chapter 11

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charlie's pov

his arm is around her. why is his arm around her?  

i cant help but feel my chest tighten at the sight of them. she looks at him and laughs at something he said. everything feels like a blur, i cant even hear what he's saying before she turns to me and says "bye charlie." 

i don't even answer, i only keep imagining punching owen's big head. 

it's not his fault. he doesn't know..... right? 

i head back to my trailer to grab my things, trying to rid the thought of owen and olivia together. 

"charlieeee" i turn around to find tori standing at the door. "hey tori." i say still thinking of them, of owen knowing. 

owen wouldn't go after her if he knew. 


"did you talk to olivia?" she asks sitting herself down on my couch. i sit down next to her, thinking of earlier today and the feeling of olivia in my arms. i cant help the smile that spreads on my face. 

"that smile makes it seem like you did!" she says playfully shoving me. 

"i apologized to her, she said she's not ready to forgive me just yet but we didn't talk about what happened. she said that's for another time. but that we can be acquaintances, friends even. we even shared a hug." i smile more repeating her words. she started excessively slapping my arm.

"WILL YOU STOP THAT" i say dramatically as she stands up and starts pacing. 

"okay so you've done the first step, she's willing to be friends again. what now?" she asks 

my smile fades as i remember owen's arm around her. 

"i dont know if there is a next step." i say sadly and she gasps. 

"charles i dont know your middle name gillespie. how dare you. the universe LITERALLY crossed your paths again to re-spark the love between you two and you don't even want to try to get her back?" she asks waving her hands around like a mad woman. 

"when she was leaving, she was leaving with owen. owen had his arm around her. they were joking and laughing with each other like i wasn't even there." images of her laughing at owen speaking engraved in my mind. 

"you haven't told owen about your past with her?" tori asked me confused. "no and i dont know if i should. i dont want to cause any drama." i tell her truthfully. "we're all suppose to hang out together tomorrow and i don't know how ill cope if they're going to be all touchy like that." 

"oh no, you're not going to give up that easy. you're going to win this girl back. i'm hanging out with you guys tomorrow, i want to make sure you don't miss your chance." she says with authority. 

"why do you want to help me so much?" i asked her, a bit wary of her sudden determination. 

"i believe in true love and im a sucker for happy endings, i happen to think she's your happy ending charlie. i'm not letting you let that go again." she says looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"thank you." i say as i hug her goodbye. "we're exploring the city tomorrow and having a sleep over tomorrow, come prepared!" i yell after her as she walks to her car. she gives me a thumbs up in return. 

i get into my car and start driving back home. 

maybe i should just ask owen if knows 

but what if he doesn't know?

should i say something? 

what if he's olivia's happy ending?

the internal battle keeps going on in my head the whole drive home. i'll just ask him and avoid everything after that. i just need to know if olivia has told him anything.

i open the front door to our apartment and immediately trip over owen's shoes. he's such a mess. 

"owen what have i said about leaving your shoes right at the door?" i yell out so he can hear me wherever he is. he walks out of the kitchen eating cereal out of the box. 

"sorry dude, i was just really hungry." he says with a mouthful of cereal in his mouth. i cant help but laugh a little. 

"hey man, i wanted to ask you if you are okay?" owen asks me and i look at him confused. 

does he know?

"yeah, why do you ask?" i question him, sitting down on our couch. 

"i dont know, all day you were basically jumping off the walls, all happy and stuff. but this afternoon, you looked upset. and you've been having nightmares so bad you wake up screaming. im a little worried about you." he says sincerely. i don't really know how to respond to him. 

"yeah im okay, ive been reliving some things but i promise im okay. thanks for worrying about me" i smack his back in assurance. "OW, tough love." he jokes hitting me back. this goes on for a few minutes, hitting each other back and fourth until we stop laughing.

"but seriously charlie, im here if you want to talk. and if you wake me up screaming again, i will smother you with my hello kitty pillow." he jokes, walking off to his room.

"cant you be sincere for one minute!" i yell after him laughing. "im not good with feelings!!" he yells back at me before closing the door in his room. 

i dont think he knows. 

authors note

here's another update!  what do you guys think of tori?

ill update again tomorrow. hope you enjoyed. keep voting and commenting! love you guys! - cyn <3

begin again - charlie gillespieWhere stories live. Discover now