CHAPTER 31 - ❝bargaining chip❞

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I’ve been living in the pool house for a week and I never got tired of how extremely phenomenal it looked. It looked small and plain on the outside, but on the inside it was well decorated—with pot plants, paintings, small desk so that I could do my homework, a single bed, a cute little fluffy carpet and a small dresser to add a homey feeling to the entire pool house.

Giovanni and I painted it the way I wanted it to be painted too—light purple just like at my old house. When we went paint shopping the other day, he made sure that his gun was tucked away far, far away. He promised me that he would handle any dangerous situation like a normal human being, and when we went home that day, he kept his promise.

The sun was just on the verge of setting, and for the first time in a very long time since I arrived here, it felt as if I wasn’t in the way anymore. I was out of their father’s wrath and I was away from the mansion and tucked away in the pool house, per Giovanni’s orders.

He talked to his dad about me not leaving.

His dad wasn’t very happy, but he eventually came to terms with the fact that Giovanni wasn’t going to let me leave and that if his dad was going to throw me out, that Giovanni would pack his bags too.

His father, of course, didn’t want to lose his son, so he put the hatred he had for me aside—not entirely though, it was more than just tolerating me right now—and decided to let me stay in the pool house.

“It is so peaceful to watch the sunset through the sunroof.” Giovanni says, turning his face to look at me.

We were currently lying on my single bed, cramped together before one of us falls over and onto the hardwood floors of the pool house.

I was using his chest as a pillow while he used my fluffy pillow for himself. His chest was way more comfortable anyways. I loved hearing his heartbeat and feeling it beating against my cheek.

“The sunsets always are.” I tell him, tilting my head upward so I could place a kiss against his chiselled cheekbone.

Even though it really did feel peaceful right now, with Giovanni in my bed and with my head against his chest, I never managed to get rid of the guilt I felt for lying to them for this long about the possibility that my brother might be alive or not.

It’s been more than a week since Vincent kidnapped me and proposed me that I should kill the brothers in exchange for my brother’s life, but I still couldn’t get it over my heart to tell them or to do what I was supposed to do—and that was to kill the entire Castiglione family line.

I want to tell him everything I have learnt from Vincent, but that would cause a war. A war none of us are ready for. The White Pistols has had their knives in for the Castigliones for a long time, and starting a war with them now… I can’t imagine what would happen if I lose any of them. I can’t.

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