snowed in

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To the outdoor celebration, hinta is holding firmly to her father's hand to look to the lights with glee.
Gulf to the side, is gritting his teeth, for he is near too his ex husband mew.
With her twin sister, right beside hinta, hota, is holding her other hand, while she holds onto mews, who is looking forward, trying not to think about this particular situation.
Gulf then smiled and wide to turn his head to eye his girls.
"Okay.... It is over. Hota, hinta and I need to go home, has do you."
Mew rolled his eyes to turn his head to look to the other side.
Hota's chin starts to quiver.
"But daddy.....I want to be with you and hinta a bit more.... Pleeeease......"
Hinta looks to gulf.
"Please daddy...... Can't we go to Daddy mews house and watch a movie then go home? He is right around the corner."
Mews eyes widen to look to gulf eyeing.
His face fell.
"Hota...... You know...... That is not a good idea. I'm sorry but....." His eyes widen.
Tears started to well up in her eyes.
"Gulf..... Don't be mean to your daughters. A 2 hour movie, shall be fine."
Gulf looked to mew in anger, with furrowed eye brows.
Hota and hinta looked to him with hope in there eyes.
"Please...." They both begged in unison.
Gulf signed to look to them, eyes darted.
Turning his head, he looked forward, watching the people start to walk away.
The two girls let go of there dad's hands, to walk before them to go to mews.
Gulf watched them go to turn his head to look to mew, still with anger.
"Prick! You know why I don't want to go there. You are such an asshole!"
Shaking his head in distain, he turned to catch up.
Mew turned to eye.
Not like I want you there either...... You are such a drama queen.
Stepping forward, he kept his distance, ignoring the past pain in his heart.
To the condo, they went in for gulf to stand before the door to turn his head to eye the elevators.
This is not a good idea.......I..... Don't want to go into the place we once shared when we were newly Weds and where he fucking cheated on me.
Taking his jacket off, to the couch, mew turned to eye gulf.
"Gulf...... Are you not....."
Gulf gulped to turn his head, to look with anger.
Prick...... He mouthed.
Taking a deep breathe, he went in to close the door, turning he placed his jacket to the closet.
Mew shook has head has gulf went to the kitchen with the girls to make some popcorn.
Please...... Let this movie be over quick..... This is..... Nothing but akward.
Finished, the three joined mew to the couch, the girls sat between, gulf was to one side, staying has far from mew has possible.
Mew to the other side, had his arm over the couch, at ease.
Placing a movie on, the two girls watched while eating the popcorn.
About 20 minutes in, mew peered his eyes to the side, to see gulf to his phone, moving his finger up the screen with a smirk.
Mew gritted his teeth to look to the television.
Why...... Are you so happy..... Do you..... Have a boyfriend? Are you chatting with him?
Mew took in a deep breathe to sign quietly.
Why...... Should it matter..... You two are divorced..... Have been for 7 years...... Because a certain someone won't fucking listen to me...... And just runs away like a little bitch that he is.....
Mew took a another breathe in.
Even if he did...... And does..... This is your fault..... You should never have brought them to the place you and your husband......
Mew gritted his teeth harder at the word.
Closing his eyes, mew was trying and hard not to think about this.
Looking up, awhile later, gulf saw the movie was to the credits.
Standing, he placed his phone to his back pocket too look to the twins.
"Okay girls..... It's time to go."
Hinta and hota, leaned forward to look to the side, at the large window.
"I..... Dont think so daddy."
Mew opened his eyes to look to them to then lean to widen his eyes.
Gulf looked to the 3 to then turn, his eyes widen in surprise and horror.
The streets were blanketed with snow and it was still going.
He turned to walk to the open window, to look about.
You have got to be fucking kidding me!
Mew stood to eye.
"Um..... This..... Is okay.....I can drive in the snow. Hinta please get your coat on and...."
Gulf turned to furrow his eye brows.
"You must be joking right? You live an hour away. This is dangerous. I am not allowing you to....."
Gulfs eyes widen.
"Allowing me? You have no say in over what I do. I am not staying here. Hinta grab your coat and....."
Mew stepped to him, to remain a foot away.
"I may not, however you are taking my daughter, I do have a say over her well being. Stop being ridiculous and....."
Gulf pointed to himself.
"I'm being ridiculous...... That's rich......I do not want to stay in the place where you ch....."
Gulf lowered his finger to look to the girls, who's eyes darted between them.
He gritted his teeth to look to mew.
"Listen......I know this is not an ideal situation, however, this is clearly dangerous....... Stay here, I'll sleep to the couch..... You to the....."
Gulf narrowed his eyes.
"You have got to be kidding me right? You want me to sleep in the same bed where the two of you......"
