29. Again a Manipulator

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Sara's POV

In navy blue cargo and brown sweatshirt the Italian man in front of me looked like a mess. Yet refreshing.

After the attack, Dr Solomon and I were hiding to the place where we felt safe and out of the target of sniper or snipers. I knew it wouldn't take long for Mark to arrive. But Valerio....

Who informed Valerio Rossi?

I am still remembered the scene of him pleasuring his assistant at the desk of his office. I wasted my whole day on him, his belongings. Not only that, but I was hurt hearing their moans. Now, like a shameless person, he is here. No, I don't want him here. I want him out of my sight. Away from me.

Ignoring Dr Solomon, I stormed to Valerio. I was fuming. I was enraged. Not only that, but I am mad. Very mad. And I'll hurt him. This is all because of him. Who asked him to be normal? Why can't he be unstable?

I'll kill this Italian man.

The chains of my thoughts were broken and the thought of hurting him was lost somewhere in my mind, when he kissed me. He cupped both sides of cheeks so desperately and pour all energy, just to kiss me. It took me a while to response him back.

Kissing him back, I pulled him close to me. I wrapped his waist in my arms, that failed to fit In. Again, who asked him to be so giant? Despite all the conflict in my mind, I moved my lips in sync against his.

“I warned you don't touch her.” Mark interrupted and pulled him away from me. Instead of encountering his anger, we all witness him smirking while looking at Dr Solomon and Mark was ready to kill both the men.

That's when I realized he was proclaiming me as HIS territory in front of Dr Solomon. And he was successful to deliver his message as Dr Solomon was smiling with a hint of mischievousness in his eyes.

I hate men. All these men.

First, August abandon us then Shawn broke his vows, then Valerio confused me and now, Dr Caius Solomon...

Without thinking twice, I slapped Valerio. Everybody was stunned. The audience stopped everything just to watch us.

“Principessa. Avete bisogno di imparare.” Valerio scowled.
(Princess, you need to learn)

“Stay away from me. I am sure you are a walking STD.” I screamed at him at the top of my voice. “I am out. I quit. Fuck your deal. Agreement.”

“Quindi stai pagando l'importo. L'affare?” He smirked.
(So you are paying the amount. The deal?)

“Pagherò. Non devi preoccuparti dell'importo.” Mark interrupted and pulled me.
(I'll pay. You don't have to worry about the amount.)

Following Mark's lead, I walked behind him without any question. I want to go away from The Italian man who looks inviting in the sweatshirt that I brought for Shawn.

Mom said this will look amazing on the body of the father of my childhood. I even brought two small size onesies matching to the sweatshirt but neither Shawn is alive to wear this nor my children. But seeing Valerio wearing this sweatshirt, I could imagine two boys, two Rossi, two little Valerio wearing matching onesies. I desperately wanted to call them my boys but no, Valerio is not mine. He just needed my body.

“Rogers, è tra lei e me.” Valerio followed us and Dr Solomon followed us all. I am sure Dr Solomon must be enjoying everything.
(Rogers, it's between her and me)

“Rossi ... Ha già perso tutto perché suo marito ti ha promesso la sua fedeltà.” Mark hissed.
(Rossi... She already lost everything because her husband promised you his loyalty.)

“Rogers, ultimo avvertimento. Non puoi portarmela via.” Valerio screamed and punched him.
(Rogers, last warning. You can't take her away from me)

Both the mafia heirs were rolling on the floor over each other and accusing. Their voice were on top and echoed in the hallway. Everyone was enjoying it, and were almost ready to record, but it was Victor and Miles as well as Thomas who controlled them.

I was fed up with the drama. Decided to have a good day ahead, I walked to Dr Caius Solomon to leave.

“Bastardo. La stai portando via da. Proprio come Beth.” Valerio screamed. “Ho fatto quello che volevi ma lei non se n'è andata. Vuole restare. Smettila di manipolarla.”
(Bastard. You are taking her away from. Just like Beth)..... (I did what you wanted, but she didn't leave. She wants to stay. Stop manipulating her)

“Non la sto manipolando.” Mark blocked his punch.
(I am not manipulating her)

One thing about Valerio is special that he never lies when he speaks Italian. Despite growing up in mafia and spending his all life doing illegal works, he has respect for his mother tongue. He never lies while speaking his mother tongue. And, right now he claimed that he did what Mark asked.

What Mark asked Valerio to do?

Running to both immature giant men, I pulled them away from each other and Victor helped me.

“What you did Mark?” I asked.

“Principessa ... ti racconto tutto. Prometto di venire a casa con me.” Valerio held my hand over his chest. I could feel his heart beating faster, his eyes were begging.
(Princess... I'll tell you everything. I promise just come home with me)

“Sara... Your home is not with him.” Mark tried to reach me but taking many steps back, I unknowingly snuggled into Valerio's chest.

“What you did Mark?” I glared at the secret keeper.

“Odio toccare Dahlia. lo giuro.” Valerio wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.
(I hate touching Dahlia. I swear)

“Mark, what you asked him to do? Tell m.....” I couldn't complete my statement.

“He is unstable.” Mark defended himself.

Hearing Mark, I realized it was Mark who wanted me to leave Valerio. And, Valerio had sex with Dahlia because he wanted me to see them having sex so that I would leave.

Mark is manipulating every one of us like before he did.

“You will never stop manipulating others.” I charged my words at Mark. “Just like you manipulated Beth.”

“I never manipulated my Elizabeth.” Mark was offended.

“So you didn't use Sylvia to make Beth stay?” I mocked him. “Even you pregnant her.... just to stop her.”

The hazel eyes of Mark softened with guilt. He used his toddler daughter, Sylvia who needed a mother and Beth was a griefing mother. It was the perfect opportunity for him. He gave them time to get close to each other so when his truth comes out, Beth would feel too weak to leave them as Sylvia will always stay with her father.

“I want to talk to Valerio about something,” I announced taking my decision. I have to tell him everything that I discovered a few hours back.

“Sara... I am warning you. He is not good.” Mark pleaded. His desperate voice wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

“Mark... Stop ruling the other's life.”

“I don't want you to get hurt.” Mark pleaded.

“You can not save everybody.”

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