just need a day to myself

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Taking deep breathes, gulf laid to the couch, after his shower, to try and relax with his eyes closed.
Taking a very long deep breathe, he turned to his side to grab his phone, from the table, next to his bowl of soup, to then move back to eye it.
Please..... Don't be mad at me.....
Dialing, he placed the phone to his ear to bring his hand to his forehead to rub, to re close his eyes.
"Hello? This is the....."
"Fran? Can you get me mr. Yelo?"
Switching over he answered.
"This is mr. Yelo, who may I ask is this?"
"It's gulf fero, I'm so sorry to be calling you at 10, a few hours after we opened, however, I feel very sick to my stomach and.....'
"Oh no, that is perfectly fine. In the years you have worked here you have never taken a day off. You are one of my best art directors. Please take your time to heal."
"Thank you very much mr. Yelo."
"Gulf..... I've told you, call me sinuti."
Gulf nodded.
"Again I am very sorry for my late call, I know it was....'
"Gulf, it is perfectly fine. I'll see you when you come back, take all the time you need."
Gulf took the phone to shut it off, to lay it to his stomach.
He placed both his hands over it to shake his head.
I shouldn't..... Work under a man..... Who likes me and wishes to.......
Gulf shuttered to place his hand back to his forehead to rub.
God damn it mew! You fucking asshole! This is your fault! Even after all these years I'm such a pathetic light weight, only had 3 beers then this happens.
Taking a deep breathe he thought.
So, the girls are going to stay with mews parents till Wednesday so I can heal, called my work..... Think that is it, don't have to see him till January 1st where he'll get the girls for a bit till school starts up.
Gulf then took a deep shaky breathe in.
Why...... Did you have to..... Be so fucking romantic mew? Why did I have to go to that hotel! I fell right into his trap.
"You didn't seem to mind."
Gulf took his hand from his forehead to look to a hallucination, mew, sitting to the table looking to him, hunched over, hands cupped together.
He then gritted his teeth.
"Your..... Not real...... Not really here....."
Mew then moved off the table to then, go to gulf to place his hand over his, to kneel, his eyes darted.
"I hate when your sick. Alcohol and you, never seem to mix well."
Tears then started to go down Gulfs face.
"Damn it mew! Why...... Do I still.... fucking love you! Why..... Did you have to cheat on me..... Why.... Wasent I good enough for you?"
Mew looked him over with a sullen expression.
"I..... Honestly don't know either."
Peering his eyes down, mew looked to his left wrist where his infinity bracelet used to be.
Gulf looked down, to eye.
"I..... Really wish..... You didn't throw it off our balcony, after you caught me with him gulf."
Gulf took a deep breathe to look to mew, who kept his head turned eyeing.
"You...... Are a son of a bitch! You do not deserve my tears or my love!"
Mew slowly turned his head to eye gulf.
"I don't believe.....I ever did......I love you gulf, please, take care of yourself."
Bending his head down, he laid his lips to Gulfs, warm droplets hit his cheek.
Opening his eyes, gulf didn't know he fell asleep, it felt too real.
Moving up, he brought up his left wrist to his face, to wrap his right hand around. He was missing his bracelet too.
Back when they were 16 and they gotten back together, he placed it on, to never take it off, not till they one horrible, soul sucking day.
After he had caught mew, gulf turned to try and leave, mew followed, not even fixing himself, in the living room, he was able to grab hold, gulf quickly took his arm back to punch mew, has he eyed gulf, he eyed there wedding and engagement ring to take them off to throw them to his chest, then looking to that bracelet, he eyed it with tears.
"You love me for infinity huh! Bull shit!"
Has there sliding glass door was open, gulf went to it and threw it out, has he came back, mew stood there frozen, head turned to the side, not being able to move, since his world was falling apart.
"I..... Want a divorce! You fucking cheater!"
Gulf then turned leaving in pure anger and misery.
To the couch, gulf turned to sit to the edge, to grip his hand to cry into it.
Why....... Just why did you fucking cheat on me! Why do you...... Keep doing these things! Your confusing my heart, my soul! I..... Don't understand!
Gulf then went to his side to lay to the couch, to weep, he took his arms to his stomach to wrap about, his tummy really was hurting him, he couldn't tell if it was all because of the alcohol, not sleeping, his heart hurting, or the fact he hadent eaten or drunken a thing since the alcohol.
He took deep breathes to eye his phone that he placed back to the table, it vibrated.
Taking a deep breathe, he reached a hand over.
This...... Is not going to break you, not when your already shattered into a million pieces..... Just need to..... Suck it up..... Move on....
Grabbing the phone, he eyed to see a text message, his brows furrowed in anger, he then threw the phone it slides against the table.
Getting up, he took a deep breathe to go to his bathroom, to go into the medicine cabinet to eye his pills.
That......moronic...... Deciful.....cruel..... Heartless man......I...... Just can't...... I'm not..... Strong enough......
Opening the pill bottle, he took his dosage, to drink some water to then go to bed, has it kicked in, he placed the blanket over his head to fall into a painful oblivion.
Mews message: gulf, I am beyond....... Please..... We still need to talk......

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