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"Mag..." steve runs after me. I keep my walk directly at my car.

I forcefully spin around. I forget I know a super solider.

"I don't wanna hear it" I grind my teeth pissed.

"I...things came up and I forgot. Mag you know I'd never do it intentionally" he says puppy eyeing me.

"Did you not hear me? Im fucking over it" I reply in a cold tone.

"What can i do to make it up?" He says tears lining his eyes.

"When I was kid I wanted a house." I start my dramatic story.

"You already..." Steve questions confused.

"Let me finish" I stay coldly. He shuts up.

"I always imagined myself in a farm house. It was the dream." I reply "I wanted the love of my life to live with me. My Prince Charming."

I cross my arms not breaking my cold look.

"You want me to move in with you?" He says smiling.

"No steve I want you to retire and live with me" I say seriously.

"W..what?" He chokes.

"I said it. I can't do this anymore. You put your life in danger everyday." Now there is tears in my eyes.

"You call me every day saying you're Okay and well. But, Steve I don't know if one day I'll pick up the phone happy to hear from you. And turns out it the other guys" a tear rolls off my face. Steve face looks like it's about to explode.

"I don't want out future to be like that. Aunt Laura and her kids don't know when's the last time their going to see dad/father" I struggle my throat feels like it's closing up or has
Prickly wire around it.

"So every time he leaves they hug and kiss him like they're never gonna see him again" I say full ugly crying.

Steve pulls me to his chest. "It's okay sweetie"

I roughly shove him off me. "No! It's not okay! I'm not okay!"

"Mag I can't retire now" he say peering into my soul. Just kidding I don't have one.

"Why not?" I ask poking him. "You're not needed here anymore"

"Don't mix shit up Steve. You can retire. You're choosing not too" I bitterly clarify.

"You can't ask this of me! People need Me" he now yells at me.

"People need a fucking leader" I reply sizing him up and looking at him straight in the eye.

"You're a coward" I say loud and clear.

Steve doesn't back down. He steps forward trying to intimidate me. "I'm not a coward"

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