will you stay?

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To Gulfs apartment the day of mews sisters birthday, he looked over the girls in there prettiest dresses to stand up to smile.
"You two look like little dolls." He gushed.
They both giggled.
"Okay dad, come on we need to go."
Hinta and hota went forth to grab his hands to start to pull.
"Okay okay, wait, I still need to grab her present from the kitchen counter, you two stay by the door."
They both let go to then do that.
Gulf turned to go to the kitchen to eye.
Can't believe I actually agreed to this.
Shrugging, there wasent anything he could do about it.
Grabbing the gift, they were running a bit late, gulf didn't know why, but he couldn't chose what to wear, unknowingly he put on one of mews favorite colors, a dark blue suit.
Going to the condo, gulf turned off the car to take a deep breath.
Hinta and hota looked at the other then to there dad.
"Daddy? Are you okay?" Hota asked.
"Mmm, I'm fine, my stomach just a bit feeling bad, but I am doing just fine, now you two, it'll be an in and out, but most importantly, have fun."
They both nodded there heads in unison.
"Right, now let's go daddy." Hinta exclaimed.
Gulf then got out, grabbing the gift from the passenger side, to then go to the girls did to open.
They they ran first to go to the condo, they missed there aunt and there other daddy.
Gulf stood before the car to look up, he gripped the bag, feeling a bit Nervous.
He then took a deep breathe.
In and out, you can do this.
Turning his head he looked to his other hand, it was starting to shake.
Oh no, anxiety not now.
Shaking his hand, gulf looked forward to then go forth.
Knock it off gulf, just a party, then you go home.
Going to the elevator, they rode it up in silence to then go to the door, hinta and hota. Knocked joyfully.
Gulf took a long deep breathe.
In and out.
Widening his eyes a bit, mew opened the door to smile and wide to gulf, to then look down.
Gulf gulped, his heart skipped a beat.
Crouching mew opened his arms wide, hinta and hota went straight to him to hug.
"Miss you daddy mew!" Hota half yelled.
"Love you daddy mew, I've missed you more." Hinta exclaimed.
The two stepped back to eye the other to start bickering, mew lightly chuckled, to then stand, keeping his eyes to them.
"You have out done yourself gulf, these two really do look like little princesses."
Gulf then looked down to grip the bag.
"Mmm, thank you, where is your sister? Who all is here?"
Mew looked to gulf.
"She's in there, with all her friends, there parents, all open minded."
"Um, are your parents here?"
"No, now hinta and hota, tinta has been asking about you, why don't you go in."
They looked to him to then shove him a bit to then go inside, his sister turned talking to a friend to eye them with pure delight.
Mew reached his hand out.
"I can take that."
Gulf nodded to keep his head hung to give him the gift.
Mew looked down.
"Tinta told me you got her a phone, yet you come with a gift."
Gulf nodded to then raise his head to eye mew.
"This is from hinta and hota."
Mew nodded to then lower the gift to eye gulf, taking a deep breathe, he then looked over his suit.
"With all the clothes you have you chose this one." He lightly chuckled.
"What is wrong with this?"
Mew stepped forward, gulf gulped at his closeness.
"It is One of my favorite colors on you."
Gulfs eyes widen, to look down.
Ah crap.
"Well, I wasent really paying attention."
"Mmm, well, let's go in."
Mew turned to the side, to reach his arm out, to eye.
Gulf lifted his head to look in.
He took a deep breathe.
"I really didn't know what I was putting on." He mumbled has he passed mew.
Mew watched him go to lightly chuckle.
Going in, gulf placed his jacket to the coat hanger to go in to go straight to Mews sister who started to ignore her friends to place with her two niece's.
Mew went in to close the door, going to the kitchen counter he placed the bag to the others, one of the parents saw gulf, they then went to stand by mew who kept his eyes to him to smile.
"Well, isn't this something great for the girls."
Mew turned his head to eye.
"Excuse me?"
