can't be true.....

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Shuffling a bit, gulf groaned, feeling his stomach laying to something warm and hard, that apperently went up and down.
What.... Am I.... On.....I can't..... Really remember.....I..... Had to stay at..... His condo.... The snow..... Girls to bed.....I kept drinking and drinking...... He..... Came out.... Then...
Gulfs eyes opened rapidly. Darting, he moved his head up, to widened his eyes in shock.
He looked upon mews sleeping face that was turned to the side, turning his head he looked down to see mew was holding onto him with a blanket over the pair.
What the hell!
Moving his head back, he lifted himself up, to stare with venom at mew who opened his eyes with furrowed eye brows, turning his head he looked up to see gulf, sitting upon him, hands to his pectorals looking down with anger.
"You..... Son of a......"
the two then turned there heads to see the twin girls coming out, holding hands, rubbing there eyes.
Gulf instantly got up, to look down confused, he was in his tee and boxers, looking to mew, he was in a pajama shirt and boxers.
Did..... Nothing happen then......
Hinta and hota went to there father's to look at each.
"Good morning........" They both said in unsion.
Gulf gulped to look to them, mew stayed slightly up, to look to them then to gulf.
"Um...... Ladies...... Merry Christmas.....I'm sure santa has been here. How about you two..... Go to the corner and check while your daddies wake up. Okay......"
They looked to another to smile and wide.
"Presents!!" They exclaimed.
They both watched them go to look to the other.
Gulf was a bit shaken. He gripped the Blanket in his hand.
"What..... What happened last....."
Stepping a bit forward, something he has felt before, dripped down his cavity to his boxers, his mouth then opened wide, to stare mew down.
"You...... Me..... We...... We didn't...... Tell me I didn't have that fucking cheating cock in me!"
Mew looked back to see if the girls heard that, they were too busy opening there presents.
Signing, he looked back, gulf was fuming.
Mew gulped.
"Gulf.... Yes we did...... You need to calm down and We need to....."
"You are unbelievable! What the hell is wrong with you! Bring clothes to the shower! I need to wash your rapist fucking seed out of me!"
Mew brows furrowed to then stand eyeing him.
"Now you listen to me! I am not....."
Gulf then hung his head, dropped the blanket, to place his hand over his mouth, the hangover was getting to him. He needed to throw up and get some water.
Mews deamnor softened, looking over gulf he then tried to place a hand to his shoulder. Seeing this, gulf smacked it away.
Turning, he went to stand in front of there then bedroom. Shaking his head, he went to the girls bathroom, to take a shower, he hadent been in there since that one day, he just couldn't go in there now, brought to many things back to him.
Mew watched gulf go to sign.
Turning he went to the girls to crouch, placing a hand to there shoulders.
"Girls..... Daddy needs to help the other daddy. Will you two princesses be alright, I'll just be in your bathroom."
They both nodded.
Smiling, mew got up to go to his bedroom to look for some clothes.
To the shower, gulf finished in the toilet to then wash his mouth out, to drink the faucet water.
In the shower, gulf had his forehead to the wall, palms face down to groan.
Damn it! What the hell! This cant be happening! Please tell me I didn't sleep with my lying cheating ex!
Feeling a bit disgusted, he then took his finger to his cavity, to try and get his seed out, wincing a bit, he was able to get some out.
Gulf then closed his eyes, to moan a bit, he then started to hear moans from the night before and began to remember familiar hands touching his body. He then forgot the cum, to start to finger himself.
Opening his eyes and wide, he took his finger out to hit his forehead to the wall.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! Now your fucking hard thinking of that cheater and remembering a bit from what just happened! You are just has sick has him! He cheats on you, then 7 years later rapes you, then you act like this......
Gulf kept hitting his forhead to the wall, he was mad at himself for what he did, and that he was rock hard down below.
Hearing the door close, gulf stopped to close his eyes to Ball his hands to the wall.
"Just...... Leave the clothes and get out!"
Mew took a deep breathe to place the clothes down, to lean his body to the counter, he wrapped his arms about to look down.
"Gulf...... You and I..... Need to......"
