I will no longer not fight for you

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Pushing the button to the elevator quick, gulf wanted to get the hell out of there, especially when he let slip he didn't have sex with his boss but was still harboring a secret.
"Damn it! Come on!"
Turning his head down the hallway he knew there were stairs, turning his head  the other way, he heard a door latch open, to then see mew come out, to eye gulf. He held a hand out.
"Gulf! Wait!"
Tears then poured down Gulfs face, he held a hand up to point a finger to him.
"No! You stay the hell away from me mew! I fucking hate you! Go to hell!"
Gulf then turned to go to the stairs, wiping the tears has he walked quickly away.
Mew balled his fists, to then go after him, something he never did before but was going to do this now, he needed to know everything.
Getting to gulf, he turned to punch mew, to then thrash his wrapped wrist by him about to then try to get out of the hold.
"No, let me go! I fucking hate you! Your the biggest mistake of my life! I'm not doing this anymore, let me go! You don't love me anymore! You said it yourself, just let me g....."
Mew then let go of his wrist to then push gulf to the wall, to place his hands wrapping them around both his wrists to place them too either side of his head, they both breathed heavily, gulf kept his head hung. Tears streamed down.
"Mew..... Just let me go...... I'm done with....."
"Gulf! Were you..... Serious..... You and your boss.... You didn't...."
Gulf shrugged.
"What does it matter...... Were over...... Done with....."
Mew held his Wrists tighter.
"Damnit gulf! Tell me!"
He hung his head further down to shake it.
"No..... Nothing happened...."
But something else.
Mew looked him up and down, believing his exs words.
Moving his hands to his face, he made his head rise to then pull to his lips, Gulfs eyes widen.
Slowly moving his eyes to slits, he closed his eyes, to then wrap his arms about, has mew then lowered his hands to his legs to make gulf jump up, the two kissed with fierce passion.
Turning them about, mew took them back to the condo kicking the door shut. The two kept there lips to the others has tears flowed down both there faces, going to mews bedroom, gulf parted from there kiss to raise an eye brow looking to mew.
"Really? Your going to bring me into...."
Mew smiled.
"Look behind you."
Gulf turned his head to eye a new bed.
Mew moved his head a bit closer has gulf turned his to eye confused.
"For new beginnings."
Gulfs lips parted to pull mew to his to kiss him with love.
However, mew was not taking gulf to the bed but there love tub, moving past, mew placed them in, to then take a hand to the facet to turn on, bringing to bank to Gulfs waist, the two then took the others shirts off has they parted from there kiss, they both looked to the other with lust, they then placed there hands to there pants and boxers to throw out, to wrap there arms around the other to crush there lips to the others.
Has the bath filled, gulf turned it off, has mew was deeply connected with him has he straddled. Taking that hand back, to the side of his neck, gulf went up and down hard has mew thrusted into him, they both moaned heavily into the others mouths. They wouldn't stop kissing the other.
Parting, they placed there forheads to the other, breathing even harder has they came closer to climax.
Mew placed his hands to Gulfs cheek to caress, there eyes darted has more tears fell down the others face.
"I.....nnn..... Love you gulf..... I'm sorry.... So sorry......." He sniffled.
Gulf took in a very deep long breathe to move his head closer.
"I...... Stupidly..... Still love you......"
Mew shaikly chuckled to then pull gulf back to his mouth, for them both to cum in unsion.
Dried, the two were to the new bed, embracing the other tightly, gulf had his arms and legs wrapped about mew, kissing in passionate love, mew couldn't help but connect with his ex has soon has he could once they were out of the bath.
Gulf gripped mews back, the other hand gripped his hair, to have his body go up and down with the friction.
They both moaned sweetly has they came once more, making out a bit afterwards, mew parted to place his head, turned to the side, to have it over Gulfs heart, to wrap his arms about to smile contently.
Gulf peered his eyes down to stroke his head with a smile of his own to then look to the infinity bracelet to gulp.
"Mew..... It's finally time in which we need to talk and have a serious conversation, I need to tell you what happened earlier."
Mew took a deep breathe to hold him tighter.
"Did you..... Lie to me? Did you and your boss?"
"No mew..... We did not, I...... Didn't even go on a date with him, I..... Cancelled it.... To talk to another, that is what we need to discuss and focus on."
Mew turned his head to place his chin to Gulfs chest to look up at him.
"Did.... You have a date with someone else?"
Gulf rolled his eyes.
"No.....I just talked to them but they are...."
Mew leaned up to place his lips to his to part to place his head to his chest to listen to his heart.
"Right now gulf, I do not give two fucking shits who you talked to. I just want to stay in this embrace with you. Please, can we just do that?"
Gulf gritted his teeth to then look at a piece of hair of mews to look at.
"When will the girls come back?"
"Tomorrow, probably by 5."
"Then.... Promise me, we will have this conversation, all of it."
Mew closed his eyes to move his head up and down.
"Yes gulf......I promise, mmm....I love you."
Gulf took a deep breathe to wrap his arms about to close his eyes.
"It'll take a lot for me to say that again mew....I..... Was caught up in the moment."
Mew nodded.
"I..... Understand...."
Feeling mews body go limp, he knew mew feel asleep, going into unconsciousness, gulf was happy to be where he was, then he started to dream of the day he packed and left, how he despised every minute of it.

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