your avoiding me, why?

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A month after gulf stumbled into mews life, he ignored and avoided him like the plauge. No matter what, gulf couldn't look to mew and stayed away from him, even though they were in the same class.
The one day, gulf came at his usual time, mew had sat right next to him, trying to talk, gulf kept his head forward, faked being sick and went home.
After that, he either went to class very early or after the bell. What mew didn't understand or know about him, was gulf was feeling extremely guilty for what happened that one night.
By the start of the second month, Monday, mew signed has he heard the bell ring, peering his eyes to the side, he saw the only empty seat and it was 3 away from him.
Looking to the door, gulf came in, head forward, to look to the teacher apologetically and then rushed to his seat, placing his back pack to the side to hang his head.
Mew placed his head to his hand, to look to the side, eyeing gulf.
Why are you going to extreme lengths to avoid me? Not talk to me? Your only hurting yourself and your school life.
Santi to the front, to the right, looked back, he eyed gulf and then mew. His eye brow raised to shake his head with a chuckle to then look back to the teacher. He thought this while situation was quite funny.
After class, gulf usually was the first one to leave first, however the teacher called for him.
Mew seeing his hesitation, went to him and quick.
Gulf turned his head to widen his eyes, he then bend down to grab his bag to then go to the teacher. Mew stopped to furrow his eye brows.
Damn it! That boy is quick.
Taking a deep breathe, mew left eyeing gulfs back has he talked to the teacher.
Outside the classroom, Santi had stayed back, seeing mew, he wrapped his arm around his shoulder to laugh.
"You are a love sick puppy for him, at first I didn't think anything happened between you two, I thought he got scared about the after party and went home, but now, how he is acting towards you, I know something happened. Aaaaw did mew cheat on me with a yummy boy like....."
Mew stopped walking, to take his hand up to move santi's, they eyed the other.
"Don't Santi...... Don't be a...."
Turning there heads, they saw gulf come out of the classroom. He looked to them holding hands to take a deep breathe to go the other way.
Mew looked to him confused, then his eyes widen, looking to the action at hand, he threw there hands down to look to Santi.
"Damn it, now it is going to be even harder to try and talk to him. Your such an...."
Santi chuckled to grab a card from his pocket too place it between them with a smile. Mew eyed it.
"What is this?"
Santi grabbed mews hand to place it inside his holding. There eyes darted.
"This is where he is going. I..... Messed up with that party, I was.....too drunk..... Gulf didn't know about what we were doing in there, it was.....mmm..... So this is me making up for it. For you and for him."
Santi patted his hand to then turn to leave.
Mew watched him go to look to the card, it had an address for a hotel.
Mew raised his eye brow.
Dressing in the back, gulf looked himself over to take a deep breathe.
I'm..... Such a piece of human waste...... Those two.... Are so in love and.....I made mew cheat..... I'm so.... Selfish......
Gulf hung his head to button his last, to make a face.
I...... Really like mew too but.... He has Santi.... Thought it would help when.....I told Santi I couldn't tutor him anymore.... Since I.... Slept with his boyfriend.....
Gulf signed.
But they both..... Keep trying to talk to me..... They really don't have to.....I get it.....I..... Was an..... Asshole...... Still can't believe I......
Gulf signed once more.
No more drinking, it..... Only gets you into trouble, then and now......
Lifting his head up, gulf looked himself over. Just do your job, go home, keep ignoring mew...... He probably wants to hit you for what you have done to his relationship, that's why he keeps trying to talk to you and get you alone, I'm just happy for the small amount of friends that I have, I had to hang with them more and ran to them when mew tried to get close but...... Even though I don't want to get hit.... Maybe I should.....I deserve it after what I've done.....
Gulf took a deep breathe in.
I need to get to work.
Turning, he needed to be the bell boy for the hotel he worked in.
After about an hour, gulf walked back to the desk to go behind to help a customer with there room.
The manger was to the phone next to him to nod.
Helping the customer, gulf turned to go to the registrar to place money in, the manager walked to him.
"Mr. Fero, can you go to room 167? They needed to discuss something wrong with the room."
Gulf nodded to then part.
Going to the door he knocked.
When no one came, he used his black card to gain entrance, with his head hung he went in.
"Sir? I am mr. Fero, I work with the hotel, I have been informed by my manager there may be something wr......"
Going down the slight hallway, gulf lifted his head up to look with wide eyes to see mew. He was standing, body turned to him, arms wrapped, looking to him.
