chapter 39

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"charles i swear to god if you keep wobbling around like this, i will throw you off the balcony!" i yell as i currently sit on charlie's shoulders trying to decorate our christmas tree. 

Its the beginning of december now, snow has started to fall and we decided to start decorating to get into the spirit. christmas has always been our favorite holiday. 

"its funny to hear you scream" he says teasingly. i roll my eyes knowing he's smiling at my terror. 

"shut up and pass me the star" 

"we don't need a star when im right here" he couldn't even finish the sentence without bursting out into laughter. i laugh with him, placing my hands on his head to keep my balance. 

"oh yeah, you'll look so good up there. definitely bright forever" i sing the last part, making him double over in laughter, causing both of us to fall onto the floor. 

"im sorry" he laughs wholeheartedly, wiping his tears away from his eyes. 

"dear god, its me again. please give me the strength and willpower to not kill charlie" 

"to be fair, you are the one who made me laugh!" his smile never leaving his face as he scoots closer to me. 

"count your days, pretty boy" i turn to him, resting my head on my hand as he leans in and gives me a quick kiss. 

"so.. i was thinking" he drags out, his eyes locked on mine before speaking again. 

"i was thinking since we're going to spend christmas over at my parents house, what if we visit your parents too?" 

i take a second to process what he just said. i know my mom and i arent exactly on speaking terms but i do miss my father and my dog. i wonder if my father knows everything my mother did and the things she has said. 

"i dont know charlie, i dont want to start any trouble." i say thinking of the words my mom said to him. 

"you dont have to decide anything right now, just wanted to bring it up. you haven't seen your dad in a long time and well, even after everything, your mom is still your mom olive. just think about it, you can decide when we're over there." he says reassuringly placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"okay" i smile at him. he really is the perfect boy. 

we get up from the floor and finish putting the star on the tree. i throw myself onto the couch, happy with the way the apartment looks. i look over to charlie and see him checking his messages. 

"jer says he's at owen's, he wants us to go over there." he says looking up at me, i smile and nod. we both quickly put on our shoes and walk down the hall to owen's apartment, christmas music booming from within the apartment. 

"i dont know if i should be scared, but i am" charlie says before opening the door. 

we walk into the apartment and see jeremy sitting on the couch with a very amused look on his face. owen is in a christmas onesie and a santa hat, he's decorating his christmas tree. 

its a pretty small christmas tree but its cute. owen has put a print out of the hamilton star on the top, a few ornaments and a picture of ariana grande right in the middle. 

"hey guys!" owen smiles as he sees that we've arrived. 

"i have so many questions, but i would rather not ask" charlie says laughing before taking a seat next to jer. 

"i love it owen" i laugh taking it all in. 

"my tree is my pride and joy, ive named her noelle." he smiles as he places on last ornament on his tree. 

"beautiful, magnificent, breath taking" i applaud him as he bows. 

"anyways! i have something for you guys" jeremy says happily, his eyes brighter than normal. 

"ive already given madison her's so i wanted to come give these to you now, i couldnt wait" the excitement on his face evident as he hands us envelopes. one for owen and one for charlie and i. 

"STOP" i say, realizing what they are. yanking it out of charlie's hand. 

i open the envelope quickly, taking out a beautiful white and champagne colored invitation. 

"together with their families, jeremy shada and carolynn rowland  request the honor of your presence during at their wedding celebration!!!! in MARCH?? JEREMY PLEASE, IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU" i scream in excitement before pulling jer into a hug. 

"thank you olivia, im so excited you dont even understand." he says blushing as the guys come in for a group hug. 

"we're happy for you jer, you deserve to be this happy" charlie says with the biggest smile on his face. 

"i never planned on going to florida but i will do it just for you jer" owen jokes causing all of us to laugh. 

"thanks guys, i cant wait for the day to come" we pull away from the hug, charlie moves his arm and wraps it around me. 

"the most important question though, are we invited to the bachelor party?" owen questions, wiggling his eyebrows at jeremy. 

"owen you're not even old enough to go anywhere fun!" charlie bursts his bubble

"there is a reason for fake id's charlie!" owen yells, shoving charlie's arm. 

we all stay and hang out for a while. jer's face absolutely glowing in happiness, my mind wondering off to someday in the future, hoping charlie glows just the same when it's our time.


im so sorry i havent updated in a couple of days. 

life has been hard but i was excited to write again. just a filler chapter but i hope you still enjoy it. i think we're reaching the end of the book soon and that makes me sad :( 

hope you guys are doing well, dont forget that you are loved and that you matter. i love you guys! - cyn <3

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