Gulf shook his head, to wrap his arms about.
"You are a sick piece of shit mew!" He said through gritted teeth, and quietly so the twins wouldn't hear.
The girls looked to the other, feeling the tension.
Getting up, they went to them, they both looked to the girls.
"Daddy please....... It has been so long since we both have stayed to this house...... We know you two are divorced but...... We Both want to stay..... Together, Right hinta?"
Hinta nodded.
"Please dad?"
They both looked to gulf with pouty lips.
Gulfs deamoner softened.
"How about......I call someone to pick us up, I can take both of you and...."
Gulf looked to mew has he cleared his throat.
"We have it set in the divorce decree, unless it is for there birthdays we each get a princess, I will not allow you to do that gulf."
Gulfs eye brows furrowed.
"Why? It's for one night. We can go to a near by hotel and....."
Mew shook his head.
"Tomorrow is Christmas, no where will be available, also, you know has well has I there is not one for miles. Stop acting like a child and sleep here. You can take the couch then, I get the bed, the girls get there room. Happy?"
Gulf scoffed to turn his head.
"You are being such a....."
Gulf took a deep breathe in to look to the girls.
"Go....... Get ready for bed then..... It's late."
They both looked to the other, to smile wide.
Stepping to gulf, they hugged him to turn to go to there bathroom.
Gulf watched them go to look to mew.
"You are such a bastard! I don't want to be here!"
Mew raised an eye brow.
"So...... You would rather go out in that storm, risking yourself and your daughter, just because of what happened 7 years ago? You are so...."
Gulf stepped forward fuming, eyes darted.
"I'm so what...... Call me whatever you want...... At least I didn't fuck my secretary in this condo where we shared with our new born girls, you prick! I have no idea why you didn't sell this place and why you still have that bed. You are sick piece of....."
Mew took a step forward, fuming has well.
"Now you listen to me....... I'm sick and tired of you acting like this...... And being such an asshole to me..... You don't even know the....."
Turning his body, the girls went to them eyes darting.
"We want a bedtime story.
Gulf eyed mew.
"Well since we are in his house..... You shall read to them."
Mew turned his head to eye gulf.
Rolling his eyes, he turned to follow them to the bedroom.
Gulf shook his head, to let his arms drop to turn, eyeing out the window with a grimace.
Signing, he turned to go to the kitchen, to stand behind the cabinets to look up.
Would he...... Throw away..... My secert..... Stash?
Going to his tip toes, gulf placed a hand to the handle, to turn his head to eye the corner of the kitchen that lead to the hallway. Seeing nothing, he turned his head back, to open the door, looking up he smiled. Grabbing a bottle, he took it down to dust.
Guess....... He didn't.
Gulf looked over a 1920's bottle of scotch.
Was..... Saving this for our 3rd wedding anniversary......
Signing, he looked up, to hold the neck of the bottle to go to another cabinet to grab a shot glass.
Reading to the girls, mew to the edge, looked them over in there close, individual beds to smile.
I wish.....I could see the both of you everyday. I love you two so much..... Just wish he would just.... Listen....
Signing, mew got up, to place the book to the side table, to then leave, closing the door quietly.
Going down the hall, he stopped before his door, to hear, a glass clink.
Continuing, to go forward, mew went to the end too look to the side to see gulf, before the counter, pouring himself a drink.
"Gulf..... Really?"
Gulf gritted his teeth, to place the bottle down, to grab the shot glass, to eye, head hung.
"I know my limit. If I have to be here........ So close to you, a cheating bastard in this fucking place, I will drink to my heart's content."
Gulf kept his eyes to mew, to down the shot, making a noise, he poured another, keeping his eyes to mew.
Mew stood there to roll his eyes.
"You are...... Really doing this? When our girls are here?"
Gulf glared.
"How many times..... Did you get drunk, and I had to watch them both, when they were 3 months old. They will be fine, has I said, I know my limit. Now go to bed. You disgust me!"
Gulf closed his eyes to take another shot.
Mews eyes widen.
"You are so.......cruel......."
Gulf lightly chuckled to place the shot glass down, to place the back of his hand to his mouth.
"You really..... Need to look yourself in the mirror mew...... You are the cruel one...... Now go away!"
Mew gritted his teeth.
"Do what you want. Hurt yourself for all I care." He said has he parted.
Gulf peered his eyes to the side.
"Being here...... Is the real pain and cruelty....."
Looking back, he eyed the bottle then shot glass, grabbing both, he took them to sit to the couch, to place them too the table.
Why.... Am I here..... This is..... Killing me......I hate this place......I hate you mew......
A lone tear fell down his face.
Leaning forward to hunch himself, gulf poured himself another drink.
This...... Is going to be a long night...... Bottoms up......

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