you son of a!

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Breathing in deep, gulf to his side, opened his eyes to furrow his brows, he looked to familiar blue sheets, flexing his finger, he rubbed it up and down on them has he laid close to them.
Was all of that.... in my head? Did I just dream mew and I divorced, have been separated for 8 years? That he cheated..... Was all that..... Real?
Taking a deep breathe, mew was to his side, back to gulf, to turn to wrap his arm about to pull him closer, Gulfs heart melted.
"Mm, good morning gulf. Please don't be mad, just didn't want you to sleep to the couch, it is too hard for you. You did help me pick this bed out, know it's comfortable."
Gulfs eyes widen, sleep stupor was coming off.
"So..... It wasent a dream..... Everything that has happened..... Is.... Real...."
Gulf curled a bit.
Mew furrowed his eye brows confused.
Gulf then leaned up, to look about, his eyes widen to gulp.
Mew leaned up to eye.
"Gulf, before you get angry please just listen to....."
Then his head went sideways.
Gulf breathed heavily looking to him, his fist was shaking. Mew brought a hand up to move his jaw back and forth, making sure it wasent broken.
"You sick son of a bitch! You got some nerve to bring me into this bed, the very one you cheated on me with! What the hell is the matter with you! God, I know you hate me but jeez mew! Why would you do this to me! I don't deserve this shit!"
Gulf then gripped the bedding to then move it, just for mew to turn his head to then grab gulf by his wrist, he had enough.
Pulling gulf down, mew pinned his hands to either side, to sit upon him, looking down in anger.
Gulf raised an eye brow looking over his face.
"You have got to be shitting me! You have no right to be mad! How could you have done this, you low down piece of..."
Turning there heads, they heard a knock to the door, mew then took his hands into one to place above his head to place a hand to his mouth.
"Daddy? Where is daddy gulf? Thought he was going to spend the night, but he is not on the couch." Hinta asked.
Gulf turned his head to eye mew, he kept his head turned to eye the door, thinking up a lie.
"Daddy...... Why is your door locked? Where is daddy gulf?" Hota pressed.
"He...... Is taking a bath after sleeping on the couch all night long, his back is hurting him something fierce, I locked the door because you two princesses need not to disturb him, I'm also dressing, can you two give us just a moment please."
Gulfs eyes narrowed.
"Okay" they said in unison.
Hearing them part, gulf jumped a bit, mews lip was spilt and a blood droplet hit his forehead.
Feeling the jump, mew looked down to widen his eyes, he didn't know he was bleeding.
Mew let go to place his hand to his lip to wince, gulf signed to get up on his forarms, he didn't mean to make him bleed.
After, mew got off, gulf dressed, to then be in the bathroom, kneeled, to look up to fix his work.
Mew kept his eyes forward, hands cupped, feeling like a cold hearted bastard.
I know I did this for gulf, to let him remain relax and not cause tension, but maybe I was selfish for placing him to our once shared bed.
Mew took a deep breathe to let it out a bit noisly.
Gulf placed the q tip down, to look to a bandage to uncover.
"Mew, please tell me honestly, why did you do that? Did you really not think I want going to be angry? Espacially since I know you've shared that bed with me and...... Him."
Gulf gulped and hard, his hands started to shake.
Mew turned his head to look over gulf.
"Gulf, what you saw, was the extent of it, I never slept with him in our bed. I never even...."
Gulf stood to throw the badge at mew, he fumbled with it to watch gulf go to the door way, head hung, back to him.
"I'm..... Not ready to hear any of this mew.....I honestly don't know if you would be telling me the truth or not, however you should have known better to place me to that..... After today, you and I need not to see the other for a week, I'll make breakfest for all of you, you can have the girls, both of them till Wednesday, then I want them for I don't even know how long, this is all I am thinking this far. What you did mew..... Really hurt me."
Gulf then left to go to the kitchen to greet the girls to then start a healthy breakfest.
Mew hung his head to eye the bandage, tears were falling, his heart was breaking.
Gulf.....I really wish you would hear what I have to tell you......
Mew took a deep breathe, to turn to look to the mirror to place the bandage on thinking of a lie to tell his daughters about how he got this, he would never tell them the truth, that gulf hit him, Which he did deserve.
Taking his hand down, he placed them to the edge of the sink to hang his head feeling depressed and despicable.
You don't know the whole story gulf, I honestly don't know what you would do then once you heard it.
Mew turned his head to look at there once love tub to sign.
I am guilty of cheating on you gulf, I need to stop trying to deny it, I did do something with that prick seceratary, but it is not what you are thinking in that head of yours.
Mew took a deep breathe to then turn to go to the bedroom to dress to then go out, to look over something he had missed to his core, gulf to the counter making breakfest with the girls looking adorly at him with smiles, he smiled too, then he looked to mew to make a face to look down to the mixing bowl with furrowed eye brows a bit peeved.
Mew gritted his teeth and fought against the tears that wanted to spill over.
Don't mew, this is not about you, do not ruin this moment.
Taking a long deep breathe, he went forth to pick up hinta to then move behind  gulf to look down.
Hinta looked to mew then gulf to her sister who did the same, they shrugged to relish in this moment, it made there hearts soar to be a happy family, (even though they didn't know gulf wasent very much that way,) if it was just for a second.

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