87 . A pregnant man's mind is hard to guess

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On the way back, Su Ziyang felt his heartache. Two rings, oh, no, four rings, had exhausted almost all of his savings.

Most of his remaining bank cards did not have much money, so he was really going to be a penniless person in the future.

Nevertheless, Su Ziyang was actually quite happy because ever since he left the jewelry store till now, Ling Zhanyi's mouth had been curling upward. From time to time he would look at his hand with the ring and hummed a happy tune as if he was so contented. Obviously, this assurance pill made him felt extremely happy.

Su Ziyang was also infected by his joy and was very jovial. In his mindset, he was the one that put a ring on Ling Zhanyi, which meant that Ling Zhanyi was his man. He had the ownership and it was not Ling Zhanyi that bound him.

Su Ziyang fondled the ring on his finger and liked it more and more.

In fact, men's aesthetic standard was different from women's. Women's requirements for a diamond was that the bigger the brighter the better, while men's requirements were simple and easy, as long as it could prove that they are married or have a partner, it would be fine.

Su Ziyang was still holding onto the ring box with two small rings in it. Su Ziyang took it and fiddled with it at leisure. He tried to put it on his little finger. However, compared with his little finger, the ring was still smaller. Su Ziyang put it back to its original place, and did not forget to ridicule: "This ring is too small, how old must the children be before they can it?"

Ling Zhanyi glanced at him from the rearview mirror and laughed, "When they are six or seven years old. It's for them to wear for fun. If they are too young, they may just eat them out of curiosity. The risk factor is too high."

"That's right." Su Ziyang covered the box and put it inside the shopping bag. Then he saw the snacks on the back seat and felt hungry. So, he said, "I'm hungry. Let's go eat!"

"What do you want to eat?"

"... Dumplings! I haven't eaten them for a long time." Su Ziyang salivated.

Ling Zhanyi couldn't restrain a smile. If he was dating other people, it would probably be high-class restaurants or seafood banquets, but this person really knew how to save money for him. A meal for him with one catty worth of dumplings that cost ten dollars would be enough to settle him.

If the wife had the craving for it, could the husband object? Of course not. Ling Zhanyi started searching for the nearby dumpling restaurant.

Su Ziyang suddenly remembered the dumpling restaurant near his home and said out of sudden impulse, "Go to the dumpling restaurant near my home. I want to eat the dumplings over there."

Ling Zhanyi's eyes turned. Although he wanted to say yes, he was afraid that Su Ziyang would want to go home again and to see if the floor had been changed. What should he do? Su Ziyang has lived in his house for almost a month. The floor must have been refitted quite some time ago.

If this little ancestor wanted to move back on a whim, wouldn't all his previous efforts be in vain?

"It's a little far to go there. Aren't you hungry? Shall we find a nearby store to eat first? Next time, tell me in advance if you want to eat them, I'll buy for you."

Su Ziyang picked up the snacks Ling Zhanyi had bought for him and smiled, "It's okay, it's not far. Didn't you prepare snacks for me? I'll eat them first. I really want to eat the dumplings over there. I can't get used to eating anywhere else."

Well, since Su Ziyang said so, Ling Zhanyi could only head towards the neighborhood where Su Ziyang used to reside in.

But this time, Ling Zhanyi thought too much. He was worried that Su Ziyang would head toward his former apartment, so he was a little absent-minded as he ate the meal. On the contrary, Su Ziyang had zero thoughts of going back to his house. He could only see the big plate of dumplings in front of him. Indeed, no one in the world could understand a foodie!

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