Gulf scoffed.
"You and I do not need to do anything you fucking rapist!"
Mew furrowed his eye brows to turn his head to eye the shower curtain.
"Could you stop calling me that! I did not rape you!"
Gulf darkly laughed.
"Oh yes you did, I was drunk you bastard! You know how I get! You should have stayed away from me while I was drinking!"
Mew made a face to turn his head to hang.
"I..... Know....... I'm..... Sorry......I..... Saw you were..... Rubbing your neck......I...... Just wanted to help...... To make your pain..... Go away..... You've had enough of it gulf."
Gulf un balled his hands to lean his head away from the wall to eye the shower curtain to barely make out mews figure.
"I..... Was rubbing my neck?"
" Mmm..... You were..... Said your masseuse screwed you up for your birthday......I...... Just wanted you..... To stop being in pain........I.... Took it a bit far..... Then..... Well..... You know how you get.......I am very sorry gulf......"
Gulf turned to lay his back to the wall, to keep staring at that figure, to let the water wash on his body.
"Well...... Thank you..... For the..... But you are still in the wrong.... And have to pay!"
Mews eyes widen to look to the curtain.
Does he really think I raped him? Is he going to call the cops?
"The girls....... Are going to stay with me till new years Eve at my apartment."
Mew signed.
"Gulf..... That is not in our divorce settlement."
Gulf turned his head to look forward to scoff.
"Neither is you raping me when I was drunk."
"Damn it gulf, I did not, you know how you get, I'm only human, also, how can you say that to me after all the times we would....."
Gulf hung his head to ball his fists.
"Shut up! I..... Don't want to reminisce with you!"
I..... Don't want to think.... Of our happiest moments, especially since it took me so long not to continuance think about them.
Mew gritted his teeth.
"I..... Will only except you taking the girls till then, if you say to me that I'm not a rapist."
Gulf darkly chuckled.
"Fine....... Your not a rapist, your just a cheating son of a bitch, who takes advantage of his vulnerable ex, now get the fuck out! After we leave, I don't want to see you till there birthday! I'll have your mom pick up hinta, I want to spend some time with hota, we can switch them on there birthday."
Mew flexed his jaw in anger.
"Fine! Now get out! You fucking disgust me!"
Mew shook. His head.
"So I disgust you, well You should know, you were the one begging for it."
Going to the toilet he flushed it, to make the water in the shower run hotter.
Gulf jumped around a bit.
"Ow.....ow....ow..... prick! Asshole! Bastard!"
Mew smirked to leave slamming the door.
Gulf breathed heavily, to relax a bit to the wall has the water ran it's normal temp.
He turned his head to eye the curtain.
Fucking......... Little shit! What did I ever see in him......I fucking hate him!
Gulf turned his head to look forward, wrapping his arms about, to grit his teeth.
God damn it!
He looked down to his erection that never wavered.
You shut the hell up and go down! I told you, 7 years ago! I am not going to touch you again and think of him, this..... Cold hearted bastard does not deserve it, probably received enough of it last night.....
Gulf leaned his head back, hitting the wall to look forward.
This is...... Such a mess.....
While he showered, he was true to his word, he never touched it, he turned the shower water to extreme cold, it took a bit, but then it went down.
Turning the water off, he eyed it.
So..... Stubborn,....
Signing, he moved the curtain back, to grab a towel to dry himself.
Out, he looked to the clothes to flex his jaw.
These were the ones, he left in there then cloest, after the divorce was final and mew was out of the condo, with his mother and father's, plus brothers help, they took everything out, but gulf couldn't go in there room, he also never asked anyone else to do that either, gulf just ended up buying new toiletries, clothes and shoes.
Peering his eyes to the back of the door his face fell a bit.
Don't you dare cry over him! You have shed enough tears for that.......poor excuse of a man.... Remember gulf, he cheated on you, just like he....
Gulf gripped the edges of the shirt, to grew in anger.
Downing on the clothes, he took deep breathes to calm himself.
Do not be anything but happy and understanding before those girls, this is not there fault. Just pretend this didn't happen.
