Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

It's been a week since the cheating incident, and I am finally completely over it. I know I'm over it kinda fast, but for good reasons. Landon's been really nice letting me sit with him and his friends during study hall. He's a really nice guy and made sure I was okay.

"Hey Alex." Lacey said skipping up to me and lacing her arm with mine.

"Hi Lace." I said in my normal peppy voice. She stopped abruptly, almost pulling me over and smiled.

"Its official! Alex Littleton is finally over John!" She said throwing her arms around me. "You know what that means." She whispered in my ear.

"Movie night!" I yelled excitedly and started bouncing on the balls of my feet. "Did you get any new movies?" When she nodded I kissed her cheek and ran down the sidewalk leading to the late bus'. I got on and made my way to the back of the bus past all the gross middle school kids.

Lacey got on five minutes later and slowly walked to my seat.

"Lacey you are so slow." I whined. She smirked at me.

"Sorry. I was just talking to Landon." I perked up at that.

"You were what now?"

"Talking to Landon. You know, the abs you like drooling over? They belong to a person. That person." She said pointing out the window. And sure enough, there's Landon Parks, walking to his car shirtless.

"Oh my god, why is he so hot?" I asked rhetorically while pressing my face against the window.

"I think the one on the right is better." I looked over to his right, and saw it was his friend Tom. He was in a group of four.

"You can have him. We have to act fast though. The one on the left has someone he didn't before." I said surveying the group. The guy was slightly shorter and had blonde hair. The girl looked younger and I recognized her from one of my classes.

"Why are they even walking shirtless? New York Octobers are not very warm." I said looking down to my blue sweatshirt and work out pants that I wear after almost every practice.

"Some people are just immune to the cold." Lacey said when the bus started moving.

"Or they like showing off the gift that God gave this world."

"Yeah... we'll go with that." Lacey said looking at me weird. "Since we are talking about October. Alex I am sorry but we are not going trick or treating this year." She said quickly.

"But-" I tried.

"Alex, we are 16."


"Alex you are fat, you don't need anymore candy." My jaw dropped.

"Fat? Who are you calling fat?" I asked lifting my sweatshirt to reveal my flat stomach. "This is not fat."

"Would Landon think so?" She asked turning to her phone.

"I don't think anyone would think so!" She just shrugged and started texting someone.

"Fine we don't have to go trick or treating tomorrow. Its best I guess. I didn't get a costume or anything."

"See, on the inside you didn't want to go either."

"Whatever. Can I at least pick the movie." When she nodded I smirked evilly and sat silently for the rest of the ride.

When we arrived at her house I ran off the bus and hurried up the driveway.

"Hi Mrs. Westfield!" I yelled into the house.

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