What is Unremembered

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"Say that again," Draco demanded.

Hermione kept the wand raised and pointed at Draco's face.

He acted like  it wasn't there at all walking forward with a hard bite to each step. He didn't bother to raise his own wand in defense either.

Hermione found herself all of a sudden backed against the nearest tree.

"Say it again," he growled glaring at her.

"I can't know what you have and haven't done if I can't remember what's been done to me!" Hermione tried to yell the words coming out quieter in the shadow of his anger.

She saw pain flicker through his eyes and vanish beneath the rage.

She had never seen this tone to his anger, it was different...it felt more dangerous.

"You look me in the eyes and tell me if you think that I would ever do something like that to you," he demanded and she locked eyes with him at his order. She looked into those eyes so fierce and so hard and...there was something else in them, something she couldn't place.

Her mind went back to the night that he had saved her from Greyback and his words:

"I am nothing like him...I would never..."

Looking into his eyes now she knew what he had said then was still true now.

"You wouldn't," she said and her face crumpled.

He wouldn't do that, but that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't.

It doesn't mean that he didn't cover it up or make it go away.

She needed to know. She needed to ask even though she dreaded the answer.

Hermione met his eyes again.

"Someone else could have," she said flatly and then swallowed getting up the nerve to ask. "Draco, what don't I remember? Who took my memory?"

"What are you talking about?" he asked, but his eyes flickered away from her.

He was hiding something and she knew it.

"No more lies Draco," she said softly. "Please..."

He looked back at her and she could see all the pain etched in lines on his face-like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Draco..." she hesitated. Should she tell him she knew?

Yes, if you want him to be honest with you, you have to be honest with him.

No, it's your only protection now, you need to keep it to yourself.

I need the truth more than I need the protection.

It wasn't logical or rational, but she needed to know.

"I heard your conversation with Snape in the kitchen," said Hermione. "The one where you admitted you were protecting me."

She saw the shock on Draco's face. His worry began meshing with denial.

"No, you were out cold," he said shaking his head.

"Physically, yes. I couldn't move. Couldn't even open my eyes, but I heard everything."

She watched him crumple, like a deck of cards folding in on itself.

"You aren't supposed to know. I can't protect you if you know."

"You think I can't keep a secret?" she demanded, suddenly angry once more. "Who do you think I am? Some pansy little girl who needs protection?! THAT'S NOT ME DRACO, I am not some helpless little waif!" she lashed out with her wand sending Draco flying backwards.

Left Behind 2: Illusions (A Dramione Romance)Where stories live. Discover now