story behind the love tub

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Walking hand in hand in the mall, gulf looked to his bag to eye things he had picked up at the nursery store.
"Mmm, I don't think I picked up...."
Mew rolled his eyes.
"Gulf, you have bought half the things in that store, we are fine."
Gulf looked to mew with a face.
"I just want to make sure I have everything, were going to be parents and soon mew."
"Not for a couple of more months."
Gulf really eyed mew to turn his head to make a sour face.
"You, don't seem sad about that."
Mew then let go of his hand to place his arm around his shoulder has they walked.
"I'm thrilled were going to be parents gulf, just been having bad days at that office, this is not really me."
Gulf nodded.
"I know, but you are doing so well, I heard you've gained a client your father couldn't even get, congratulations."
"I.... Don't like I'm good at this, you know I...."
Stopping, gulf eyed what was behind the glass to take a deep breathe.
Mew looked to him to then eye.
"That bath tub looks really something."
Gulf nodded.
"Always had my eye to something like that." He shrugged.
"One day, now we should go home and start on the nursery, for our......"
Gulf turned his head to eye mew.
"Daughters." His face lit up.
Mews eyes widen.
"How do you...."
"The surrogate called, told me, I can't believe it, a mini you and me in girl form, I can't wait. Now let's go home daddy."
Mews lips parted, his heart skipped a bit.
Gulf smiled to then turn his head forward to start walking then again, mew then looked to the glad to raise an eye brow.
2 weeks later, gulf was to his desk looking to the computer eyeing different art works, looking up he smiled wide.
Mew came in to stand to the other side.
"Are you almost done? I have a birthday surprise for you my dear husband."
Gulf furrowed his brow a bit confused.
"But my birthday was."
"I know when, but it is a delayed gift, come on."
He motioned with his head.
Gulf nodded to then shut his computer off, leaving a bit early was not a bit deal, his boss was so sweet to him.
Getting up, gulf went to mew to wrap his arms about to kiss him deep.
Mew wrapped his arms about, to then lean his head back.
"We can't here my beloved man"
Gulf made a face.
"Maybe one day?"
Mew shrugged.
"Maybe, come on, your going to love this."
Gulf stepped back to eye mew.
"Mm, I already do."
Mew chuckled.
"It's not me, but something else."
Gulf looked him to the eyes.
"You don't need to....."
"To late."
Mew turned to keeping the door open, grabbing gulfs bag, he smiled to then follow, in pure curiosity.
Going home, gulf kept his eyes to mew asking the same thing, what did you get me? Mew kept a smile to his face to say nothing.
Getting out, going up, then to the door, mew stood behind gulf to place his hands over.
"Mew..." He chuckled.
"Nope, I want your eyes to be closed."
Going in, mew placed Gulfs bag to the floor, took his and Gulfs shoes off, to then take there jackets to place to the hanger, to go back to place his hands to his eyes.
"Mew..... You don't need to do this...." He laughed.
"Yes I do, want you to see the gift."
Pushing them forward, he took gulf to there bathroom.
To the middle, he went to his ear.
"Of course."
"Know I love you so much."
"Mm, I know, so...."
Mew took his hands away, gulfs eyes opened wide, looking to the corner he saw the tub, he gasped to place his hand to his mouth in shock, he turned his head to eye mew.
"Mew, these things are expensive, how did you?"
He shrugged.
"The power of love I have for you."
"Is that why you've been working late?"
Mew nodded.
Gulf turned back to eye, he would have rather have had mew in those hours then this tub, shrugging it was here now, mew then placed his hand to his to lead him, he turned to hold there hands up.
"Care for a dip?"
Gulf lightly chuckled to then go in, to sit in the empty tub to look about.
"Mew, you really didn't have to do this"
Mew hunched over to place his hands to the edge to look about.
"I know, but you deserve the best."
Gulfs lips parted, heart beated like a drum, he looked to mew.
"You are the best."
Mew eyed gulf, his heart was soaring.
"Mm, maybe once, but now...."
Mew hung his head, to grip the edge.
"You are dealing with so much gulf, your job, getting ready for our girls, helping me, which I know it isn't easy since you know I'm a bit upset, the fact I had to quit school, go work for my dad, the stress, the frustration I feel that I'm apperently good at this but it is not my dream, and you cooking and cleaning this huge place, I know this was an expensive buy but, with everything you are having to those shoulders, I just wanted to show you how much I care and appreciate you my love."
Gulf took a deep breathe, those words touched his soul.
He then looked to mew to raise his arms.
"Mew, come in here with me. Be with your husband."
Mew smiled to turn his head to eye gulf.
"But there is no water."
"Are you going to let that stop us?"
"Mm, this is for you, not for me. You deserve this more then...."
Gulf then got up to go to his knees, mew strightened up for gulf to go to his tie to loosen to eye the action, then he looked up.
"I am not asking, come in here."
Gulf then threw the tie, to then place his hands to his shirt to pull him in.
Mew grew hard in his pants, this poessive, head strong gulf was turning him on.
"Guess have no choice."
He went willingly in, to hover, gulf then ripped his shirt open, buttons flew everywhere, there eyes darted.
"No you do not, now, kiss me like you can't live without me."
Mew smirked.
"I can't live without you."
Gulf smiled.
Gulf then placed his hands to his neck to then pull to his lips.
Gulf was to the bath, taking his fingers to the surface to then let the droplets hit, eyeing the action.
He gritted his teeth remembering how he got this tub.
Can't live without me huh? Liar, Yet you......
Growing in anger, hearing the door closed then a lock, gulf turned his head to look over mew. He eyed gulf.
"May I.....up the anti to your relaxation?"
He motioned with his phone, that was playing relaxing music.
Gulf shrugged, to turn his head to eye the water.
"It's your home, do what you please."
Mew smirked.
I will not be the only one to do has I please gulf, just you wait and see.

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