"Well, I've heard, you two were bickering for 7 years, tinta talks to my daughter about that, it's because hinta and hota have told her it's hard on them to see that but now you two are able to be in the same room together. Guess you two are over the divorce huddle of hating the other. Good, you're kids are going to be even happier."
Mew turned his head, to look over gulf, who wore a smile has tinta was showing him the phone he got her, hinta and hota were looking to it has well.
Mew took a deep breathe in.
I should have know my daughter's would be observant.
Mew signed.
making this new arrangement, will be better for them, more time together, even though I love gulf and want something more, I know that just will not happen, everything I get, I need to relish in it, from everything I have done, it's what I deserve.
Moving about, mew then went to them to share in the new game his sister downloaded.
Has the party went under way, they opened the presents with joy, played a few party games, a few guests had to leave since it was so late, by the time the cake came, there was only a few left.
Singing the birthday song, they all clapped with smiles has tinta with hinta and hotas help they blew out the candles.
Mew then went forth to grab the cake to then cut, everyone grabbing a piece, gulf gasped a bit to look down, he spilled his piece.
Mew internally was smiling.
He wanted gulf to stay.
Mew then went to gulf, to go to his ear.
"You should go to the girls bathroom to clean up, I'll bring you something."
He nodded to get up, to go, this is when mew went to work, he told everyone it was getting late, all agreed, tinta said good bye to everyone who was left and give her nieces hugs to then be driven home by a company car, the parents left with there kids, going to the couch mew smiled the girls were asleep.
Grabbing one, he helped hinta first with her pajamas, to then get hota to help her with them. Closing the door, he rushed to the kitchen to start cleaning.
Coming out, gulf furrowed his eye brows, he didn't hear anything but silence.
Turning he went down the hall to look about.
"Um.... Where is everyone? I wasent gone for more then 20 minutes."
Mew looked to him.
"It was late, they needed to go."
Gulf nodded to shrug.
"Okay, where is hinta and hota? We need to go."
"They fell asleep too the couch, I took them to there beds."
Gulf signed to look to mew, this whole situation seemed off.
"Then...... You can have them to...."
Both turning there heads, they looked to the window, gulf stepped to it to wrap his arms around to sign, heavy rain came down, then lightening.
Mew smiled wide.
This seemed to be a sign.
"Gulf, I know you don't want to be here but, it's 1030 at night, the weather is horrible, it's an hour drive..... Come on...... Please stay."
Gulf signed.
"I'll only stay if you tell me the truth."
Gulf turned to eye him.
"You planned for me to stay didn't you? I can't blame you for the weather but the late birthday party, everyone seems to be gone, the kids are in bed...."
Mew took a deep breathe to nod.
Gulf looked him over to chew at his cheek to turn to eye the rain and lightening.
"I know."
"Well, I need to change, I know you have my clothes in there, bring them to the girls bathroom."
Mews lips parted, eyes lit up.
"Your.... Staying?"
Gulf shrugged to turn to go forth.
"Don't seem I have a choice you prick."
Mew then went to gulf, to place his hands to his upper shoulders to rub, sweetning the deal, gulf couldn't help but relax a bit.
"How about, you take a bath in ours...."
Gulfs eyes popped to turn his head to eye mew. He nodded.
"My bath tub? I know you love that one, remember I got it for your 23rd birthday. It's bigger then the girls."
Gulf turned his head to look forward, eyes darted.
"I..... Know it's bigger but.... Hey!?"
Mew then placed his hands over his eyes to push with his body.
"I know, you don't want to go in there, just do this, don't look."
"Mew, damnit I don't want to....."
Taking his hands away, they were in there, gulf looked to the tub.
He signed.
"Gulf, just relax, I'll clean the condo, watch over the girls, so please....."
Gulf signed.
"Just get out!"
Mew smirked to then leave, closing the door.
Rolling his eyes, gulf sat the the edge to start the water, remembering when they first got this tub.

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