Chapter 44: Zoran's Fear

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Ray's POV

It was early in the morning when I woke up in my room. I woke up suddenly due to the sudden cold breeze I felt coming through my window. As I went to shut it, I noticed that it was brighter than normal outside. I opened the curtains and looked outside to see why it was so bright out. Looking out my balcony, I saw that the entire castle had been covered in snow during the night. Snow! I excitedly thought to myself. I went to go grab a warmer robe before stepping onto my balcony. The snow was light and fluffy, the perfect kind to make a snowman or have a snowball fight. I then remembered what I was supposed to do that day today, Oh crap! I'm supposed to go out into the castle town and give food and blankets to those in need!

I quickly got up to get dressed by myself. I put on a thick winter dress that was light blue and a heavy winter coat. After I left my room I was stopped by my maids, "Oh your majesty! We weren't expecting you to be up this early!" they exclaimed

"It's totally fine. But will you please inform the stables that I would like to leave in about ten minutes? I want to grab a cup of coffee first,"

"Yes of course. But my lady, none of the others are awake yet. Don't you want to wait for them? King Zoran wouldn't want you going out in this weather alone,"

I thought for a moment before responding, "You're right. Please also tell Justin to get up and get ready. Then if Zoran asks you can say that Justin is with me,"

They nodded before heading off to do what I had just asked them to do. I found my way down to the kitchens where at this point the staff were used to seeing me down there. It had become common knowledge that I would occasionally come down there to cook dinner for everyone or just make myself a cup of coffee. That way the staff could get a break. They all nodded at me. As I was waiting for the water to heat up, I headed over to the head chef, "What are we making today?"

"Today, your highness, we are having eggs, bacon, fresh-cut fruit, pancakes, and some hot chocolate to celebrate the first snow of the season,"

"Oh, that sounds delicious and smells amazing! Make sure to save me some,"

"Of course. Would you like a to-go cup instead of a mug today?"

"Ah, you know me too well. Can I have two of those cups? I'm 99.9 per cent sure that Captain Justin is going to want some coffee as well,"

The chef nodded and passed me the two cup. I looked and saw that Justin's had some cream and sugar added to it. I smiled as I filled the cups. On my way out I bid the kitchen staff a good day and made a mental note to give them all something special when Christmas time came around.

As soon as I got outside I saw a very grumpy Justin waiting by the carriage. He folded his arms as I approached him, "Why on earth did you need me to get up this early?"

I smiled and handed him his coffee which he tanked me for, "Because we need to go into town and distribute the food and blankets to those in need. Remember I was supposed to go today anyway but the unexpected snow made me speed up my time table,"

"Ok, that part I get. But why me? Why not your boyfriend who could've easily gotten up and gone with you. It's not like he'd say no to you,"

"I want to get him this cloak pin I saw in town the other day and I want to surprise him with it. That's why you have to come with me,"

Justin rolled his eyes as we got in the carriage and headed off into town, "Didn't you surprise him last week with a day ride and picnic? Why get him a cloak pin? Is it your anniversary or something?"

"No. That's not till the spring. It's just that I noticed the other day that he seems worried and like there's something wrong. I'm not really sure what it is but it's making me worried," I sighed

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