Off script ☆ Inkerbell

45 4 1

Author: the-louvres

Reviewer: ItsmeAxelle_

Chapters reviewed: 6 (excluding the 4 preliminary chapters)

First impressions:

Cover, blurb and title:

If I tell you honestly, the first time I saw your cover, I thought it was a poetry or a graphics or maybe an art book.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE your aesthetics, your banners, the details in your writing too, the casting etc. everything is very beautiful and very heavy!
That's the thing, the cover is very heavy on gloss.
The title was very small, there was no indication that its the first of a trilogy, no tagline of sorts and the biggest thing, I literally couldn't find your name!
It's a beautiful cover, no doubt. Just not the one for this story.
I suggest you think a little, try to infuse some elements of Hollywood maybe, a little more relatable, fun!
I strongly suggest (Bunnybeebooo) 's cover shop, I feel her type of aesthetics will compliment yours very well!

Your blurb was quite nice! Although put a divider between the dialogue and narrative!
I could also ask you to add more dark insights of Summer's life, but that's up to you. Just felt that the blurb was a little calm but your book was really the opposite! But no harm done actually, it still is a very good blurb.

Title is perfect, very short and to the point, quite nice! You could choose whether you want the 'Series #1' part or not but that's alright, you can just mention it on the cover and it anyway is there in the blurb!

Writing style and grammar:

My, my! You are incredibly talented and I see how much of an effort you've put for the re-write, judging by the comments and how well you've written your book!
From the character structure, to the places, descriptions of the people, the bond between them, its all so perfect and intriguing!
So grammar faults except for those 3 or 4 I've mentioned in the inline comments anyway.
Your style is gorgeous, I thoroughly enjoyed your book!
Its so well written, literally you have such an on point structure!
I loved your breaks, the ability to keep readers hooked!

In the 2nd chapter, I loved how you compared Summer to the Kintsugi tradition stuff, it was such a thoughtful comparison.

Although I have already mentioned in the comments that you overuse italics, and also I think the length of the chapters was a little short but that's completely fine!

And your chapter names! I understood and appreciate your style and entire look, but 1, deux, trois!
It looks very unprofessional and very little! I strongly suggest you add chapter titles, or names!
Anything but not deux, trois etc.

Plot and characters:

You have a very original plot, as it captures all the shortcomings of being a star so well, but also shows the vulnerable side of them!

The pace is very steady, not very fast nor too slow. Very good interaction between all the characters of the story! That scene with Roman and Summer's little flirty exchange was nicely written I literally fell in love with them!😁

I love how distinct each character is from one another! And the representation of the LGBTQ is very heartening and you've done a really really good job at the portrayal of her inner mind!
All the backstories are intertwined so well!

Final words:

I guarantee you when it gets completed, your book will be one in a damn million!
From the main leads, to the way the story is slowly unfolding, all the mystery and suspense is keeping me so excited!
I wish you all the best and hope you get the recognition you deserve!

Since you have such an amazing book and it has so much of potential!
We love bringing up such amazing, deserving actors!
Here is your Good Read Sticker!

Since you have such an amazing book and it has so much of potential!We love bringing up such amazing, deserving actors!Here is your Good Read Sticker!

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Here was your review!
Hope you found what you wanted!

Signing off,
Axelle. 🐧

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