That's My Brother

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"Don't go. You're so soft and so cute cuddly like this."

"And you've been half awake for how long?"

"About twenty minutes now."

"Well, I probably have horrible breath, and I really need to pee."

Without answering me, Brixton places a kiss on my lips as to say I-don't-care.

"Brown eyes, please. If I piss the bed, you're going to be mad."

"Don't you mean...pissed?"

"You are an idiot. Now, let me go."

"You'll be peeing your own bed, just so you know."

"You have let me go! Now, Summers!"

"Jesus. You are scary."


"Do you have classes today too?"

"Yep. I'm one busy girl. I also have work."

"When are you free?"

"You could always steal me from Danny's. I don't think he'll mind too much."

"We are going on a date then."

I look at him confused.

"Let me go pee, and then we have to talk."

Brixton reluctantly lets me out of his embrace. I pee faster than I ever had before, except for the one time Nick wouldn't pause High School Musical. I look at myself in the mirror to see myself dressed in Brixton's shirt, making me roll my eyes. I shuffle my feet and make my way back into my bedroom.

"We already went on a date. Last night."

"So? You deserve more than one date."

"Well, yeah, but I don't want to take up your time. Go do something with your guy friends. Go party. Drink. I don't know."

"You're okay with me going out?"

"Why wouldn't I be? Have fun. You're twenty one. Enjoy your life."

Brixton looks at me incredulously.

"Why are you giving me that face?"

"I don't understand you."

"What don't you understand?"

"You have been harassed by some of the worst guys that my friends hang out with, and you are okay with me hanging out with them."

"What they do, isn't a reflection on you. You are your own person. If you are friends with those guys, you're friends with them, and I can't stop you from hanging with them. If that's the company you keep, then that's the company you keep. I'm not gonna stop you from hanging out with people you seem to like being around. Do you want me to force you to take me on a date and stay with me?"

"I enjoy my freedom, I just don't want you to feel left out."

"We spent all of yesterday together, and I have books and lectures and I get to work on cars today. I'll probably be having more fun than you."

"Are you sure?"

"I couldn't be more sure. I'm not going to hold you back from living your life. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I did? Plus, we can always go on a date another day."

Brixton scrunches his eyebrows, and he sighs as he thinks of something.

"What if we went on a date later? After you get home from work?"

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