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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


The last thing I remembered was a car collided to mine, and after that all I saw is a total darkness, I found myself sitting on a floor with darkness around me no mattter how loud I screamed no one heard it.

I starting to lose hope, to let myself devour by the total darkness, I'm crying my heart out as I think of my family, I'm not ready to leave them soon, dahlia was still young and my husband p'fight, I know that he can't take it if he will lose me, yet no matter how I wished to be back to them, I can't escape this darkness around me that slowly consuming me.

"Let's visit papa again tomorrow grandpapa", I heard a tiny faint voice from my right, and when I listened to it I realized that it was my dahlias voice.

"Dahlia!!!!!", I yells in happiness, while running to the where I heard the voice, I only saw darkness but my heart knew that voice belongs to my daughter. I run and run until I saw a glipse of light. I smiled and went to the light.

"Dahlia, my little flower, wait for me papa in on his way, I'm going back", I thought as I went straight to the light, I closed my eyes due to the brightness.

"Ummmmmm", I groaned in pain as I felt that I was now laying in a soft bed. I tried to open my eyes but I found it hard maybe because I'm tired.

"Tine baby, opens your eyes please wake up", I heard a voice called me, while a hand hold mine. Tine why did that voice call me tine, I tried my best to open my eyes and after some minute, I succesfully opens my eyes to be welcome by sarawat one of my students lover.

My brow frowned at him, what is he doing in my hospital room, and where are my husband and daughter. I thought to myself as I roam my eyes around the room, but I only found sarawat and I assume his two friends. I look again to sarawat in pure confusion.

"Sarawat?", I asked in confusion, sarawat tears falls from his eyes and he embraced me while whispering something to my ears.

"Thank God, tine I miss you so much, it's been two months, I'm glad that you're awake, I love you", sarawat said to me that makes me more confuse why did he called me tine, I'm not his lover.

"Wait for me here tine, I'll going to call the nurse", sarawat exclaimed in happiness and he left the room, while I just sat here, in total confusion, what the hell happened, where's my daughter and husband, why sarawat and his friends was here in my room, and why did sarawat called me tine.

My head starts to hurt, due to thinking, I slowly massaged my temple when I saw something on my wrist. When I look at it carefully, it's a bracelet with a half guitar pick on it, my brows knotted why I'm wearing this bracelet, and the most part that shock me is when I look at my left middle finger, my ring was gone. I slowly panic as I search for it in my bed.

"Hey, what are you looking?", one of the students asked me and I look at them in panic as I kifted my finger in front of them.

"Did you saw my ring, it's a silver band with a blue diamond stone in the middle, did you see it?", I instantly asked them, and they just look at me in confusion. One of them scratch the back of his neck in confusion, while the other one eyed me.

"Tine, what are you talking about, what ring did sarawat already proposed to you or what?", the one with more serious face asked me with worry in his eyes.

"What are you saying?, and why all of you called me tine, I'm----------------", I was stunned when I saw something behind them, it has a mirror hanging on it, but I was horrified when I saw tine looking at me, I slowly lifted my hands and touch my face, my tears falls as I look at the my reflection at the mirror in front of me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", I screamed in panic, whats happening this is not my body, it's tines body, my student and sarawats lover, but why, why I'm here and I'm sure that I heard dahlias voice earlier.

I heard the doors opens, sarawat with the group of nurses and a doctor come running to me. Sarawat holds me trying to calm me but I can't cause my whole body is trembling in fear why, why I'm in this body.

"Tine, please calm down, your trembling please, calm down everything will be alright, tine!!!!!!", sarawat exclaimed to me in worry but I refuse to listen I don't want him here, I want my husband and daughter. I tightly gripped my head as I keep thrashing from sarawats arms, I want to wake up from this dream.

"Let go of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I screamed in fear as I keeps thrashing from the pair of arms that wraps around me, no I don't want his hands on me, no...............I thought in panic, I starting to feel my body shivering, and I also starting to breath in labor due to panic and fear.

"Hold the patient, he's undergoing a panic attack we need to sedate him!!!!!!!!", a doctor announced and I felt many arms holds me still.

"No, I said let me go!!!!!!!!!", I screamed once again, when I felt something prick me and when I look at my right arm, I saw a needle piercing into my skin with a colorless liquid inside my eyes widens in panic, what are they doing.

"What are you doing!!!!!!!!!!", I shouted as I tried to untangles their hands from mine, I suddenly feel sleepy, the hands thats holds me earlier releases me now, but a pair of arms remains and he slowly hug me as I felt myself being lolled in sleep.

"I'm sorry tine, I'm so sorry please forgive me I didn't want that to happened, I love you so much tine", I heard sarawat cried in my ears, I slowly closed my eyes and let my body collapsed in his arms.


I felt tines body collapsed on mine, I slowly look at his doctor and nurses all of them sigh in relief.

"He's in panic attack earlier, let him rest for now, maybe his body was still in shock, please have patience to him, he is a coma patient, but I can assure you that he will be back to hisself when he got the rest that he needed, I'll excuse myself for now", the doctor informed me, I sigh in relief to what I've heard yet my whole body is still trembling due to fear, I saw how scared my tine earlier.

"Thank you so much doctor", I replied to the doctor who nodded to me and they left the room. I look at my friends who's still stunned on the rooms corner.

"Bro, tines really afraid earlier", man commented, I carefully laid tine to the bed again, and tenderly caressing his cheeks with a smile.

"I know man, and I hope that he can forgive me when he woke up again, I didn't mean to fought at him that night", I exclaimed as I sat at the chair beside his head, and I lovingly starred at my tines sleeping face.



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