meeting up with, kyro tulipo

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A few hours prior, gulf was to his car, parked before the restaurant, taking deep breathes, leaning back in his chair, he peered his eyes to his phone that went off, retrieving it, he eyed a text message from his boss.
Gulf felt bad he told him they needed to keep a professional front, but he knew in his heart this was not going to work out.
He read over the text message.
His boss: I really wish you would reconsider, however I know how confusing it can be with an ex comes back. I really wish you the best, if it doesn't work out with them, please let me take you out for coffee.
Gulf: thank you for being so understanding and we will see. Best of luck to you.
Gulf shut his phone off to then place back to the passenger side to eye.
I really am sorry....
Taking a deep breathe, he got out to see the last person who he ever wanted to lay his eyes upon again, but knew this needed to happen.
Going in, he went to the front, they nodded to take him to kyro tulipo, who sat to the back, eyes to his cup, he then looked up has gulf sat.
He gritted his teeth, to wrap his arms about, has he sat to the chair. Kryo gulped, the server eyed gulf.
"Would you like a menu sir?"
He kept his eyes to kryo.
"No thank you, just a cup of coffee please."
They nodded to then part.
Kryo then looked down to his cup to then place his index finger to trace, he was a bit uncomfortable.
After a few moments of silence, kryo gulped once more to break the tension.
" fero? If I remember right um..... Why did you....."
Gulf raised a hand.
"No.... Don't talk yet..... I'm still trying to calm myself for this."
Kryo nodded to take a deep breathe in.
Gulf lowered his hand, to re wrap, to then look to the server who brought his coffee.
"Mm, thank you "
"You are welcome."
Watching him part, he eyed kyro, he looked to be shaking a bit.
"Are..... You scared of me mr. Tulipo?"
Kryo leaned into his chair.
"A bit obvious I Well..... To get your call.....8 years later after um.....I um....."
"Well, let me tell you something, I am not here for violence, just to get some answers, so you don't need to be afraid."
Kryo grabbed his cup to consume his water to nod, to place it back down to eye, he couldn't look gulf right in his eyes, not directly anyways.
Gulf took a deep breathe, he was having a slight anxiety attack to this but knew he needed to go forth.
"Listen, I need to know..... Where you in love with my ex husband?"
Kryos eyes widen, he hung his head.
"Mr. Tulipo, I am here for answers, after what happened it's the least you can do, don't you think?"
Kryo darted his eyes, he then nodded.
"I..... Was yes..... I'm sorry...."
Gulf took a deep breathe to keep his eyes to kryo.
"Did you know, he was married when you two..... Had an affair?"
Kryo furrowed his eye brows a bit confused with that question.
He then looked to gulf.
"What.... Are you talking about? There was no affair."
Gulf scoffed.
"Oh, don't lie now, I saw that day....."
" fero, there was no affair, yes I did fall for mr. Tyuro however......I did not know the two of you were married or had children, I only learned of that, that night, once he yelled at me, the love I felt for him was shattered, over, I don't break up families, that is what happened to my own."
Gulf, eyed narrowed.
"Do not make me feel sorry for you! You slept with my husband, most likely several times and in our bed you little shit!" He said quietly through gritted teeth.
"Mr. Fero..... No we did not..... That day.... He may have kissed me back, but it didn't feel has if it was for me, but.....I think for you.....I also couldn't seem to get to him.... Let me tell you..... Now a time prior I took him home when he was drunk there was slight touching on my part, but please believe me when I tell you this, I could never reach his heart, I think that was and will always be yours."
Gulfs lips parted, he looked down, his anger started to subside.
"Wait..... What kind of.... Touching?"
"Just me placing my hand to his cheek, the look he gave me.....I knew it was full of Fero.....I am sorry..... So sorry.... But please believe me, I honestly didn't know, if I did, I would have stayed away. Now...... You said ex a bit back..... Did you two....."
Gulf looked up.
"They doesn't mean you can go and claim him, he and I...."
Kryo shook his head.
"That's not what I'm after, did you two split because of me? Because of what you saw?"
Gulf flexed his jaw to nod.
"Mr. Fero...... I'm so sorry....."
Gulf took a deep breathe to look back to kryo, he looked very sad.
"So...... There was no affair? You..... Two didn't..."
"No...... Then he fired me after you left, he was crying just so hard, think his heart was breaking......I know I could have fought to stay but..... That was my karma...... And since then..... I've stayed single."
Gulf looked to him confused.
"Because i ruined your relationship. I didn't know if you two stayed together or not, if you worked things out of not, I went through some difficult things and I'm trying to get a handle on some redemption. Just know, the way mr. Tyuro looked after you left, it broke my heart has well."
Gulf hung his head to take a deep breathe.
He then got up, kryo looked to him to watch, gulf then grabbed out a pen and a piece of paper from his back pocket.
He then stepped to kryo to place it down. Kryo eyed it.
"A..... Phone number?"
"Mmm, 8 years is more then enough to mail over this, I trust you and him when you both are saying the same, no affair happened, this number is for someone close to me who is very sad and lonely."
Kryos eyes widen to then looked to gulf.
"I don't want your ex phone num....."
Gulfs eyes narrowed.
"You are never going to get his number, you are never going to get involved with him again. You kyro tulipo are going to stay away from my family, know if I see you are things will turn physical. Now give that number a call, tell them gulf gave you the number. Have a nice day."
Gulf turned without a second beat to leave with a smile, he knew where he needed to go next.
Kryo watched him leave to then pick up the number to eye.
If..... It's not his ex.... Then who is.....
Retrieving his phone, he gave it a call, to find out it was Gulfs boss.

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