93 . Wife... Help me get rid of the fire

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"I'm fine...That foreigner is a good drinker, it will make us look insincere if I don't drink with him. It's a good thing that I can hold my liquor, otherwise, the investment is gonna be gone..." Ling Zhanyi didn't not to let Su Ziyang support him, so he tried to stabilize himself before calling out to Luoyang and Ye Shou. "It's getting late, you two should stay at the guestroom tonight..."

"It's fine, we don't live that far and will be able to reach home very soon. You two should go and rest soon!" Luoyang took Ye Shou along and bid their goodbyes.

Was this a joke? How could they stay behind and disturb the couple's intimacy time?

Especially under this tipsy situation where it was easy for something to happen all right!

If there were outsiders around, how would there be any development?

Su Ziyang also didn't continue to insist and watch them leave. He closed the door afterward and tried to help Ling Zhanyi to the bedroom.

Ling Zhanyi was only half-drunk but it still was extremely uncomfortable for him.

"Wife... My head hurts..." Ling Zhanyi leaned on Su Ziyang gently and acted coquettishly. En? Why was it gently? Nonsense, would he dare to exert any strength? This big-bellied person next to him was an important person to protect all right.

"How much did you drink?" When Su Ziyang looked at Ling Zhanyi's flushed cheeks and smelled his breath that stunk of alcohol, he couldn't help sighing. "Did you drink this much because this was a rare opportunity for you to go out? Are there really such difficult clients?"

"It's true, that client can drink a lot and I'm the only one that can handle him. He drank until he couldn't tell the direction anymore and of course, the contract has been signed. I drank around the same amount as him but I could still ask someone to send him back to the hotel before taking a cab home. I didn't drink until I couldn't stand up... Wife, am I especially capable?" Ling Zhanyi flaunted and snuggled to Su Ziyang's shoulder. He opened his mouth and kissed his neck before asking the same question, "Am I especially capable?" only to kiss him again.

"Yes, yes, yes, you are especially capable. No one can compare to you... Drink some milk before you take any alcohol next time, otherwise, it will be too harmful to the stomach." Before Su Ziyang could finish his words, Ling Zhanyi had already let go of Si Ziyang and staggered toward the toilet. Su Ziyang slowly followed behind and heard puking sounds.

Well, it's good that he vomited which could save the torment of those alcohol turning in his stomach.

Su Ziyang turned around and went to the kitchen to look for a bottle of milk. He opened it with his mouth and poured the milk into a bowl before heating it in the microwave for a minute. He endured the heat and carried it to the dining table to cool it down before bringing it to Ling Zhanyi.

It took only around two minutes to prepare the milk and by that time, Ling Zhanyi was almost done vomiting as he hugged the toilet bowl in the toilet.

Su Ziyang placed the milk on the tea table in the living room and went to the toilet. He wetted a towel before stooping down to help Ling Zhanyi up and wiped his mouth.

Although Ling Zhanyi was somewhat dazed because of the alcohol, he still remembered that his wife was pregnant and was determined not to make his wife uncomfortable from bending his waist. Thus, he hurriedly closed the towel bowl and supported himself by holding onto it. "Wife, I am fine. I feel much better after puking."

"En... are you done puking? If not, continue to puke, I heated a bowl of milk for you, you will feel much better after you drink it." Su Ziyang followed along Ling Zhanyi's movement and the pressure on his waist was instantly reduced as he straightened his back. His expression was more relaxed but he had never stopped moving his hands as he continued to gently wipe Ling Zhanyi's lips.

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