Nodding gulf left to go out.
Going out, he saw them to the kitchen making breakfast, gulf placed his hand to his stomach it was a bit queezy.
Stepping to them, he sat to one chair, to see a plate filled with crackers and bread that was too be moved to him.
Gulf eyed it confused.
"What is...."
Mew looked up, swirling the pancake batter.
"Called, hanover special. Just eat, it'll help with your stomach."
The girls who sat to either side of mew, playing with there dolls, looked to gulf.
"Daddy..... Are you sick? "
He looked between them.
"Just a bit, think it was something at that restaurant we went to. Don't worry...... I'll be better.....oh.....I have some good news.....I was talking with daddy mew and..... He has agreed to let you both stay with me till the new year..... Isn't that nice of him."
Mew looked down to grit his teeth.
Both girls jumped down, to hug him to either side to look up with smiles.
"Thank you daddy."
He stopped stirring to eye them.
"You two are very welcome."
Letting him go, they grabbed there dolls to go play in the living room. Gulfs eyes opened to turn his body to eye the couch, that they were playing on
Mew looked to gulf.
"Don't worry..... While they were to the tree, I cleaned up."
Gulf breathed out in relief to turn back to look down to grab a cracker.
"So..... There's one thing.... Well many..... But this one thing......I don't understand..... If we.... Why was I and you dressed?"
Mew looked down to start making pancakes to the stove top..
"During the night, I become hot because of the fire place and you on me. Taking you off gently, I turned it off, to then clean a bit, placing your alcohol away, to then get you semi dressed and myself."
Gulf looked up to narrow his eyes.
"Then why did I wake up on you?"
"I....... Placed you back on me."
Gulfs eyes widen to lean back.
"Why would you....."
Mew signed to look up.
"Because I wasent going to run from what I've done. Eventually you would know, I'm not a coward gulf."
Gulf rolled his eyes to look down.
"Maybe not, but you are a cheating, manipulative, lying rap....."
Mew slammed the pan down.
The girls looked to them, then to each other to shrug to keep playing.
Gulf kept his eyes to the plate.
"Watch it gulf! Or maybe I should tell you how you were last night and....."
Gulf looked up in anger.
"You shut your mouth! Girls......I can see it has stopped snowing and the roads look clear. Get dressed im going to take you out for breakfast."
Gulf stood to look with pure anger at mew.
"I've lost my appetite....." He mumbled.
The girls ran to there room to dress, while gulf went to the living room to gather his phone to go to the side by the door to place on his shoes. Keeping his head hung he began to text.
Mew turned his head, to shake.
You and I..... Just..... Who are you texting? Damn it.... Why am I getting jealous.....I have no right to be...... We are nothing...... Anymore
Turning his head he then flipped the semi burnt pancake.
Done making a solo breakfast, he went to the girls to go to there eye levels to hug and kiss.
"Now you two be perfect little angels, like I know you can be. I'll see you on new years."
They both nodded, mew then stood up to eye gulf. He was looking to his phone to chuckle under his breath. Turning it off, he looked to mew.
He rolled his eyes.
He turned to eye the girls.
"You be safe, and please, call me when you get there."
They nodded to then leave, going and waiting for the elevator.
Gulf then went to stand in the door way.
"Gulf...... Please.... Drive safely......"
Gulf rolled his eyes to look to mew.
"Unlike you......I can drive in the snow. They well be fine. Relish in your time alone. Or call that secretary of yours, I'm sure he'll love to visit you."
Mew furrowed his eye brows.
"Damn it gulf..... Knock it....."
Gulf smiled ruthlessly, to then close the door with bit of a slam.
Standing there, gulf hung his head.
Be...... Safe mew.......I..... Mean it......
Signing, he let go of the handle to go to the girls with a genuine smile.
Mew standing there, took a few deep breathes to then step forward, to place his hand to the door, palm face down, he then placed his forehead upon it.
Please........ Be safe...... All of you........
Gulf.....I really am..... Sorry......
Taking a deep breathe, mew leaned himself away from the door, to eat the burned pancakes in sullen silence has he missed his family.

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