apologize extensively

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Slowly opening his eyes, gulf was to the couch, to his back, to take a long deep breathe in, to let it out noisly. He had been dreaming of the past again.
Getting up, he hunched himself over, to grip the edge, to turn his head to the side.
He was such a...... Cold hearted bastard! Those two.....had to have gotten into an affair type situation in those months, he was with him more then he was with me and the girls.
Getting up, he stomped to the bathroom to open his medicine cabinet to grab his pill bottle to eye. He gulped.
Four days ago, he told you..... To use him instead of taking your...... But after all I have dreamt about, everything I seem to recall...... Can I....... Use him instead of taking these pills..... After everything that has happened, this is not.....
Gulf signed.
To his condo, late at night,mew was to the kitchen table, head in his hand, looking to the girls, who waited till the day off, there break to be over, to complete there homework.
"You two..... Need to take more responsibility."
They both looked to him, hota shrugged, hinta stuck her tongue out playfully, they both then went back to work.
Mew leaned back, to wrap his arms around his chest to chuckle.
Turning his head, he looked down, to grab his cell that started to vibrate in his pants, he pulled it to his ear.
"It's..... Sunday mew....... Can you...... At our hotel..... Within the hour?"
Mew smirked.
"Should be able to. See you soon."
Gulf then hung the phone up, to toss his cell to the chair, to sign and heavily, to the edge of the bed, he placed his hands over his eyes to rub.
Arranging some things, mew was still to his condo, placing on his jacket and shoes, back to his mother, she eyed him then the girls who were still to the table working on there homework.
Then she looked right back to him.
"So...... Is this about work?"
Mew took a deep breathe in, to turn, without expression to his mother.
Her eyes narrowed.
"Or is it....... Personal? If so, that is sick, you are divorced from that...."
Mew took a step forward to tower over his mother a bit. She gulped.
"Watch what you say, you do not have to be here. Those girls do not need you in there lives, you being here is a privilege. So..... Do not speak ill of my ex, he is the father to those girls and a remarkable human being. I'll be home late. If I do not come back, take them to school."
Mew then turned to slam the door a bit.
She watched to grit her teeth, signing she went to the girls a bit shaken.
Going to the hotel, mew was fuming a bit, he couldn't believe his mother.
Sliding the card key in, he went in, to stand in the middle of the room, looking about a bit confused, he turned to see gulf come out of the shower, with only a towel on.
His heart escalated.
Gulf looked to him to gulp then eyed the bouquet of flowers.
Taking a deep breathe in, he sauntered over, eyes still to them, to stand before him.
"What are these....."
Mew held them out.
"For you....... Since..... Last time....I haven't taken my depressants...... I've actually..... Been happier....."
Gulf gritted his teeth to grab the bouquet, to then throw to the chair, eyeing them. Mew looked him. Over, breathing deep.
"Well..... Good for you....Everything always works out for... I've..... Had a bad 4 days...."
Thinking of you and our past, remembering things I do not care to think about, also I've had to dodge my boss a bit, I can tell he is wanting to ask me out, I just......
Gulf took a deep breathe, to turn his head to eye mew.
He stepped forward.
"Take...... Your jacket and shoes off."
Mew did just that, shoes first, one by one, to then take his hands to his jacket to pull, it fell to the floor, they kept there eyes to the other.
Gulf took a deep shaikly breathe in, to take his hand up, to wrap it around his tie, to then pull him a bit down.
"I...... Want you..... To say your sorry......"
Mew took a deep breathe.
"I'm..... Sorry...."
Gulf looked him over, to then go to the side, to pull him, turning about, gulf walked backwards, to then hit the edge of the bed.
"I'm sorry....."
Gulf then let go of his tie, to go to his buttoned white shirt, to rip it open.
They both breathed heavily.
Gulf then took his hands to his pants, stepping a little closer, eyes locked to his.
He then unbuttoned to unzip.
"I'm sorry gulf...... I'm sorry..... So sorry......"
Gulf then took his hand back up, to wrap it around his tie, to pull him to his lips.
The kiss started out slow, then the pace quickened.
Gulf then. Took a hand down, to un do his towel, it fell to the floor.
Gulf then pulled mew to the bed to hover.
They kissed frantically.
Mew took his hands to his shirt to take it away, to throw it to the side, he took his hand down to take off his pants and boxers to do the same.
Parting from there kiss, mew spat in his hand to lube his member, gulf kept his eyes to his head, to gulp.
"Say it.... Again!"
Mew then placed his cock, slowly in, to grab Gulfs hands, to pin them to either side of his head, he thrusted himself fully in and out, looking down at gulf.
There eyes darted.
"I'm sorry gulf......I am so so so..... Very sorry.......I lo....."
Gulf eyes widen, to un twist one hand to place it to his mouth.
Mew gulped to stop thrusting.
"Don't you fucking dare mew! Don't say anything else but sorry! I want nothing else to come out of your mouth but that! Now...... Fuck me! You owe me!"
Mew took a deep breathe, to grab Gulfs hand to place it back to the side of his head, to start thrusting again.
He then went to his neck, his body went up and down with the friction, gulf turned his head to eye the wall, moaning.
"Just..... Sex? Using me?"
Gulf signed.
"What did I just.....nnn......"
Mew then went to his ear.
"I'm sorry....... So sorry......"
Gulf then wrapped his legs about to feel the pace start to quicken.
"Girls..... Being watched?"
Mew nodded to go to his ear to nip.
Gulfs body shuttered.
"Aaaah God.......your....so deep......mmm.....nnn..... Can't.... Can't......"
Gulf tensed to release, feeling the muscles inside of Gulfs cavity contract themselves mew couldn't help but come.
Gulf took a deep breathe. Gulping, he un twisted his wrists, to then take his hands to mews chest, to push him off, he then turned to go to the edge to gather his clothes.
Mew looked him over, has he laid to his side.
"So...... Something been..... Plauging my mind..... Did you.... Start to take those depressants..... Because..... You and him..... Stopped..... Seeing the other?"
Mews eyes widen, moving about, he pulled gulf, to his stomach, placing him straight, to go forth to take away his shirt he was clutching, to throw, he then kneeled behind, to placed himself back in.
Gulf moved his upper body up, to grip the bedding, to lift his head up to moan.
"Ah god! I.....mmm..... Didn't say we could.....aah again....."
Mew then went forth a bit, to grip his hair, pulling him a bit, to go to his ear, to then really give it to him. Gulf bit into his bottom lip, losing himself to the pleasure.
"I took them...... Because I lost you...... And those girls...... Over my...... Stupidity....."
He then placed his hand to his neck, to turn a bit, to place his lips to his, to swirl his hot tongue around Gulfs. They both played a rythmic dance inside there mouths and the air.
Moving his hands up, gulf was about to move mew down to his back, to then get on top of him to straddle, he looked down to eye, he squeezed at his pectorals, to really grind.
Mew then took a hand to his nipple to caress sensually, the other went to his cock to stroke.
Gulf moaned heavily.
"Bull..... Shit! Mmm..... Didn't I say.... Nothing out of your.... Mouth but....."
Taking his hand full his nipple, mew brought it up to the back of his head, to pull him. Down, an inch away from his mouth.
"I'm.... Sorry gulf...... So sorry......" Mew chocked up.
He then pulled gulf back to his lips.
They crushed then together, tears went down both there faces.
After, gulf accidentally fell asleep over there passionate rounds, to his side, mew looked to him, eyeing his face that was turned to him, asleep to his stomach, sleeping peacefully and angelically.
Mew took a deep breathe to then place his hand to his cheek to caress a bit.
Gulf twitched, furrowed his eye brows, but didn't wake, his face then fell smoothly.
"Mmm..... Mew.......I......love......mmm..... You.....bastard.....cheat......er" his body twitched a bit.
His hands then twitched to grab the bedding, to then take a deep breathe.
Mew gulped, tears started to go down again.
Taking a deep breathe, he got up, to then get off the bed, to dress. Fully dressed, he turned to eye gulf, sleeping.
"I...... Love you gulf.....I never have stopped.... Just...... Lost my way...... For a moment...... In that moment.....I lost it all.....I.... Truly am sorry......"
Turning he then left, gulf took a deep breathe, he didn't hear a thing.
To the bar, mew texted his mother to stay the night, he then downed 3 shots at once feeling miserable.
Taking a deep breathe, he closed his eyes, to remember the last time he drank at a bar. He remembered it wasent with gulf but that secretary, the one who destroyed his life.

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