Earth To George

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George seemed to be acting a little off lately. You wanted to know what was going on but every single time that you would ask him what was wrong suddenly he was out of his trance and fine.

Your mind couldn't help but swim with so many thoughts off what could be going on. Did he not want to be friends with you. Did he like you too. There were too many possibilities to even think off but whatever thoughts you had you tried not to get too excited or sad about it. After all they were just possibilities right?

You even went so far as to approach Fred and ask him if he knew what was going on. Of course he said he didn't but he was probably covering for his beloved twin.

The Yule ball was coming closer and closer as the days came and went by and you were losing your hope of being asked by George by the second. Even Hermione had been asked. Sure it wasn't by Ron it was by Viktor Krum at least she was asked. I could see the jealousy in Ron's eyes though. The other day I was sure he was going to ask her before Snape hit him in the head with his book. Stupid Snape.

As the days went on it seemed like George was getting better but he still wasn't the same. It wasn't like he was distancing himself from anyone he was just constantly spacing out.

You walked into the cafeteria to see George talking to a girl. You stopped in your tracks and they were smiling and laughing before George walked away from her with a huge grin on his face. Forget lunch all you wanted to do was leave. You turned on your heel and left to the bathroom where you began to cry.

Sure George didn't know that you wanted him to ask you and he didn't mean to hurt your feelings but he did. Even though you couldn't blame him for it, it still hurt. You heard someone enter the bathroom and you immediately slapped your hands over your mouth so no one could hear your sobs.

Not long after there was a knock on the stall doors and you hear a familiar voice.

"Y/n are you okay. I saw you come into the cafeteria then leave right after. Did something happen." Hermione asked

She heard the stalls lock unlock and she opened the door to you sitting on the ground with tear stained cheeks.

She sat down next to you and began to talk

"May I ask what happened to make you so sad?" She asked as she wiped away your tears.

"I walked into the cafeteria and saw George and a girl talking and laughing and he walked away with the biggest smile I've seen on him for days. People ask friends all the time! Why am I not good enough?" You said pretty steadily before beginning to cry again.

"Oh y/n I'm sorry." She said empathetically as you laid you head on her shoulder.

You two stayed there until the bell signaling the beginning of next class rang. As you walked through the halls to your next class George tried to join by your side. He was rambling off about some sort of new prank but you didn't care enough to listen. You entered the class and instead of sitting next to George you took an abrupt turn and sat at the desk right between Harry and Ron. You could feel George's sad eyes on you the whole class but you couldn't bear to look at him. You could also feel Harry and Ron looking at you confused.

You were too hurt to look at him and not cry.  The class ended you and you got up so fast and almost ran out of the classroom to avoid being talked to by George. He tried to get up quickly too but by the time he got out of the classroom you were nowhere in his range of sight. As you walked away you felt as if you were going to cry but you held it back.

Why did you have to get feelings for George fucking Weasley. There were a hundred boys in this school to choose from and you chose the person who was guaranteed to break you. You loved him too much to blame it on him.

You avoided him for the rest of the day and at the end of the day. You just plopped down onto your bed and began to cry again. It seemed like you shouldn't even have anymore tears left to cry but you did. You skipped dinner and someone must have noticed because you heard a knock at the entrance of the girls dormitory.

"Y/n are you in there."

Of course it was Ginny why wouldn't it be a weasley to come check on you?

She entered and saw the mess that was you laying on your bed.

"What happened y/n? Who made this happen? Was it my brother? I'll kill him" she began to get up before you grabbed her wrist.

"It was George but he doesn't even know what he did." You said as Ginny's face became angry then more confused. "You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. Ok" she nodded

"So I kind of have a huge crush on George and was really hoping that he would ask me to the ball even if he didn't know I like him. Though I saw him today. He was talking to a girl and then he left with the biggest smile I've seen on him in a long time."

She gave you a smile which confused you. Why would she give you a smile at a time like this.

"Y/n if only you knew. He wasn't asking her to the ball. He was asking her how she got asked to the ball. He's been asking all the girls. Even me."

"But why would he do that. That's a strange thing for him to do if you ask me."

"That y/n I can't tell you you'll just have to wait."

A/n sorry this one is a little short I just wanted to get something to anybody reading this story something to read. Also thank you to everyone who read this so far. I didn't think many people would read this If not like 2 people.

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