"Mmm.... You are quit cute in that uniform. Sorry to..... Just show up at your work but we need to talk."
Gulf gulped looking to him. He then hung his head.
"Um....I.... Can't right now....if you excuse me...."
Gulf turned just to stop. Mew rushed to him to go about to stand in front. Gulf took a step back, head turned to the side.
"You have time gulf. I would like to know..... Why have you've been avoiding me? Was.... That night really bad? Were you to drunk to consent? Did you..... Not like it?"
Gulf made a face.
"No...... Nothing like that...... Just.......I am at work.....I need to get back to my post...... Also.....I don't want to explain a bruise to my face."
Mew raised an eye brow.
"What bruise?"
Gulf took a deep breathe in to turn his head to look down to fumble with his fingers.
"I...... Guessed why..... You are doing what you have been doing...... You want to hit me....I..... Made you cheat on your boyfriend.... I'm..... Sorry..... So sorry..... If you..... Want to...... Just can't here okay..... Please I have to...."
Gulf looked up has mew stepped forward to place his hand to his face.
"Why would I hit you? It takes two to have sex gulf. I wanted to, I also would never hit that fragile pale and soft face."
Gulf looked to him confused.
"But......I made you..... Cheat on your......"
Mew took a deep breathe in.
"Gulf......I need to...."
He shook his head to turn.
"You don't need to say anything, I'm sorry..... So sorry...... When I drink I get a bit.... But that is not your fault or santi's.....I should have said no to the alcohol, no to the party and... And...."
Mew looked over his back to smile at his stammering.
I..... May have just liked you gulf..... But how you are being.....I think..... I've just fallen for you.....mmmm...... Gotten me hooked...
Mew then stepped to gulf to wrap his arms about.
Gulfs eyes widen to dart.
"Mew? What are you...."
Mew went to his ear to lick.
Gulfs body shuttered.
"Gulf..... You need to relax. This was no one's fault, I have been trying to talk to you, not to hit. That night was....... Remarkable..... Wouldn't you say so? Can you remember? Oh, also thank you for cleaning up, I could have done that though."
Gulf took a deep breathe to turn to step back.
They looked to the other.
"Mew..... This is not okay..... You have Santi.....I didn't mean to make you into a....."
Mew stepped closer to look down, he smirked.
"What are you thinking about, that has gotten you so hard? I can see it gulf."
Gulfs eyes widen to peer them down.
Mew chuckled to take a hand to it to rub.
Gulfs body tensed to place his hand to Mews arm.
"Mmm.....mew.... What are you...."
Taking his other hand up, mew went to his uniform to un do each button, one at a time. Gulf gritted his teeth.
"You need to relax gulf......I can...... Make you relax...... Can make you calm down....."
Gulf looked to mew has he looked to the action.
"Mew..... You have Santi..... We can't....."
Mew raised an eye brow has gulf got harder.
Oh...... So your..... Becoming enthralled in the taboo of being with a man who has a boyfriend.......mmm...... Such a bad boy.....
Un doing the last button, mew then went to his knees, to open his shirt a bit, to look up. Gulfs eyes were darting.
"Gulf..... It really is okay...... Don't think about it......"
Mew with his eyes still up, he then started to plant kisses to Gulfs body, gulf trembled.
"Mmm....mmmm....mew..... No..... This isn't.....ah....."
Taking his hand from his hard on, he used both to open his pants, to take his member out to eye, moving his head to the side, mew took his tongue out to lick his side.
Gulf couldn't help but moan.
Mew smirked to then move to his head to eye, then he looked up.
"Gulf....... Don't fight against this..... Trust me..... It's okay..... Really...."
Gulf with his hands to the side, balled them, to keep his eyes to Mews.
"Mew..... What about..... Santi...... This isn'"
Mew took his tongue out to lick at his head, pre cum then ozzed from it.
"Mmm..... You taste sweet."
Mew then kissed his head to lick. It twitched.
Gulf took a hand to his mouth, with flexed fingers to keep looking to mew.
Mew moved back.
"Mmm.... You look like an anime boy..... It's quite the turn on....."
Mew then stood, to wrap his hand to his length to stroke, taking Gulfs hand, he placed it to his pants, to have him rub his erection.
Gulfs eyes widen.
"Please gulf....... Dont you..... Like me to?"
Gulfs lips parted.
"I...... Do but.... You have....."
Mew moved his head closer to place his forehead to his, peering his eyes down.
"Gulf......I like you too..... So please...... Stop ignoring me....... It...... Hurts......"
Gulf gritted his teeth, he didn't want mew to be in pain.
Moving his head down, he placed his mouth to his neck to plant kisses. Moving there lowers a bit closer, mew took them in one hand, bringing up his other hand, he placed it to the side of his neck, thumb to his bottom lip, to move it back and forth.
Gulf moaned into it.
"Mmm.... Mew.... Mew...."
Mew smiled to his neck. He loved how this boy was saying his name.
"This..... Is wrong..... We...mmm..... Can't....."
Mew leaned his head back to eye. Gulf brought a hand to wrap around his wrist, the other went to his chest, to be balled.
"If this is wrong......I do not want to be right..... Please gulf...... Stop ignoring me.....I know you want me, has much has I want you..... So please..... Stop hurting my heart...."
Gulfs eyes widen, lips parted.
Taking a deep breathe, he moved his chin up, to place his lips to his for one incredible kiss.
Parting, gulf leaned back, there eyes darted.
"Gulf...... Please don't....."
He shook his head..
"I.... Don't want.... Cant get my..... Uniform messy....."
Mew smiled and wide, to then go down to take his pants and boxers off, has with his own, to make gulf hop up.
His eyes widen to the action.
Turning them they went to the bed to flop.
"Don't worry...... Trust me gulf...."
Gulfs eyes darted, without knowing that much of him, he didn't know why, but he did trust him, there was something trustworthy behind his eyes. He gulped to nod.
Mew then went to his neck to kiss.
Gulf lifted his head back, his mind and rationality was gone.
After, gulf was to the edge, pants boxers off, he was too his shirt to button.
Mew to his side, under the covers, head to his hand, looked over gulf.
You really are...... Something gulf...... You are so...... Sweet, caring, genuine and you care so much about others. I..... Really need someone like you in my life.
Gulf took a deep breathe to then stand.
"Let's.... Chalk this up to.... Another mistake.... Something that will never ever happen again.... Okay?"
Mew lightly chuckled to sit up, reaching forward he grabbed Gulfs hand, he turned to eye mew.
"Gulf..... It will happen again..... I'll see you here, after work, this room, Friday, okay?"
Gulfs eyes widen.
"Mew.... We..... Can't do this..... Can't do this to Santi...... It's not right...."
Mews eyes darted.
"Gulf...... Him and I....."
Don't tell him everything, probably why the sex was so good.
"Were..... Sleeping in different rooms, you saw that..... He is not innocent..... The party..... The one to his room..... That is where he was having an.....orgy gulf.....I..... Can't...... With him right now......I..... Really do like you..... Please..... Will you.... Be here again..... Friday?"
Mew made a pout.
Gulfs eyes drifted a bit.
"I.... Didn't know.....Santi..... Was like that..... Was doing that.... To his..... Boyfriend...."
Mew gulped.
"Mmm.....I.... Know.... So please gulf..... Since we.... Like each other..... Can we..... Meet this Friday?"
Gulf took a deep breathe in to nod, taking his hand from mews he went to his pants to grab a piece of paper and a pen, to write his number.
He then handed it to mew.
Mew grabbed to eye with a smile.
"I'll..... See you.... Friday.....mew..... I'm..... Sorry your going through this.....has long has were..... Can you not with....."
Mew looked to gulf to nod.
"Has long has we are having sex, I will not with him......I promise."
Gulf smiled a bit to then turn.
"I'm sorry I need to go back to work."
"I know, hope I didn't get you into trouble."
Mew heard the door close, to then turn to lay to his back, to place that piece of paper to his heart, looking up to the ceiling, he took a deep breathe in.
I...... Can't believe.... I've fallen in love with him..... Can't believe..... I'm. Lying to him about Santi and I, we are no longer are a couple haven't been for a year and a half, not since he.....
Mew turned his head to eye the wall.
I'll..... Keep this to myself..... The sex......I think it was..... Thrilling, exciting for him..... Since gulf thinks this is..... taboo..... One day I'll tell him... But for now......I think this will be fine..... I'm hooked to him....I..... Am being selfish I know but.....I want to get him hooked to me before I say a word......
Turning, mew looked to the number to smile, he then took a deep breathe to then fall asleep with the piece of paper clutched to his hand.

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