your lying, this is bull***

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Mew looked to gulf with wide and shocked eyes, gulf looked to him, then to the seceratary to then turn.
Mew then pushed kryo off, to then follow, in speed to grab Gulfs by the wrist.
"Gulf stop! You need to...."
Turning, gulf took his hand away, to then slap mew and hard, to take a few steps back, Angry tears fell.
Mew kept his head hung to place a hand to his cheek.
"You son of a fucking bitch! I knew it! I fucking knew it, you are cheating on me with that god damn seceratary! I want a divorce and I want you to go to hell!"
Gulf pointed to mew to then look to his infinity bracelet, to then take it off, for the first time since mew had it placed on to him, way back when, to place it in front of his face.
"You love me too infinity! Bull fucking shit!"
Turning gulf opened the sliding door to throw it into the darken night to go back to a frozen mew, to then take his ring off has well to throw it to his chest.
"I hate you mew tyuro! I want a fucking divorce! I hope your happy! Guess fucking that seceratary was worth your family! I hope you two will be very happy together you piece of shit!"
Gulf turned to then leave slamming the door, kryo came out to then go to mew to place his hand to his upper shoulder, mew shook it off, to crumble to his knees to pick up gulfs wedding ring to eye.
Kryo stood behind feeling despicable, he didn't know mew was married and has two girls.
"Get out....." Mew whispered shaking a bit.
"Mr. Tyuro...."
Mew stood to push the seceratary back, holding Gulfs wedding ring to his hand.
"Get the fuck out!! Your fired! I never ever want to see you again! This was nothing but a mistake! I don't love anyone else then my husband! Leave!"
Kryo shook to then part in haste.
Mew breathed heavily standing to then turn to go out to the balcony to look about, he then placed his hands to the railing to look up to the sky.
Gulfs eyes darted, his hand shook with the phone to his ear, has he listened to mew.
Not hearing anything for 10 minutes, mew started to get a bit worried.
"You...... Are lying...... Why are you fucking lying to me mew! I know the two of you had an affair, had one for months! That explained all your late nights with them and you ditching your family for him! Fuck you mew! You are such an conniving piece of shit! I saw it mew! Saw everything, I knew it, I knew you were going to try and take it back, go to hell! I'm going on this date with my boss and I am going to fuck him silly! Unless it pertains to the girls, I never want to see your fucking lying face again!"
Gulf then shut the phone off to stand, he looked down to it to breathe heavily, pulling his hand back he then threw it to the wall, his knees buckled and he fell to them, to place his hands to his eyes to cry into them.
He is lying! This is such bull shit! I saw it? Saw it all!"
Mew lowered the phone, to take his head, tears then flowed.
Gulf.... My gulf..... Is going to allow another to.... Connect with him..... The way we have been..... He is going to allow another to touch him......
Mew then turned to sit to the edge of hintas bed to let the phone fall through his fingers to place his hands to his eyes to tremble, he couldn't believe this was going to happen.
Hinta and hota then came in to sit to either side of mew to place there heads to his arms looking up at him confused.
"Daddy..... Don't be sad..... I'm okay now...." Hinta explained.
"We both are, daddy please.... Don't be sad..." Hota added.
Mew took a deep breathe to wrap his arms about them to pull in, he then closed his eyes to take a deep breathe, he was trying very hard not to cry.
To Gulfs apartment he was too his side, taking deep breathes recovering from an anxiety attack, his body kept twitching, he eyed his hand to shake his head a bit.
"He's.... Lying.....mew broke our family, he fucked that seceratary..... He had an affair..... He is nothing but a fucking liar....."
Gulf breathed in and out shaikly.
"But, what if he...... Isnt.... What if.... The two really didn't..... Have an affair, what is what I saw that day, mew is telling the truth but, he did technically cheat, he kissed them back. I.... Am so confused......"
Gulf went to his back to place his hands to his eyes to weep.
After a bit, he calmed himself down to then get up to go to his phone to look at the pieces, while he was too his knees, slowly he placed it together to call two numbers.
To mews, he sat to the couch to look to the floor to see his twins to there stomach's watching there favorite show.
Getting up, they heard the door bell, mew then opened his beer bottle to then take a swig.
They ran to the door to open to wrap there arms about mews mother.
"Grandma!!" They exclaimed.
"You two, can you place your shoes and jackets on, grandpa is in the car waiting for you, I need to talk to you father."
"Are we going to your house?"
"That you are, for the whole weekend."
There eyes lit up to place there shoes and jackets on to say I love you daddy, to run to the elevator.
She watched them go to then go in to stand to the side of mew confused to his deamonor.
"Mew? What is going on?"
Mew then brought the beer bottle to his lips to consume it all, he then got up to go to the refrigerator to get another, his mother walked near the kitchen counter, to eye his back.
He unscrewed the bottle to turn to consume, he then stepped forward to place it to the counter to eye.
"For the last few months, I have been having consensual sex with gulf, finally told him the truth about me and that seceratary and now...... He is going to have sex with his boss."
Mew raised an eye brow to then consume more of the bottle.
His mother raised her eye brows.
"Mew! What the hell! What are you thinking!? What about the girls!? Do you even care about them!? You two have already messed up there lives while being in a gay nasty relationship, then you split to then be...."
She jumped has mew consumed all of the alcohol to then throw the bottle to the wall, shattering it, he then turned to eye her.
"You listen to me! I am sick and tired of your homophobic remarks! Gulf and I would have been happy and together if dad didn't get sick, to where I had to go work at that company and I had to deal with that fucking seceratary who broke up my family! Now get the fuck out of my home! Say anything like that again, I am going to make sure you can never see my girls again! Now get out!"
She eyed mew up and down to turn too leave slamming the door, mew turned to then go to Gulfs secert alcohol stash, he turned, popping of the top, to go to the couch, to get blacked out drunk knowing his ex was going to be going on a date, then to have sex with them. Mews whole world was shattering for the second time in his life and he just didn't know what to do.

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