107 . Don't... We are in the office...

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Alright, Ling Zhanyi had to admit that he did feel some kind of guilty pleasure... because every time he watched this clip, he would get a little excited...

Su Ziyang's face was turning red by the minute from watching the video, so he moved the mouse to close the video. Just when he was about to close it, Ling Zhanyi quickly grabbed the mouse and held his hand to prevent him from deleting it. "Wife, why are you deleting it!"

"Asshole, did you ask for my permission to film this!" Su Ziyang hadn't comprehended when Ling Zhanyi had recorded this, so he was angry. Besides, it's too much to put this on a computer!

"I didn't record this... Wife, have you forgotten? That day when you filmed Luoyang, you must have forgotten to turn off the camera before you took it back into the room. It just so happened that the camera was facing the bed, and I drank too much that night, so you helped me with that... It must have been arranged by the heavens for it to be filmed down! It wasn't because l recorded it secretly..." Ling Zhanyi explained.

Su Ziyang glared at him. "Then why did you deliberately edit it and placed it here?"

Ling Zhanyi chuckled. "It is such a commemorative video, of course, it should be well preserved!"

Ling Zhanyi got closer to where Su Ziyang was sitting as he explained himself. He lifted his leg and pressed it on Su Ziyang's thighs, and then pushed Su Ziyang to lie on the chair. With the grain of rice still on his cheek, he bowed his head and kissed Su Ziyang.

Su Ziyang: "Hmmp...Hmmp...Hmmp..."

As their lips rubbed against each other, the rice grain entered one of their mouths. Both Ling Zhanyi and Su Ziyang continuously pushed it around with their tongue. Later, it went inside one of their stomachs. In short, both of their mouths smelled like food...

After much struggle, Su Ziyang finally freed himself. His mind was still thinking about the video as he gasped for air. "Delete it..."

Ling Zhanyi resolutely refused to do so. "No! Even if you deleted it, I still have a backup!"

"You big lecher– Hmmp–"

Of course, the lecherous Ling Zhanyi couldn't just shoulder this title without carrying out the accused deed. Once again, he pressed Su Ziyang on the chair and kissed him firmly!

Gradually their argument changed into an impassioned ambience, and the panting Su Ziyang collapsed on the chair. Ling Zhanyi held Su Ziyang's waist with one of his arms and reached into his trousers with the other...

"Don't... We're in the office..." Su Ziyang pressed onto Ling Zhanyi's hand and turned his head to avoid Ling Zhanyi's passionate gaze. He whispered, "Go and eat your food... I won't delete it okay..."

Ling Zhanyi rubbed against him and said with a naughty smile, "Don't worry, there is no one else at the moment but just the two of us... I'll be full by the time I eat you..."

"I won't be able to go home if my clothes are dirty..." Su Ziyang stretched out his hand in an attempt to push Ling Zhanyi away, "Okay, stop being mushy. Go and eat! You still have to attend a cocktail party in the evening! Quickly release me so I can start packing up and go home to accompany my sons..."

Ling Zhanyi refused to let Su Ziyang go. If he didn't eat his wife who had sent himself to his door, that would totally be a waste!

"Don't worry, I have a lounge... There's a bed inside... Let's go there..." Ling Zhanyi said and was about to stoop and carry Su Ziyang to the lounge.

Just at this time, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a voice burst in, "Zhanyi, is the venue of the evening reception set in our hotel?"

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