chapter 15

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it's been a month since we started filming and everything has been perfect. our busy filming days don't even feel like work, for they are filled with laughter, singing and pranks on each other. 

even things with charlie have been great, our friendship is almost like how it was before everything happened. i even find myself wishing we were together again at times but i quickly remind myself that we cant, not until we talk about what happened. i've avoided the conversation by all means, afraid that it'll hurt me again. 

i get ready for another day at work, owen doesnt need to be on set until 11 so im riding with charlie. i take one last look in the mirror and grab my things. as i open the door, a very tired charlie is standing there. his hand raised like he was about to knock on the door. 

"morning olive" he says, his voice deeper and raspy from sleep. as jer would say, it was kinda hot. i smile at him. "morning charles, did you just wake up?" i ask him as i step out and close my front door. he chuckles a bit before answering "yeah, waking up everyday at 5 am and working for like 15 hours straight is finally starting to get to me. is it really noticeable?" he questions and i take in his full appearance. 

he's wearing a plain grey hoodie, black sweat pants and the infamous orange beanie he stole from his characters wardrobe. his hair tucked in under the beanie making him look like he has massive bumps on his head. i laugh a little. "here let me help you" i say as we step into the elevator. 

i step closer to him and take his beanie off, his hair flying in all different directions. i laugh again as he smiles at me. i run my fingers through his hair to try and tame it, causing him to relax and close his eyes. i keep playing with his hair and i cant help but stare at him. he's so beautiful

i put the beanie back on him, fixing his hair so its poking out from under. he opens his eyes as i bring my hands from his hair, down to his neck and stopping at his shoulders. i realize how close we are to each other but i cant find it within myself to move. his eyes moving from my eyes to my lips for a split second. my heart beating so fast we cant both hear it. the elevator dings as we get to the parking lot and i step away from him, feeling my face turn red. he clears his throat. 

"thank you, come on. let get to work." he says, putting an arm around my shoulder as we walk. 

we get to work singing songs like we normally do, acting like what happened in the elevator didnt happen. we start walking towards the hair and makeup trailer and charlie wraps his arm around me again. 

"someone's affectionate today" i tease him, watching his cheeks flush pink. "s-sorry i can stop" he says removing his arm slightly but i grabbed it, stopping him and putting it back around me. "i dont mind" i confess to him, a smile growing on his face. 

we enter the makeup trailer and my eyes meet madisons wide ones, her hand now over her mouth. "OKAY I SEE YALL. GOOD MORNING LOVERS" she exclaims excitedly. "shut up mads" charlie says throwing a makeup sponge at her. "good morning to you too madison" i laugh at them. 

"okay so you both get ready and then head to julie's house set to film the kitchen scene. then kenny wants to meet with both of you. after than charlie you have an hour break and madison you have to go record. after that madi you have an hour break and charlie you have to film with the boys. then dance practice for everyone afterwards. got it?" i look at them and they nod in response. 

"do you know what kenny wants us for?" madi asks, i try to hide my smile. i did know but it was a surprise. i mentioned something to kenny the other day about charlie being a good song writer and how it would be cool if he could write a song with madison for the show, he agreed instantly. "all i know is that it's something exciting" i tell them. 

they get their hair and makeup done fast and we head over to set.

"olive do you wanna hang out with me during my break" charlie asks walking next to me. "no" i reply fast and see him narrow his eyes at me. i laugh at him "okay charles, i will on one condition. there will not be any weird food combinations anywhere in sight." i say remembering how he eats peanut butter on his eggs. "deal, but you're the one missing out" he says laughing, heading onto set to start shooting. 

they shot the scene in an hour, doing everything perfectly. they both work amazingly together, complimenting each other perfectly. 

charlie walks up to me and i give him a high five. "not bad charles" i say smiling up at him. he smiles back at me, a small smile on his lips. "i have to meet with kenny now right?" he asks and i nod my head confirming it. "okay cool, do you want to wait for me in my trailer in the meanwhile?" he looks nervous. "yeah okay, dont worry charlie. it's probably just to praise you for something. see you in a bit" i say putting my hand on his arm. i stand up and make my way towards charlie's trailer. 

i take a seat on his couch and scroll through my phone. not even 20 minutes later, he comes into the trailer, out of breath with wild eyes. "everything okay charles?" he runs towards me and picks me up into a tight hug. "woah okay" i laugh as he squeezes the life out of me. "thank you thank you thank you" he says fast. "why are you thanking me?" i smile at him, pulling away a little but still in his arms. 

"kenny told us he wants us to write a song. that you gave him the idea. liv he wants us to write a song for the show!!" he says happily again, picking me up and spinning me around. he puts me down again. "seriously thank you." he says, placing both of his hands on either side of my head leaving a kiss on my forehead. this caught me off guard but i cant help but smile back at him. "of course charlie. you deserve this."  

his smile fades a little bit, dropping his hands down. "no, i dont think i do." he says furrowing his eyebrows, his eyes now sad. confused at this, i grab his hands again. "yes you do, do deserve all success the world has to offer." i tell him honestly. he shakes his head. 

"i dont deserve you doing this for me, after all i did to you." he sits on the couch, bringing me with him. "i cant keep it in anymore, i have to tell you why i left." my heart stops at his words. 

im not ready.

begin again - charlie gillespieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin