start of our family, with doubts

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Leaning back, mew looked down to shut the camera off, to then place it to the near by table to then go back to gulf to sit to the side, be placed a hand to his head, to look down at hota and hinta sleeping in Gulfs arms.
He took a deep breathe in.
Gulfs eyes darted to then look to mew.
"Mew.... Can't you.... Be happy?"
He looked to gulf.
"I am happy gulf just......"
Peering his eyes to the side, mew then got up to gather his phone to eye.
Gulf looked to him.
"Who.... Is that?"
"My secretary..... Told him I took the day off, since this was the first day of bringing our twins home."
Gulfs eyes widen.
"You.... Told him you have kids, what about what your...."
Mew turned to eye gulf.
"No..... Said I just needed a day off, couldn't tell him or anyone else the truth, because of what I agreed with my father so I can, stay at the company, since we need the money."
Mew eyed the twins to grit his teeth.
Gulf looked to them.
"It'll.... All be alright mew..... Yourll see..... This was the best decision....I know we're a bit young for this but.....I know we can do this."
Gulf looked to mew.
"I promise mew, I have this. Took my maternity leave so I can do everything like I said. Please mew..... Don't worry yourself."
Mew looked to his phone.
"I..... Need to go....." He pouted.
Both looking to hota, she started to cry.
"Before you leave can you...."
Mew texted quick.
Mew: should be there soon.
Placing his phone to his back pocket, he then went to gulf to grab hota to sway, looking at her with a smile.
Gulf looked to them with a wide grin, getting up, he placed hinta, who was still asleep to the crib, to then turn, looking about he didn't know where mew went.
Leaving, gulf looked down the hall, hearing hota still crying, he followed.
To the kitchen, mew had his back to the sink, placing a bottle to her mouth, swaying her back and forth to sing a lullaby.
Gulf stayed back to watch, love filled him.
Stepping to them, gulf placed his hand to the lower part of mews back to look over hota.
"You..... Are going to make a wonderful father mew."
Mew looked to gulf, he looked back.
"I.... Hope so..."
Before he could lay his lips to Gulfs, he signed, he felt his phone vibrate.
Moving his head back, he turned to give hota to gulf.
He softly cradle her, to keep feeding.
Mew placed his hand to his head, they looked to another.
"I have to go.....or that secretary of mine won't stop messaging me, gulf.... Are you sure you...."
He nodded.
"I'm sure. Do not worry yourself."
Mew took his hand away, to look to hota. Nodding, he went about gulf to go to the cloest to gather his shoes and jacket.
Gulf stood there, looking to the floor a bit dazed.
He didn't like that even though they agreed, to no secretaries, even a male secretary, mew went to work everyday with one, it set him on edge.
Gulf took a deep breathe in.
Trust your husband gulf, he may have cheated on Santi with you, but..... Hopefully the past will not repeat itself. You also for 4 months went to his office, and did.....
Gulf took a deep breathe in to cradle hota a bit closer.
Turning, he saw, mew with his jacket on about to leave, hand to the door handle. He then rushed to him.
He stopped to turn to eye, gulf gulped to step closer.
"I love you."
Mew smiled, he let the door handle go to then step to gulf to place a hand to his cheek to caress, there eyes darted.
"I love you too. Can you..... Really handle everything while I work? It doesn't have to be...."
Gulf shrugged.
"I got this mew. I swear. This year......has been.... Hectic..... You were pulled out of school, couldn't graduate, you then have to go to work for your father's company while he is in the hospital recovering over his heart attack, you giving up becoming a massage therapist, I know that was your dream, now we have these two little precious Angels and this new condo, which has to be paid off. I can't work for 6 weeks, so This is the least I can do, for you and our family. I made a promise to you mew, I'm going to honor it, I really do have this, so Please... Don't worry yourself. I love you, so very much."
Mew took a deep breathe to then move his head close to Gulfs to place his lips to his.
It began slow, then has it started to intensify, hota squirmed.
Moving back they both looked to her, to chuckle, it looked like she was giving them the evil eye.
Gulf then stepped back to turn, he went to the living room to place the empty bottle down to then rock hota back and forth, staring at her.
"Oh don't give me that look, daddy loves you too little hota."
She then squirmed to coo.
Mew looked them over to sign, he felt his phone go off again.
Gulf turned to eye.
"Pace and take care of yourself."
Gulf nodded.
"Same to you mew. And...... Stay away from that secretary."
Mew rolled his eyes to turn.
"So possesive, so jealous. I only have eyes on my adoring wife. Be back when I can."
Watching him leave, gulf took a deep breathe in to sign loudly, he then looked to hota.
Your..... Daddy has given up a lot for this family. Is sacrificing so much.....I need to make sure I cook, clean and take care of you two and him. I need not to worry over myself.
Gulf then looked to the back of the door.
He....... Wouldn't with that..... Secretary..... Would he? Mew.... Might not see what I've been seeing over these past 4 months, with how close that secretary is trying to be with him but..... Would he...... Cheat on me..... He did on Santi with me..... So.....
Gulf took a deep breathe to turn his head, he heard hinta start to cry.
He then looked back to hota who fell back to sleep.
No gulf, he wouldn't.......mew loves me..... Made me his husband and we have a family now together..... Even though we are a bit young, mew..... Just wouldn't.... Would he?
Taking a long deep breathe in, he turned to go to hinta.
Just Take care of your home, the girls and him, everything will be just fine, he is yours, not anyone elses.
Going to hinta gulf wasent so sure, for that week, before they got the girls, they had already became a bit distant, mew working very hard to pay for everything and working un normal hours, plus that secretary kept texting or calling him to the office at odd hours.
Going to the room, he placed hota down to gather hinta to place his gaze to her.
Could he..... Be cheating?
Gulf gritted his teeth.
Don't...... Just be a good husband.... Take care of your family.....
Turning, gulf did just that, for in the back of his mind, he was starting to worry.

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