What?! (Teaser Chapter)

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Hey, guys! I have good news and bad news. I have decided to finished this story at chapter fifty, I'm sorry. Good news is that there will be a huge suprise in this chapter! I also wanted to thank you for all of your support in this story and my others!

Chapter Forty Six

One Month Later.

I sighed shakily as I got up from the floor. I turned and flushed the toilet before washing my mouth out with mouthwash to rid it of the vomit taste. This was now the eleventh time in a month that I have vomited and I don't know why. I walked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom where I was faced with an empty bed. Harry had left last month for a six month tour around America, he insisted that the girls and I go, but, I wasn't feeling up to it, so, he spoke with Sydney's school and they allowed her to go, so, the girls went with him. I sat back down in bed as I looked at the clock.

7:16 (am).

I sighed once again. I reached for my phone, I was going to make an appointment for the doctors.

Harry's POV.

"Alright, alright! I'll phone her." I laughed as I got my phone out from my pocket.

The girls demanded that I phone Piper, so, that they could talk to her. I dialled her number and waited.

"Hello." Her voice said through the speaker and I smiled.

"Hey, babe! Where are you?" I asked as I heard chatter in the background.

I heard her sigh before she answered.

"I am at the doctors, Harry." She said and I gasped and Darcy pulled on my jumper.

I held my finger up as Louis came and took the girls.

"Why are you there?" I asked her as I heard her name being called in the background.

"I'll call you when I get out, Harry, bye, love you and the girls." She said and the line went dead.

I sighed in frustration and threw my phone on the bed.

Piper's POV.

"I'm what?" I asked the nurse, shocked.

She smiled as she read the stick in her hand.

"It seems that the baby you lost was big enough to cover this other little baby. His little heart is holding on. He is so tiny, which is why you arent showing." She explained and I gasped.

"His?" I asked her and she smiled.

"You would have had twin boys. This one is a boy." She explained and I silently let the tears fall.

"He's so tiny." I said as I looked at the scan photo.

I'm still pregnant.

Here, guys! Did I get you? I got you!

Read, vote and comment!

Emma xxx


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