a moment to think

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Coming back, gulf asked his brother and his wife if they could watch the girls just for a bit longer so he could take a warm shower, while he was inside, he kept his head hung, eyes closed, hands balled into fists by his side.
Why...... Do I keep......
Gulf signed.
You need to hear this whole story gulf, for years, even in the divorce proceedings he has said this, that there is more to the story and I won't listen.
Gulf took in a deep breathe to raise his head to let the water wash through him.
Why should I listen? I know what I saw, maybe he is just trying to get out of it or say I'm wrong.
Gulf squeezed his fists.
I saw you mew, I saw him on top of you, your shirt wide open, him with a hand to your shoulder and one to what once was mine, what I've been.....
Gulf turned his head to the side to grit his teeth and hard.
I remember how they looked back at me, the "oh shit," caught look.
Gulf turned his head back to place his hands through his hair to feel the texture.
I'm sure he is just trying to get out of it.
I know what I saw mew.
Taking a deep breathe, gulf turned off the water to then dry to dress.
Standing before the mirror, he placed his hands to the sink to look at himself, really eye.
So, he lied about Santi, you never were having him cheat on him with you, but why for 16 years he didn't say one word, just thought, oh he already knew. All my pain and angst I felt, all the years I thought this was karma tic justice, maybe....... Him really cheating, is all my fault....... Maybe I just didn't... .
Gulf hung his head to sign, this was pure frustration. However, he didn't know if he was ready to hear what mew has been trying to tell him for the 8 years.
Even though it had been that long, gulf was still shaken up that mew would actually do that and with his secretary, when gulf was doing everything he promised and it still wasent good enough.
Moving back, gulf eyed himself to sign.
I'm.... Still not ready to hear, I know, I'm only hurting myself with that but, right now, after everything we have gone through, he owes me for those 6 months, owes me for those 7 years we were separated, this situation...... He owes me.
Turning gulf went out to see his girls.
To the living room, they were to the floor with kla making something while his wife was to the couch rubbing her belly watching. Gulf then sat right next to her to watch with a small smile.
"Kla, you two have been here for a long time, you two can...."
"Wait wait wait, we are not done building this yet, after, yes girls we will have to go but...." Kla smiled has he helped them build.
They both sat criss cross to eye, there uncle was taking over the project.
"Alright kla, but you have to let them help."
"Yes uncle kla" hota interjected.
"Pleeeease," hinta exclaimed.
Kla laughed to then move closer.
His wife lightly chuckled, she then turned her head to eye gulf, he seemed oddly relaxed and slightly happy.
"So, may I ask. Where did you go?"
Gulf widen his eyes to look to her.
"Just..... Needed some me time."
She nodded for them both to look to kla.
"Well, it is about time gulf, you need to move on, so who are they?"
Gulfs eyes widen a bit more in shock.
"Why..... Do you think...."
"Well, me time usually means that, or you could have been doing something you enjoy, however...."
Kla turned his head to look to gulf.
"You came back wanting a shower, not that hard to place two pieces together. So who are they?" He whispered so the girls wouldn't hear.
Gulf peered his eyes to the girls to gulp.
"Your..... Um..... Wrong......kla.....I do think you two should be getting home now."
Kla lightly chuckled to then look to the girls.
"Just make sure your being safe and take things slow, that is all I'm saying, you do deserve it gulf."
His wife giggled a bit to the couch to then get up, gulf stood to help, kla did the same.
"Mmm, honey, can you get my coat, when though this was fun, we do need to go, need to rest before the big day, it's any day now "
He nodded to then rush.
Hinta and hota turned to eye trying to place the pieces together.
Watching him run off she then looked to gulf.
"Has kla said just be careful, being with your ex is a very dangerous thing gulf. Think of your girls. Just know with this, someone is bound to get hurt." She whispered.
Gulfs eyes widen in surprise.
"What are you....."
"I've been around him while pregnant gulf, my nose can smell his cologne, just be careful and remember to call us any time for, your "me" time."
Gulf shuttered a bit.
"Please don't tell the girls or my brother."
Kla came back to eye them.
"Don't tell me what?"
They looked to him, she then turned for him to place on her coat, she eyed gulf to smile.
He eyed her with worry.
"Just these first few months are going to be the hardest, just need to find time to breathe."
Kla smiled to round eyeing them .
"Gulf, I knew that, I've read every baby book imaginable, but think you for the warning. Now hinta, hota, we have to get going."
They both turned there heads to look.
"Bye uncle, love you," they said in unsion.
Then they looked to the project becoming a bit fustrated.
Kla went forward to wrap his arms about.
"Just be careful. You deserve this gulf."
Gulfs eyes darted to then look to her, she nodded.
Kla stepped back to then leave with his wife.
Gulf took a deep breathe to exhale relieved.
This is a mess...... However, you are creating it, can't believe she knows a bit that I'm being with....
Signing, gulf turned to eye the girls.
"Okay girls it's late, let's finish this tomorrow, and I will help."
They both got up.
"Aaaw!" They whined in unison.
"I know, I'm a mean daddy but you two have school tomorrow, come on let's get ready for bed."
Going through there bedtime routine, hinta fell asleep first, gulf was to hota bed reading her a story, she eyed him with slits.
Gulf looked to her.
"Yes hota?"
"I...... Missed you, where did you go?"
Gulf closed the book.
"Needed to go to the office to get work done, I am very sorry."
She smiled to close her eyes.
"That's okay, I love you daddy. You and daddy mew, are the best ever."
Gulf smiled.
"You and your sister are the best twins ever. I love the two of you very much, so does he."
"Mmm, daddy?"
"This.... Weekend, can we..... All spend time to daddy mews? Together? Please...... All this time I'm having with my sister, I have really missed, so please....."
Gulf took a deep inhale.
"We will see, I'll talk to him about that, but for now my little princess, you need to be like your sister and fall asleep."
Hota nodded to turn to her side.
"Good night daddy."
Gulf brought his hand up to stroke her head.
"Good night princess, I'll see you tomorrow."
Getting up, he placed the book down to go to the door, to eye his sleeping princesses. No matter what was going on between mew and him, this was the best decision of his life, even though raising them was trying at times, they made his life whole.
Closing the door, gulf smiled, he then started to chuckled has he started his bedtime routine, gulf started to think of the day him and mew went to the surrogacy, instead of the fact kla's wife knew about what he was doing, or at least to the point, so for right now he just needed to think of something nice and that day was the most wild for the two.

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