surprise wake up

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Taking deep breathes, mew and gulf, slumbered to there sides, still in a tight embrace, while in there girls room, little hota woke with a stomach ache, waking up, she sat up with a hand to her stomach, to then turn her head to the side to eye hinta who slept too her side.
"Hinta? Hinta?" Hota winced.
Hinta turned to her back to stretch her arms up to then open her eyes to sit up to eye hota with a face.
"Are you okay?"
Hota shook her head.
"No, the side of my stomach really hurts, can you go to daddy to tell him to come here, mmm.... Hurry..." Hota whimpered in pain that started to increase.
Hinta nodded to then get quickly out of bed, she they raced to the living room, she looked about to sign.
Guess daddy mew went home.
Shrugging, she ran to Gulfs room, not knocking, she opened the door to look upon the bed to widen her eyes.
Gulf jolted his eyes opened, has did mew, he then turned his head to eye him.
He started to breathe heavily.
"What are we going to do?" Gulf whispered.
Mew looked over his face.
"I have this."
Mew then let gulf go, to raise the sheet over his chest, to lean up to eye hinta, with a smile.
Her eyes darted.
"Why.... Are you in the bed with daddy gulf?"
Gulf placed his hand to his forehead to grimace.
"Mmm,. That couch really hurt my back, daddy gulf let me sleep here, he is very nice, so why are you in here? Are you hungry?"
Hinta widened her eyes to then go to the edge to grab mew by the hand to start to pull.
"It's hota, she's in pain.'
Gulf leaned up to take the sheet down to eye.
Hinta looked to gulf to nod.
"She says it's her stomach."
Mew turned his head to eye gulf.
"Hinta, go to your sister, we need just one second."
Hinta nodded to let go, has she left they both got out of the bed to rush to place on boxers and a shirt, to then leave to the bedroom, hota was laying down to her back, head turned, hinta held her hand, she was sweating.
Gulf went to the other side to place his hand to her head, she was very hot.
"Hota, what's wrong? Tell daddy."
Hota turned her head to eye gulf, wincing, mew grabbed ahold of hinta to hold, has they stood to the side, looking to hota with worry.
"Mmm, my side really hurts, daddy.... I'm. Scared...."
Gulf nodded to look to mew.
"Can you stay with hinta, call the school, have them both stay home, I'm going to take hota to the hospital."
Mew nodded.
"I'll go get you your pants and jacket, and your phone, stay with hota."
Gulf nodded has mew turned with hinta to do all those things, has gulf stood with hota, she started to feel even more hotter, she started to not make sense, mew placed her jacket on to look to gulf with worry, he looked back concerned.
"I'll call you if anything happens."
Mew nodded, he then patted hota's head to then kiss.
Leaning back, gulf and mew looked to the other, for him to then turn to leave.
"Take care of the other princess."
"I will, let me know at once please."
"I will." He shouted back.
Mew closed and locked the door to place his hand to the back.
Come back you two, you both carry a piece of my heart.
Gulping, mew turned to eye hinta, she played with her fingers to eye the back of the door, tears started to come down.
Mew made a compassionate face to then scoop hinta up, she cried to his chest.
After a quiet breakfest after mew stopped her crying, they sat to the living room, barely interested in the movie, mew turned his head to place his arm around her shoulder, she kept looking forward.
"Hinta, I'm sure you're sister is going to be fine, try not to worry."
Hinta signed to then get up.
"I.... Want to be alone."
She then went to her room to then lay in hota's bed.
Mew looked forward to wrap his arms about to sign.
A few more hours later, hinta was sitting next to the kitchen counter, looking down at her meal, to swirl the food about but couldn't seem to eat, standing to the other side, mew couldn't eat either.
Widening his eyes, he felt his phone go off in his back pocket, he reached for it to place to his ear.
Hinta straightened up to eye.
Mew signed..
"I understand I did not call into the office, however father, your granddaughter hota is in the hospital and......."
Mew furrowed his eye brows in anger.
"I can't believe you just said that, do what you will, my family is what is important, not this job!"
Mew then took the phone away to eye it to the counter a bit mad.
Hinta's eyes darted up and down.
"What was...."
"Just your grandfather..... He is being silly....."
Actually he is being a giant prick, can't believe he said hota of not important and I need to go to work, what an asshole.
Looking to the phone, he saw Gulfs name come about, he picked up the phone to answer.
Hinta eyed her father intently.
"Yes, um, well, hota had to have surgery, her gold bladder ruptured, but she is out now, I'm right here right by her side holding her hand has she is sleeping, she'll have to stay a bit for observation, but the doctor says she'll make a full recovery." Gulf chocked up at the end.
Mew gave a relieved face to lightly laugh.
"Daddy! Is hota okay?"
Mew nodded..
"She is doing just fine, gulf when can we see her?"
"The doctor said not until tonight, can you pack me a bag, I'm not going anywhere."
"I'll do that, please keep watch over the sleeping princess."
"I will and mew, thank you, thank you for everything, see you two soon."
Mew nodded to shut the phone off, he then rounded the corner to pick up hinta to hug her tightly, trying to keep the tears at Bay, he needed to be strong.
Hinta hugged him tightly back.
"When can we see her?"
"Mmm, tonight, have to pack a bag for daddy gulf, he is going to stay with her and I'm going to stay with you."
They parted to look at the other.
"What about work?"
Mew raised his hand to caress her cheek.
"You three, are what matters most to your daddies heart."
Hinta smiled and wide, she then let it slip.
"So are you and daddy gulf going to get back together?"
Mews eyes widen to then take his hand away, to eye her.
Mew honestly didn't know, but he had hope.

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