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Part 40: First Snow of December


December 03, 2020

The winter breeze embraced her cold heart.

Jiyoung silently walked inside the cafe, looking down while wearing her shades and the thickest sweater she had on her closet.

"Ms. Shin! I'm here..."
Secretary Yoon raised his hand and waved hello with a soft smile plastered on his face.

"You want some coffee? or tea?"
Jiyoung sat on the chair in front of secretary Yoon. She took her shades off and stared outside.

"I'm fine."
Her voice sounds blank and portrayed no emotion. Secretary Yoon chuckled lightly to ease the awkwardness that was trying to ruin the whole ambiance of the cafe.

"You sure you're fine?"
Jiyoung looked at Secretary Yoon after his rather silly question. A more meaningful one.

"I'm trying."
She smiled bitterly. Secretary yoon shook his head.

"That's better, I guess."
He sighed and looked at the waiter that was walking towards them.

"Two Americano..."
The young boy gave them their coffee and left. Jiyoung looked at the cup in front of her.

"I ordered earlier. pfft- sorry."

"Let's go straight to the point here Mr. Yoon, What do you want to talk about?"
Trying not to sound too curt, Jiyoung took a sip on the coffee.

"Sunghoon's birthday is coming..."
Jiyoung looked at him as the latter was now staring outside.

She coldly replied, thinking of the man she resented the most.

"He'll turn eighteen four days from now. he can now legally marry someone without the permission of his parents."
Jiyoung shut her eyes closed and stood up from her seat, Not thinking to listen on Secretary Yoon's next words. she want to leave now.

Unfortunately, Secretary Yoon held her wrist to stop her from walking away. Jiyoung glared at secretary Yoon.

"You do not need to remind me anything about him anymore.... I'm leaving the house and the company. i'll stay away from you. Let me go."
She said. Secretary Yoon bitterly laughed.

"The problem is, He doesn't want to marry anyone other than you."
Jiyoung stopped. Secretary Yoon looked at her with a smile.


"he still love you, Ms. Shin. Isn't that obvious?"

Hope slowly appear on her eyes.

"he pushed you away, to protect you."
Secretary Yoon let go of her hand and looked outside once again. Jiyoung was frozen on her position, unable to process anything, She stood still and listened to what he's saying.

"He wants you to be happy, that's why he can sacrifice his own happiness for you. That's how important you are to him."

'Sacrifice his own happiness..? for me?'

"That can't be...."

"It's true. listen to this..."
Secreatry yoon took out his phone and let her listen on a recording that was taken a day ago.

It was the night when Sunghoon was too drunk on the club.

"I always do.... I'll never not love her."

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