And, Scene

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  "Daddyyyy." Cyn sang from the foot of the bed. She was dressed like a school girl for no other reason than she felt like it and she was super cute. Also, she liked to see Delilah drool over her. Today was the day that Emma was going to propose. It was Cyn's job to keep Delilah distracted while Emma made sure everything was perfect.

  Delilah rolled over and slowly opened her eyes. She reached out for either of her girlfriends but neither of them were in bed with her. She didn't understand how she became the one that seemingly always slept the latest. She sat up to see where Cyn's voice was coming from. When her eyes landed on the woman standing there, the rest of her body woke up too. Under certain lights Cyn's hair looked more blonde than red. The lighting of the cabin brought out the red undertones. Her tresses were free falling over her shoulders and the mini skirt she had on was true to the name. Mini. Cyn's shirt was unbuttoned so whoever looked would see all the cleavage they could ask for. Delilah cleared her throat. "Hi, baby."

  "Do you want to have breakfast with me?" Cyn asked with her hands behind her back. She felt so good anytime either of her lover's stared at her the way Delilah was right then. Like they were under her trance. She was their sub but it was like she held all the power those moments.

  Delilah was confused. Who could think about food when her girlfriend was dressed like that? "Breakfast?" She asked.

  Cyn giggled and nodded. "Mmhm. The most important meal of the day."

Delilah pulled the blanket back in the space beside her. "You don't want to get back in bed with Daddy instead?"

While that did sound enticing, Cyn had to stay focused. "No, Daddy. Cyn want breakfast!" She whined in her little voice.

Delilah sighed. "You torture me, little one."

  "I know." Cyn smirked wickedly.

Delilah got up and performed her morning routine before meeting Cyn downstairs. She expected to see her other love but didn't. "Where's Em?" She asked as she sat down.

"Oh she had a big work thing emergency. She had to go to the library. She told me to tell you sorry and she'll make it up to us when she comes back." Cyn rehearsed that lie one hundred times with Emma before she left. They had to play it smart or Delilah would be on to them.

Delilah frowned. "Work??"

"I know." Cyn said. She put the plate of pancakes and fruit in front of the brunette and sat down too.

"Well... what do you want to do since we've been abandoned by the workaholic?" Delilah asked.

  Cyn cut her pancake and thought about what they should do while they waited for Emma's signal. "Um.. do you want to play in the game room with me?"

  "Sure." Delilah picked at her fruit. Cyn had cut the sliced fruit into the shape of flowers. It was cute. "And maybe we can go fishing."

  Cyn paused. "You would actually catch fish??"

"Well, no... but I would watch you do it." Delilah didn't see the point of catching fish just to let them go. She wouldn't want someone putting a hole in her mouth for the fun of it.

Cyn giggled. "Will you put the worm on the hook and take the fish off??"

"Ew no!" Delilah got queasy just thinking about it. "That's what Emma's for!"

Cyn laughed more. "Yeah! She does the gross things! Like kill bugs and take out trash. She should be Daddy. You should be Mommy."

"And you should be the baby that doesn't talk." Delilah said.

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