Chapter 5: The Valiant and The Just

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Anna's POV

I was in darkness. I tried to move but couldn't. I couldn't see or hear anything either. It was just plain darkness. I thought back to what was the last thing that had happened, the last thing I remember was riding through the woods, then... Oh shit. I'm dead, aren't I? Fuck! Wait no, I can't be. If I'm dead then I wouldn't be able to think, right? Purgatory? No. I would be a ghost. So then where am I? What is going on? Then I heard a soft voice.

"Anna... Anna..." something was calling to me. I tried to reply but for some reason, I couldn't. I still was unable to move or see. All of a sudden there was great white light. I'm too young to go to heaven! I've got so much left to do! Stay away from the light! Stay away... were my first thoughts but the light kept coming closer and closer and then...

I gasped and then coughed up some water. I could breathe, move, hear, and see again. I patted my body and face to make sure I was actually alive and not some sort of ghost. I had never been so happy in my life. I took a few huge breaths in and out. Then I looked around me to see where I was. I was lying down on a shore and there was a river to my left. My clothes and hair were soaked. I sat up so I could see what was around me better. The first thing I saw was a girl, who looked to be around my age, sitting on a rock. She had brown hair, light skin, and big bright blue eyes. I was about to back up and look for a weapon, but she was smiling and waving at me.

"Hello, Anna. I'm glad that trick worked otherwise you'd be actually dead. And that would have been really really bad," said the mysterious girl as she got up and walked towards me.

"Uh... who are you? What trick? What do you mean dead? Where's Zoran and the others? What's going on? Actually no, first answer how you know my name," I rapidly asked her these questions

She laughed "I guessed you might have a lot of questions. Let's start with the easy one. Hi, I'm Lucy,"

"Lucy? As in Lucy Pevensie?" I asked bewildered. I was stunned because I didn't think she was real. But I guess it makes sense since Narnia is real and all. I shouldn't be surprised at anything at this point, I thought as I tilted my head in confusion.

"The one and only," she said with a grin. "But before you ask, yes I am dead. You aren't but I am. It's like I'm a spirit or something. Aslan has yet to give it a name. He's not one for naming things or being perfectly clear," she shrugged.

"Ok but--" I was cut off by her giving me a 'be quiet look'. So I folded my arms and looked at her. She gestured for me to sit on a nearby rock, I took a seat and nodded for her to continue.

"Now I'm going to explain some things and you are going to sit there and listen. That means no questions in between. Otherwise, this will take forever and we don't have that. Are we clear?"


"So I don't know how much you know. But I'll just start at the beginning. So there's a war going on. The rightful leader, Princess Ariana Bell has been kicked out and overthrown by her older brother, Prince Adam Bell. He's done some pretty bad stuff. It's gotten a lot worse than we thought it would which is why Ariana needs help. That's why you are here. You see there's this thing called The Connection. The four King and Queens of Old all have a connection to the new generation. The Children of New is what we're calling you all at the moment. Each of us handpicked a person we see ourselves in. We could've picked anyone on earth and I picked you. Basically, that means you're the 'new me'. Which is why I'm here talking to you. Plus, I just couldn't let you die. And umm... Yeah... that's pretty much it. In summary, you're here answering Ariana's call for help," She looked over her shoulder, "I sure do miss this place," she said with a sad smile.

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