reeling from what happened

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After leaving mews, gulf didn't go to far with the girls, they all went to a family restaurant to eat a good breakfast, not that gulf ate any of it, his stomach was still doing flips.
With his hand to his face he kept his eyes to the table, swirling a spoon in his coffee, things that happened prior kept coming into his mind.
"Daddy, can I have more hot chocolate?"
Gulf kept staring, he missed what hota said.
"Daddy!" She whined.
Looking to her, his eyes widened.
"Oh...... I'm sorry hota... What did you say?"
"More hot chocolate please."
Hinta looked to her food to keep eating.
He nodded to raise his hand to get the waitress.
"Thank you, so dad what are you thinking about?"
Gulf flexed his jaw to gulp.
Can't tell her things of that night keep popping into your mind.
Gulf looked to her to give a shrug..
"Just thinking we need to hurry, your grandparents and uncle should be at our home by now."
They both looked up to wipe the mouths.
"Done." They said in unsion.
Gulf chuckled to then get up, they followed for him to pay, after a slow drive they finally reached his place.
Out, he helped the girls, holding there hands, they slipped a bit in the snow but no falling.
Going up, the twins ran from the elevator, to see there grandma and uncle waiting, with smiles, bags of presents were to there sides.
Gulf took a deep breathe to go forth, he saw his mother but not father, even his mother still gave him grief for his sexual orientation and what happened when he was 13.
Stepping, they looked to him.
"Well, took you long enough, where have youve been? We have been waiting an hour."
Gulf lightly chuckled.
"I texted you at his place, kla, said would be a bit."
His mother kept her eyes to the girls.
"Well, your finally here now, girls help with the bags please, let's go inside to have a merry Christmas."
They nodded to gather each for gulf to go forward to unlock.
Inside, the girls ran in with the bags to go near the tree in the corner to take out there presents to open.
The adults then came in, gulf went to his mother to take her coat off, his brother did the same.
Going to the living room, his brother went to the ground to help open and give presents to himself and his mother. She sat to eye the girls with a smile.
Gulf was to the side of the couch to eye.
Hinta and hota looked to there piles, there uncle's and Grandma's, to then look to there dad.
"Daddy..... Why didn't you get any presents?" Hinta asked.
Gulf took a deep breathe in.
It's because I'm gay, haven't received a Christmas present since I was 12, your grandparents have told me santa doesn't give presents to sinners.
Gulf then shrugged.
Kla looked to his mom who just sat looking to the girls.
He then got up, rolling his eyes, to gather a small present from his pocket too go to gulf.
"Well, has adults santa doesn't always give us gifts, but gulf here."
Gulf smiled to grab it, they both looked to there mother who scoffed.
Gulf took a deep breathe to ignore here to look to his brother, when they were younger he would give him presents in secert, now he didn't care.
"Thank you kla, I'm sure I've out done myself, go open your presents, I do have a few for your wife, when is she due again with my nephew?"
"I'n 2 months, sorry to say that's why she is at home, she would have loved to come, but because of the....."
Gulf shook his head.
"I understand."
Looking to there mother she leaned forward with a bit of a noise.
"You gulf...... Have always been so..... Great with the ladies, wish you would find one now since you're marriage ended, told you it would, shouldn't have....."
Gulf stepped around kla to go to his mom who looked up. The girls eyed her to then go back to opening there presents.
"Mom...... I've told you.....I don't care what you think of me or my....... past marriage..... But if you are going to spew hatred, be like dad, don't come here then."
She took a deep breathe in.
"Your keeping our granddaughters from us gulf..... That's not right....."
"I am not doing anything. I hear enough of what you just spoke of when I go to your home. You must wonder why I don't go there often well.......I and your granddaughters don't need to hear this. So...... Let's just have a merry Christmas, I hope you like what I got you, okay..... Please...."
Kla looked between them to go back to the ground to play with the girls.
She took a deep breathe to nod, turning her body she grabbed her gifts to open.
Gulf hung his head to look down at his gift from his brother.
Opening, he smiled, it was a picture of him and the girls.
Turning he placed it to the mantle to look to the side, wishing to see his ex.
Taking a deep breathe, he knew that was all in the past.
Feeling his phone vibrate, he took it out to see it was mew, rolling his eyes he answered to have a semi fight with him. Turning it off he turned back, gulf went to the ground to play with the girls.
After everything was said and done, his mother left with giving him a few girls numbers, his brother gave him a giant hug saying the same thing, don't let dad not being here pull you down, you know I love you no matter what.
Once they were gone, he threw away the numbers to help his girls to bed, where they hugged there Christmas presents.
To the bathroom, with everything he had to deal with, he needed to take a long soak.
Looking to the wall, he took a deep breathe.
This..... Year...... Christmas..... It fucking sucks!
I...... Accidentally have drunken sex with my ex, then had a horrible hangover, had to deal with my mother and my father not showing up..... Again...... Damn it gulf.... When will you learn..... This is the 4th time he has not shown........
Gulf took a deep breathe to look up, to take his hands to either side to grip.
Fuck! This Christmas really does suck!
When will my mother move passed this? It's not a phase....... I'm into men........ Well.....
Gulf peered his eyes to the side.
Well..... One man.......
Gulf groaned, to shake his head a bit.
Damn it! It is over...... What happened that night was because you are drunk, nothing more. Also how dare he think I can't watch the girls, that phone call really pissed me off! I was the perfect spouse and was there with them everyday before that asshole cheated on me and I worked, can't believe he thinks I can't watch them!
Gulf peered his eyes forward to sink a bit.
This day..... Is a wash......
Taking a deep breathe, he just wanted it to be over.
Getting out, he dried to dress, took care of business in the bathroom to then go to bed, to his side, he looked out the window to watch the snow fall a bit depressed.
Even after......7 years and his..... Adultery......I still......yearn for him to be here..... To be in his.... Embrace.....
Wrapping his arms around his body, gulf closed his eyes and tight.
Don't you fucking cry over him! You haven't in these last 7 years, he doesn't fucking deserve them!
Taking deep calming breathes, gulf was able to fall to sleep, in his dreams things about that night came back.
Waking the next morning, he was too his back a hand to his forehead looking up, he shook his head.
God damn it! was my fault a bit..... But I was drunk.... He knows how......I..... Um.... Get when I drink..... That's why I only do it when I'm alone and no one is around...... Maybe......I should with someone around..... I'm single...... Should...... Play the......
Peering his eyes to the side, gulf sat to look to his cell.
Who could be calling this early?
Reaching, he retrieved it to widen his eyes.
"Mew..... Damn it they are fine without you...." He answered in anger.
"Meet me at 11 at our old cafe. Be there gulf, we need to talk."
"No..... Why do I have to go? I told you to piss off and...."
"Gulf.......stop being an asshole, be there."
Mew hung the phone on him.
Gulf took it back to eye, he scoffed.
You...... bastard...... How dare you.....
Gulf growled a bit to then get up.
Call me an asshole! Now you're going to fucking get it, I'm going to chew you out.
Flopping to his bed, mew looked to the ceiling, he didn't like to use under handed tatics to make gulf comply but he knew what to say to make him come.

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