dreaming of promises I apparently didn't keep

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Dream state of the past
To the hotel, in the bathroom, mew looked himself over, in the mirror, has he had a towel to his hair to dry. He smiled a bit, this past week, he had nothing but gulf to come "home" too, he wasent happy with how his parents had gone about this, however, mew got gulf, even trade.
Turning, he dropped the towel near the door, to then open, resting himself to the door frame, arms wrapped about himself, he looked to gulf, who sat to the middle of the bed, criss cross, hunched over, with mews lap top, looking for a place to live for the both of them.
Taking a deep content breathe in he went to gulf to crawl behind, he then wrapped himself about, to place his chin to his shoulder to look at the screen.
"That one looks good. Not far from our high school."
Gulf smiled to nod.
"Yes, it's a bit small but..."
He turned his head to eye, mew leaned back a bit to eye.
"Don't think we need too much, bigger then this hotel room."
Mew nodded to then move forward to place his lips to his. Parting, they looked to another in bliss, gulf then turned his head to look through a few others, mew placed his chin back to eye.
"So...... Gulf...... Has your.... Parents tried to....."
Gulf stopped scrolling to hang his head a bit.
"No..... My brother texted me yesterday, told me they are..... Throwing out everything I didn't take and turning my room into an office for them...."
Mew peered his eyes to gulf with a sullen glance. He was happy they were able to get so his clothes and anything really important, they were just throwing away the furniture.
Darting his eyes, he reached his hand forward to grab the lap top, to then close, to place it too the floor, to then hug gulf tightly.
He turned his head to eye.
"Need a break. Been a week gulf, we haven't been able to be just us, since we started to take extra shifts to afford a place and doing our homework. Your boyfriend is feeling neglected....." He frowned playfully.
Gulf smirked to then turn, inbetween mews legs, kneeling he placed a hand to mews chest, palm down, to eye him a bit seductively. He placed his arms behind to look seductively back.
"Oh..... Is my man..... Really feeling this way.....I guess I'm being a bad boyfriend..... Need to.... Show you how..... Much I.... Love you......"
Gulf leaned forward to place his lips to his, to then move his one hand down, to open his towel, they moved there heads back and forth, consuming the others sweetness.
Mew then leaned a bit to gulf, to take a hand to place it to the side of his neck, gulf shook his head, taking his hand to his, he then pounced, sitting upon, he parted from there kiss, to place his hand to either side to eye.
"No mew...... I've been the bad one.....I.... Want to take care of you for a change...."
Mew smiled and wide.
Gulf smiled back to then lean up to take his shirt off, the was the only thing he wore after he took a shower first, since he went back to the hotel before mew.
He then placed his hands palms to his chest, to move back only a bit, to rub his rear on mews length, it started to twitch and ozz pre cum.
"Mmm, are you.... Teasing your man?"
Gulf kept at it.
"A bit...."
Mew placed his hands behind his head to start to thrust, then something came into his mind.
"Gulf..... I'm..... Not trying to ruin this..... But.....I saw you and Santi talking and....."
Gulf made a face to then place his head sideways to his body to look to the wall.
"You..... Are trying to ruin this....I.... Don't want to talk about your ex..... When I'm trying to make love to what is finally mine..... All of you mew."
Mew cocked his head to the side, to peer his eyes down.
"Sorry..... Just..... What did you two....."
Gulf took a deep breathe in.
"Doesn't..... matter...... Just told me some things......"
Mew raised an eye brow.
Did he..... Tell you the truth?
"What.... Things?" He probed.
Gulf reached his hand up to take an arm down to hold his hand to eye.
"Things.....I don't want to talk about it....... Mew......I was..... Also thinking of the future with you a bit..... Thinking of..... Us one day having kids....."
Mew lightly chuckled.
"Gulf, think we're a bit young to be discussing that, your acting like a woman trying to entrap me with being pregnant..... Are you pregnant, is that what is going on?" He chuckled.
Gulf turned his head to place his chin to his chest to look up, eyes darted.
"Sorry..... Bad joke...... But gulf..... It's very pre mature don't you think?"
He nodded, to then place his head back sideways to his chest to eye the hands.
"Just..... Thinking of..... Our future..... If that's what you..... Want...... Took us..... Awhile to.... Get to this point..... Maybe it'll be longer for...."
Mew took a deep breathe in to take his other hand down to place his arm around his body to keep his eyes to him.
"Gulf.......I love you, don't need to think of kids just to keep me, who you are, that's why I'm here."
Gulfs eyes darted to then turn his head to look up.
Moving up, he grabbed both hands, into his, placing them mid air to start doing the action again, rubbing himself on mew, getting him all hot and bothered.
Mew moaned.
"I love you mew....... Can't..... Express or tell you how much...... Do you..... Promise..... You really love me? That what my mom said..... Was all lies..... Your not.... Just using me? Your not.... Going to go back to..... Your ex..... Even though he has left school and is moving out of your...... Old love nest..... Your finally with me now? Were finally...... In a loving relationship? You promise...... Not to leave me or..... Break. My heart?"
Mew started to breathe heavier, he leaned up, to place his mouth close to his, eyes to his lips.
Gulf then moved himself a bit back to be able to place mews erection to his hole to start to go down. Mew gasped in pleasure by the tightness and heat.
"Ah gulf......I promise....mmm....I'm right here..... All what your.... Mother said, all of it, was lies, I love you, were in a loving relationship and...."
He looked to his eyes.
"Were about to move into our love nest."
Turning them about, mew hovered to thrust in full, gulf wrapped his legs about, his arms were bound to the top of his head, mew had his other hand to his erection to stroke.
"Ah mew!"
"I love you gulf, I promise, promise it all...."
With tears streaming down, gulf moved his head up to crush his lips to his.
"I..... Promise gulf...... I promise...."
Slowly opening his eyes mew furrowed his eye brows to look forward, moving up, he sat, to see he was too his living room, he accidently fell asleep.
Scratching his head, he looked to the television a bit dazed.
I...... Broke...... Those promises...... Because of my stupidity.....
Turning his head he heard the door.
Being Wednesday, he knew that had to be his girls and most likely his mother to deliver them.
Standing, he took a deep breathe in to head for the door, depressed.
Placing his hand to the nob, he had to breathe in deep.
Fake happyness mew..... For them.....
Placing a smile upon his face, he opened the door to look down to see hinta and hota with genuine smiles, they stepped to him to wrap there arms around.
"Oh daddy, I've missed you." Hinta exclaimed.
"Not more then me." Hota pointed out.
They stepped back then around to start to bicker..
"Nuh huh..... I've missed him more!" Hinta argued.
"No! I've...."
Taking there shoes and jackets off they went to the living room to sit to the couch to fight.
Mew turned to eye to chuckle a bit.
"So how were they for you mom?"
"They..... Were very good girls for me....."
Mews eyes widen, knowing that voice, turning his head he eyed gulf, his lips parted.
He nodded to look to mew a bit in akwardness.
"Can I..... Come in? We..... Haven't finished our conversation."
Mew looked to him with widen surprised, shocked eyes to nod.
"Of course. Come in."
Gulf took. A deep breathe in to enter.
Mew looked over him, heart beated erratically, he then placed a genuine joyfully smile to his face, to then close the door.
Finally, he wants to talk.......or does he?

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