiot, I'll see you tomorrow,"

"See you tomorrow,"

I hop out of his truck and walk up my porch, he stays in my driveway until I get in like he always does, and I wave back to him before closing the door. I had an unmoving smile on my face as I walked down the hall, that was until I saw my brother sitting at the table eating a depressing bowl of cereal.

"Hi," I say quietly, walking passed him to the fridge. As much as I wanted to go to my room, a bowl of cereal actually sounded really good right now. Arrex already had the fruity pebbles on the table, all I had to grab was a bowl and milk.

We sat there in silence eating. It was painfully awkward but we were doing a good job of ignoring eachother. A could never handle awkward situations though, and has always done what he could to make it less awkward.

"Were you out with Co?" He questions, breaking the silence

"Yeah, we went to see Haven at the hill," I nod, only glancing at him for a second before looking down at my bowl

"Were they any good?" He asks

"Like usual," I shrug. And we're back to silence and eating.

"He misses you." I state. I knew Co didn't show it, but he was hurting. He's never gone this long without them, they've never even faught this long. He just wanted his best friends back.

"I miss him too," and with that my brother gets up and places his bowl in the sink, before turning the faucet on and grabbing the sponge.

I just huff and pour some more cereal in my bowl. So much for that conversation.

"I'm sorry B," he says finally, turning the sink off

"You're what?" My brothers done a lot of things. But actually apologize to me isn't usually one of them. Throughout our lives I can count on my hands the amount of time he's said those words. Half of those times, my dad or Cheri made him say it. He usually just opts for the usual sibling apology...not talk for a few hours then ask if I'm hungry and go get food.

"I'm sorry," he states again "I'm really sorry,"

I don't even know what to say. So I stay quiet, he just takes this as a sign to continue as he sits back down across from me.

"I shouldn't have reacted the way I did,"

"Then why did you?"

"Co is my best friend. And I just, I know how he is. And you're my little sister. It's weird and something I've literally my whole life have tried to prevent. You know, he's liked you since we were thirteen? Ace found out first, he told Beck and I and the three of us made Co promise us that he wouldn't say anything to you." He explains "I guess I was hurt that he broke that promise and went behind our backs, and I was scared, I still am. My first immediate though was 'what if they broke up?'. That was literally my first though when I saw him kiss you. If you two broke up, I couldn't pick a side, I couldn't choose between you or him. And being in that position is what scared and still does scare the shit out of me,"

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